Cr + Mo + Ni = 0.63 |
C | Si | Mn | Ni | P | S | Cr | Mo |
0.32 - 0.39 | max 0.4 | 0.5 - 0.8 | max 0.4 | max 0.03 | max 0.035 | max 0.4 | max 0.1 |
New opportunities for buyers!
Post free buying requirement of steel C35E (1.1181)
Mechanical properties of steel C35E (1.1181)
Nominal thickness (mm): | to 16 | 16 - 100 | 100 - 250 | 250 - 500 | 500 - 1000 |
Rm - Tensile strength (MPa) (+N) | 550 | 520 | 500 | 480 | 470 |
Nominal thickness (mm): | 0.3 - 3 |
Rm - Tensile strength (MPa) (+A) | 540 |
Nominal thickness (mm): | 0.3 - 3 |
Rm - Tensile strength (MPa) (+CR) | 930 |
Nominal thickness (mm): | 5 - 10 | 10 - 16 | 16 - 40 | 40 - 63 | 63 - 100 |
Rm - Tensile strength (MPa) (+C) | 650-1000 | 600-950 | 580-880 | 550-840 | 520-800 |
Nominal thickness (mm): | to 8 | 8 - 20 | 20 - 50 | 50 - 80 |
Rm - Tensile strength (MPa) (+QT) | 630 | 600 | 550 | 500 |
Nominal thickness (mm): | to 8 | 8 - 20 | 20 - 50 | 50 - 80 |
ReH - Minimum yield strength (MPa) (+QT) | 430 | 380 | 320 | 290 |
Nominal thickness(mm): | to 16 | 16 - 100 | 100 - 250 |
Re - Upper yield strength or Rp0.2 - 0.2% proof strength (MPa) (+N) | 300 | 270 | 245 |
Nominal thickness(mm): | 0.3 - 3 |
Rp0.2 0.2% proof strength (MPa) (+A) | 430 |
Nominal thickness(mm): | to 100 | 100 - 250 | 250 - 500 | 500 - 1000 |
Re - Upper yield strength (MPa) (+N) | 270 | 245 | 220 | 210 |
Nominal thickness(mm): | 5 - 10 | 10 - 16 | 16 - 40 | 40 - 63 | 63 - 100 |
Rp0.2 0.2% proof strength (MPa) (+C) | 510 | 420 | 320 | 300 | 270 |
KV - Impact energy (J) (+QT) | +20° 35 |
KV - Impact energy (J) (+N) | +20° 27 |
KV - Impact energy (J) transverse, (+QT) | +20° 22 |
A - Min. elongation at fracture (%) transverse, (+N) | 15 |
Nominal thickness (mm): | 5 - 10 | 10 - 16 | 16 - 40 | 40 - 63 | 63 - 100 |
A - Min. elongation at fracture (%) (+C) | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 9 |
Nominal thickness (mm): | to 8 | 8 - 20 | 20 - 50 | 50 - 80 |
A - Min. elongation at fracture (%) longitud., (+QT) | 17 | 19 | 20 | 20 |
A - Min. elongation at fracture (%) longitud., (+N) | 21 |
A - Min. elongation at fracture (%) longitud., (+A) | 22 |
Nominal thickness (mm): | to 16 | 16 - 100 | 100 - 250 |
A - Min. elongation Lo = 5,65 √ So (%) (+N) | 18 | 19 | 19 |
Brinell hardness (HBW): (+SH) | 154 - 207 |
Brinell hardness (HBW): (+A) | 183 |
Vickers hardness ( HV): (+CR) | 275 |
Vickers hardness ( HV): (+A) | 170 |
Properties of steel C35E (1.1181)
Weldability: It can be welded quite well without any precautions. Hardenability: Low hardenability; core quenching in water till a diameter of 12-15 mm; as far as bigger diameters are concerned, it hardens only till a certain depth, inversely proportional to diameter, like all nonalloy steels with medium-high carbon content. |
Equivalent grades of steel C35E (1.1181)
EU EN | USA - | Germany DIN,WNr | Japan JIS | France AFNOR | England BS | Italy UNI | Spain UNE | China GB | Sweden SS | Finland SFS | Russia GOST | Inter ISO | |||||||||||||||
C35E |
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