在Whirl-Pak® 無菌袋上做標記或這在其他塑料制品袋子上面做標記,這種*的防水的標記筆是的選擇了,。筆尖書寫順暢流利,,而且還有回形夾子可以很方便的別在衣服上。*性黑色標記筆單獨銷售,。12支/盒,。上海瑞億儀器有限公司
For marking on Whirl-Pak® bags without a write-on strip, and many other plastic products, this permanent, waterproof marking pen is ideal. It has a fine point so numbers and letters can be written easily; it also has a clip so it can be attached to clothing. These indelible black ink pens are sold individually or in a box of 12.