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SnapFast VectorsSigma-Aldrich 代謝組學克隆和表達

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  • 上海輔澤商貿(mào)有限公司
  • 2018-07-24 10:54:06
  • 上海市
  • Sigma-Aldrich
  • 1194



品牌 Sigma-Aldrich 貨號 SnapFast? Vectors克隆和表達
規(guī)格 基因組編輯工具 供貨周期 一周
主要用途 代謝組學
繼ZFN(Zinc Finger Nucleases)技術(shù)后,,Merck在2013年推出新一代基因組編輯工具--CRISPR/Cas9,讓研究人員以更快,、更經(jīng)濟的方式實現(xiàn)基因組特定位點的編輯,。




繼ZFN(Zinc Finger Nucleases)技術(shù)后,Merck在2013年推出新一代基因組編輯工具--CRISPR/Cas9,,讓研究人員以更快,、更經(jīng)濟的方式實現(xiàn)基因組特定位點的編輯。憑借過去10年在基因組編輯領(lǐng)域的豐富經(jīng)驗積累以及專業(yè)的生物信息學平臺,,Merck已經(jīng)成功設(shè)計出覆蓋人類,,小鼠和大鼠三個物種的所有基因的CRISPR/Cas9載體,并可以提供在線定制服務,,以及完整的CRISPR實驗workflow解決方案,。此外,默克與Sanger Institute合作開發(fā)了人,、小鼠全基因組CRISPR 文庫,,以幫助科學家實現(xiàn)基因功能的快速篩選、規(guī)?;哪P徒⒁约八幬镒饔煤Y選等,。

  • 高效:優(yōu)化的載體設(shè)計,大限度提高轉(zhuǎn)染效率,,簡化篩選工作
  • 特異:特殊的gRNA設(shè)計和雙切口酶系統(tǒng),,大限度提高特異性
  • 全面:產(chǎn)品齊全,可提供質(zhì)粒,、RNA,、慢病毒載體、RNP等形式,,涵蓋人,、大鼠、小鼠,、植物等多個物種,,更有Sanger Arrayed和Broad Pools全基因組文庫以及重要通路的亞文庫
  • 掌控:強大的慢病毒全基因組文庫可輕松進行高通量篩選,,全面掌控人或小鼠的基因組


• CRISPR/Cas gRNA設(shè)計和選擇
• crRNA定制合成
• 克隆和表達
• 抗生素
• GenElute™質(zhì)粒DNA快速提取kit
• PCR擴增和核酸電泳
• SP6/T7 體外轉(zhuǎn)錄試劑盒
• GenElute™總RNA提取試劑盒
• 慢病毒包裝系統(tǒng)
• 培養(yǎng)皿/離心管/槍頭等基礎(chǔ)耗材
Molecular Biology

Cloning & Expression


The aim of molecular cloning is to insert the gene-of-interest (GOI) into a plasmid vector. This vector is then inserted into a cell that will express the protein encoded by the GOI. Once protein is expressed, the protein function can be studied as it affects the cell signaling, morphology or other aspects. Alternatively, the protein can be expressed in large quantities that can then be studied directly with other techniques. We have a wide variety of products for use across the cloning & expression workflow.

expression workflow.


Cloning Products
• SnapFast™ Vectors
• Cloning Enzymes
• Restriction Enzymes
• Biomatrica™ Nucleic Acid Stabilization
• Custom DNA Oligos
Special Offer

Standardized Cloning Vectors using SnapFast™ Technology


Traditional cloning by restriction enzyme digestion remains the most popular way to insert your gene-of-interest (GOI) into an expression vector for expression in the target cell, whether that is an insect, mammalian, or microbial cell. This cloning method is easy, reliable, and cost-conscious, but lacks standardization due to labs using a variety of different plasmid backbones.

To answer the need of standardization, Oxford Genetics uses patented SnapFast™ Technology to make genetic engineering cheaper and more efficient by providing scientists with a collection of versatile cloning vectors, and a protocol to easily move the GOI from one vector to another. The vectors can be used with any cloning system you like: traditional restriction enzyme cloning, Gibson Assembly®, LIC, GeneArt®, and InfusionHD.

The concept is simple: One plasmid, a thousand possibilities. All of the DNA plasmids are based on the same core backbone - the SnapFast vector.  All of the DNA sections or components within the SnapFast system are designed to be fully inter-changeable, so you can move your GOI from one vector to another with ease. You can express your gene with a different reporter gene, with a different tag, or in a different species by simply moving the GOI into a different vector, using the SnapFast cutting sites in one fast & easy protocol.

Our most popular cloning vectors and vector sets are listed below, but the collection gives you choice of:

  • 26 peptide tags
  • 9 reporter genes
  • >20 signal peptides
  • >40 promoters
  • 10 selection markers

Browse hundreds of options easily using our NEW SELECTION GUIDE or ENHANCED SEARCHING.


Plasmid Product NameProduct No.Application
NEW SnapFast™ Vectors based on the most popular pFLAG Vectors
pSF-CMV-NEO-NH2-PPT-3XFLAGOGS626CMV promoter with strong expression
pSF-CMV-NEO-NH2-3XFLAGOGS627CMV promoter with strong expression
pSF-CMV-NEO-COOH-3XFLAGOGS629CMV promoter with strong expression
Most Popular Bacterial Reporter Genes
pSF-OXB20-BetaGalOGS207RecA promoter driving b-galactosidase
pSF-OXB20-FlucOGS412OXB20 promoter driving firefly luciferase
Most Popular Bacterial Promoters
pSF-OXB20OGS50OXB20 promoter (strongest expression)
pSF-OXB1OGS553OXB1 promoter (weakest expression)
pSF-TacOGS501Tac promoter (IPTG inducible expression)
pSF-LacIOGS502LacI promoter (regulated expression)
Most Popular Mammalian Reporter Genes
pSF-MINCMV-DAGFPOGS573Minimal CMV promoter for low expression
pSF-CMV-FMDV-daGFPOGS289Dual promoters driving IRES daGFP
pSF-CMV-RSV-SEAP AscIOGS17Dual promoters driving SEAP
Most Popular Mammalian Promoters
pSF-SYN1OGS503Synapsin 1 neuron-specific promoter
pSF-CAG-AMPOGS504CAG promoter strong and stable expression
pSF-CMV-AMPOGS2CMV promoter strongest expression
pSF-CAG-UB-PUROOGS600CAG promoter strong and stable expression
pSF-CMV-KanOGS10CMV promoter (strongest expression)
pSF-CAG-KanOGS505Synthetic CAG promoter (strong and stable expression)
pSF-EF1 AlphaOGS43EF1a promoter (moderate but stable expression)
Most Popular Mammalian Selection Markers
pSF-CMV-PGK-PuroOGS394Dual promoter for expressing two genes (puromycin)
pSF-CMV-FMDV-HygroOGS292Dual promoter expressing one gene (hygromycin)
pSF-CMV-BlastOGS588CMV promoter (blasticidin)
pSF-CMV-Ub-Neo/G418 AscIOGS22Dual promoter expressing one gene (G418)
Most Popular Mammalian Protein Tags
pSF-?CMV-?PURO-?NH2-?GST-?TEVOGS1129N-term GST tag & TEV cleavage tag
pSF-?CMV-?PURO-?COOH-?TEV-?GSTOGS1130C-term GST tag & TEV cleavage tag
pSF-?CMV-?PURO-?NH2-?CMYCOGS3214N-term C-myc tag
pSF-CMV-Puro-COOH-TEV-FLAG®-6HisOGS1232C-term FLAG®, 6His affinity tags & TEV cleavage tag
Most Popular Bacterial Protein Tags
pSF-OXB20-NH2-10His-EKTOGS2806N-term 10His affinity tag & EKT cleavage tag
pSF-OXB20-NH2-FLAG(R)-6His-EKTOGS2828N-term FLAG®, 6His affinity tags & EKT cleavage tag
pSF-OXB20-COOH-TEV-10HisOGS2767C-term 10His affinity tag & TEV cleavage tag
pSF-OXB20-COOH-TEV-FLAG(R)-6HisOGS2891C-term FLAG®, 6His affinity tags & TEV cleavage tag
Most Popular Yeast Protein Tags
pSF-TEF1-NH2-10His-EKTOGS1649N-term 10His affinity tag & EKT cleavage tag
pSF-TEF1-NH2-FLAG®-6His-EKTOGS1658N-term FLAG®, 6His affinity tags & EKT cleavage tag
pSF-TEF1-COOH-TEV-10HisOGS1913C-term 10His affinity tag & TEV cleavage tag
pSF-TEF1-COOH-TEV-FLAG®-6HisOGS1969C-term FLAG®, 6His affinity tags & TEV cleavage tag
Other Popular Plasmids
pSF-CMV-CREOGS591CRE recombinase for LoxP excision
PUC19OGS590industry standard high copy number cloning vector
PBR322OGS589industry standard low copy number cloning vector
pSF-RENILLA-PHOTINUSOGS595bidrectional expression of two luciferase reporters
pSF-CMV-HUIGG1 HCOGS527seamless fusion of variable antibody fragments
pSF-TEFI-TPI1-Fluc-URA3OGS545Yeast promoter driving firefly luciferase (plus URA3 selection)
pSF-CMV-CMV-SbfI-Ub-PuroOGS597Dual CMV promoters for expressing two genes
Popular Plasmid Sets
Mammalian Signal Peptide PackPP2379Eight plasmids to optimize signal peptide use
Yeast Promoter Vector PackPP2357Five plasmids to optimize expression based on promoter strength
GFP Vector PackPP2368Five plasmids to optimize the configuration of the GFP reporter gene
Mammalian Promoters PackPP2356Six plasmids to optimize expression based on promoter strength


GeneArt is owned by Life Technologies.
Gibson Assembly is owned by Synthetic Genomics.
SnapFast is owned by Oxford Genetics.


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