便捷的湯匙袋為收集干燥的樣品提供了一個簡單實用的方法,。18盎司(532毫升)的無菌袋,一次性約1茶匙塑料勺子,。 簡單便捷的操作zui大限度地減少收集樣品時受到的污染,。它非常適合干的產(chǎn)品,粉末狀和其他類似材料,。包裝:100個每盒,。
For an easy way to collect a sample of a dry product, try the new Whirl-Pak® Spoon Bag. An 18-oz. (532 ml) write-on bag contains a sterile, disposable plastic spoon of approximay 1 tsp. (teaspoon) capacity. Minimize possible contamination by opening only one package instead of two when collecting the sample. It is ideal for a wide range of dry products, powders, and other similar materials. Box of 100.