細胞凋亡檢測試劑盒(AP )
n 羅氏細胞檢測系列產(chǎn)品自問世以來,歷經(jīng)時間的考驗,,以其的品質(zhì)獲得了廣大業(yè)界用戶的支持和認可,,相關(guān)文獻達數(shù)千篇。
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Caspase 3 Activity Assay 12012952001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Caspase 3 Activity Assay 12012952001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:M30 CytoDEATH 12140349001
M30 CytoDEATH,Fluorescein 12156857001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Anti-Poly(ADP-Ribose)Polymerase(PARP) 11835238001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:M30 CytoDEATH 12140349001
M30 CytoDEATH,Fluorescein 12156857001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Anti-Poly(ADP-Ribose)Polymerase(PARP) 11835238001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Homogeneous Caspase Assay,fluorimetric
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,AP 11684809910
In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,POD 11684817910
In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,Fluorescein 11684795910
In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,TMR red 12156792910
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Cell Death Detection Elisa 11774425001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Apoptotic DNA Ladder Kit 11835246001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Annexin-V-FLUOS 11828681001
Annexin-V-FLUOS Staining Kit 11988549001
Annexin-V-Alexa 568
Annexin-V-Biotin 11828690001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Celluar DNA Fragmentation ELISA 11585045001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Homogeneous Caspase Assay,fluorimetric
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,AP 11684809910
In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,POD 11684817910
In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,Fluorescein 11684795910
In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit,TMR red 12156792910
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Cell Death Detection Elisa 11774425001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Apoptotic DNA Ladder Kit 11835246001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Annexin-V-FLUOS 11828681001
Annexin-V-FLUOS Staining Kit 11988549001
Annexin-V-Alexa 568
Annexin-V-Biotin 11828690001
產(chǎn)品名及貨號:Celluar DNA Fragmentation ELISA 11585045001
In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, AP
Kit for the detection and quantification of apoptotic cell death on a single-cell level by light microscopy in immunohistocytochemistry.
Catalog : 11684809910
Pack size:1 kit for up to 50 tests
Qualitative detection of apoptosis at the single-cell level by light microscopy.
- Sensitive: The maximum intensity of labeling (cell staining) of apoptotic cells is higher than the nick translation method
- Fast: The use of fluorescein-dUTP allows analysis of the samples directly after the TUNEL reaction, but before the addition of the secondary detection system
- Convenient: The direct labeling procedure using fluorescein-dUTP allows verification of the efficiency of the TUNEL reaction during the assay procedure
- Accurate: Identification of apoptosis at a molecular level (DNA-strand breaks) and identification of cells at the very early stages of apoptosis
- Flexible: No substrate included; provides the opportunity to select the staining procedure of choice
Product Description
Sample material: Cytospin and cell smear preparations, adherent cells grown on slides, and frozen and paraffin-embedded tissue sections.
Background Information
Widely used methods to determine apoptosis include the analysis of the genomic DNA by agarose-gel electrophoresis and DNA fragmentation assays based on 3H-thymidine and, alternatively, 5-Bromo-2'-deoxy-uridine. The methods involve the separation of fragmented, low molecular-weight DNA from unfragmented, high molecular-weight DNA in a given cell population. Thus, these methods do not provide information about the fate of an individual cell in a given cell population or, particularly, in tissue sections. Alternatively, individual apoptotic cells may be microscopically recognized because of the characteristic appearance of nuclear chromatin condensation and fragmentation, but this method is subjective and limited to a relatively narrow time window when the morphological changes are at a maximum.
The hallmark of apoptosis is DNA degradation, which in early stages is selective to the internucleosomal DNA linker regions. The DNA cleavage may yield double-stranded and single-stranded DNA breaks (nicks). Both types of breaks can be detected by labeling the free 3'-OH termini with modified nucleotides (e.g., biotin-dUTP, DIG-dUTP, fluorescein-dUTP) in an enzymatic reaction. The enzyme terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) catalyzes the template-independent polymerization of deoxyribonucleotides to the 3'-end of single- and double-stranded DNA. This method has also been termed TUNEL (TdT-mediated dUTP-X nick end labeling). Alternatively, free 3'-OH groups may be labeled using DNA polymerases by the template-dependent mechanism called nick translation. However, the TUNEL method is considered to be more sensitive and faster.
The hallmark of apoptosis is DNA degradation, which in early stages is selective to the internucleosomal DNA linker regions. The DNA cleavage may yield double-stranded and single-stranded DNA breaks (nicks). Both types of breaks can be detected by labeling the free 3'-OH termini with modified nucleotides (e.g., biotin-dUTP, DIG-dUTP, fluorescein-dUTP) in an enzymatic reaction. The enzyme terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) catalyzes the template-independent polymerization of deoxyribonucleotides to the 3'-end of single- and double-stranded DNA. This method has also been termed TUNEL (TdT-mediated dUTP-X nick end labeling). Alternatively, free 3'-OH groups may be labeled using DNA polymerases by the template-dependent mechanism called nick translation. However, the TUNEL method is considered to be more sensitive and faster.
- Enzyme Solution (TdT), 5 vials
- Label Solution (fluorescein-dUTP), 5 vials
- Converter AP (anti-fluorescein antibody-AP), ready-to-use
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