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手 機:
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德國Honsberg (豪斯派克)世界上zui大的小口徑流量計和流量開關生產(chǎn)商【用于鋼廠油潤滑站,、電廠磨煤機】
德國Ahlborn (愛爾邦)萬能數(shù)據(jù)采集—可連接任意已知傳感器
德國FSG 線性傳感器、角度傳感器,、角度變送器,、精密旋轉電位器
德國Erwin halder 全系列產(chǎn)品
Rexroth(力士樂) 【電磁閥,,放大器,伺服控制器,,伺服電機】
Sommer(索瑪) 【平行抓手,,卡盤,氣缸】
Atos(阿托斯) 【油壓傳動閥,,柱塞泵】
Fibro 【工件夾具,,旋轉裝置】
Phoenix(菲尼克斯) 【接線端子,,隔離放大器】
Baumer(寶盟) 【傳感器,,編碼器】
HBM 【傳感器,放大器】
Brinkmann(布曼) 【泵,,電機】
Balluff(巴魯夫) 【接近開關,,位移傳感器,光電傳感器】
Siemens(西門子) 【6DD,,6SY,,6SL模塊,液位計,,6AG】
Moog(穆格) 【伺服閥,,泵】
Hawe(哈威) 【單向閥,泵】
Parker(派克) 【閥門,,柱塞泵,,放大器,油缸】
KSB 【泵,,電機】
Lenord+Bauer(蘭寶) 【編碼器】
Kuebler(庫伯勒) 【編碼器】
DOPAG 【計量泵】
PMA 【溫控器】
VEM 【電機】
JUMO(久茂) 【傳感器,,水分儀】
Burster(布瑞斯特) 【傳感器,歐姆表,工件夾具】
Hydac(賀德克) 【壓力傳感器,, 溫度傳感器,, 濾芯】
Turck(圖爾克) 【接近開關,總線模塊,,壓力變送器】
B&R 【控制器 ,,總線模塊,工業(yè)PC】
Heidenhain(海德漢) 【編碼器,,光柵尺及其配件】
Suco(蘇克) 【壓力開關,,壓力變送器】
Beckhoff(倍福) 【總線模塊,工業(yè)PC】
Schunk(雄克) 【卡爪,,卡盤,,機械手,膨脹式】
burkert CRIMP CONTACT 28-22AWG BURKERT Nr.918767A
burkert 2031A 40.0EA VG
burkert 1939
burkert 221083
burkert 135443
burkert 221082
burkert 158463
burkert 136815
burkert 138134
burkert 149042
burkert 158463
burkert 221083
burkert 221082
burkert 1939
burkert 149042
burkert 136815
burkert 135443
burkert 138134
burkert MKEN1060 00701516
burkert MKEN1060 00701515
burkert 8635-C-E-EX-4-A-PG-GI-T-00-B-0-S*
burkert MKEN1060 00701515
burkert MKEN1060 00701516
burkert 668446
burkert 5--10bar 00428539
burkert 428539T W49LM
burkert 00442008 2031 A50??0 EA VG TG46 Pmed 7bar Pilot 5,5-7bar
burkert 00001399 2000A 32??0 PTFE VA G1 1/4 Pmed 16bar Pilot 1 9-10bar
burkert 6213EV??A??25??NBR??VA??G1??PN0??10bar??24V??DC??72/4w 00222192
burkert 165219
burkert 6014 C 2.0 FPM MS G1/4 P0bar DC24
burkert 448657 4-132USGH 800PSI 248F F126137
burkert 448657 4-132USGH 800PSI 248F F126137
burkert 501107
burkert Nr.00125367 dc24v 8w
burkert 5281_A_13.0_NBR_MS_G1/2_PN02~16bar_230V_50~60Hz8W_00134320
burkert 2301??Art Nr?? 00214064
burkert 8696??Art Nr??00227451
burkert UPVC diaphragm: DN65 00149296
burkert tuning fork level switch: 00555291
burkert UPVC Diaphragm: DN25 00141473
burkert 0290 A 12.0 EPDM MS G1/2 PN0-16BAR 24V AC/DC 80/6W 049050
burkert 0404-A-25.0-EF-024/DC-08/022592D
burkert MKEN-6014/704420
burkert 154680
burkert 141611
burkert 221850
burkert E290A625 65MM G2 1/2
burkert 2000 A 13.0 PIFE 00001130
burkert 178697
burkert 670696
burkert 772299
burkert tuning fork level switch: 00555291
burkert UPVC Diaphragm: DN25 00141473
burkert UPVC diaphragm: DN65 00149296
burkert FLOW:8020-FKM-PVDF HALL SHORT 12-36VDC OUT:OPENCOL NPN/PNP S/N 10047 00419587
burkert 6013 A 2.5 FPM MS G1/4 PN0-16bar 220-230V 50HZ 8W PN.81620429
burkert SE35-0000-0000-R3-A-F4-A-BON/DC-A
burkert 125542N/G1/2 407Magnetventil
burkert 2031-141575/8635
burkert 150311
burkert 134072N
burkert 426506
burkert 316L DN13
burkert 561230
burkert 561662
burkert 423958
burkert 428690
burkert 565601
burkert 560547
burkert 444799
burkert 917116
burkert 209082
burkert 136350
burkert BURKERT 00462532 DC24V
burkert 00046018 DC24V 1301-60.32
burkert 00042218 0330 C 4.0 NBR MS 24VDC 8W G1/4 PN0-5BAR
burkert 140828 DC24V
burkert 133759
burkert burbert 6213 A 20.O G1 0--10bar 220V
burkert 042319 (BURKERT)
burkert burbrt 8640 S/N11916 00708625
burkert burbrt 8640 S/N11953 00153708
burkert 179762 W26LP(00134317)
burkert 5470 C4.0(00133148)
burkert 6213EV (G3/4" 24V DC 10W)
burkert Burkert8630
burkert 6510C.2.5NBR 24V DC (00153807)
burkert 6213A 130 NBR MS 63/4 PN0-10bar 230V
burkert 6231EV A 13 EPDM VA G1/2 PN0-10bar/24V/DC10W
burkert 5281??DC24V DN40
burkert burkert:5281 G1/2 380VAC
burkert 6213A 13.0 00141199 G1/2 24VDC/0-10bar
burkert 6213 A25.0 NBR M5 G1 1/4" 230V PN0??10bar,00134683
burkert burkert:5281 G1/2 24VDC W76MA
burkert 6213EV A 13 EPDM VA G1/2 PN0-10bar/24V/DC10W
burkert 134240
burkert 225196
burkert 551764
burkert 788263
burkert 00155298.0330-E-03 0-FF-MS-NM82-024/DC-08 JF01+MS20+NL
burkert 1/4"OD*0.049"WALL THICKNESS length?? 20m
burkert DN40 00144302
burkert 555291
burkert DN65 00149296
burkert DN25 00141473
burkert flow meter: 00418762
burkert flow meter: DN25 561936
burkert 8225,No 418950H
burkert 501100
burkert Burkert 8035 flowmeter base, S030 00443369, DN20
burkert Burkert SS316 1-1/4" DC24 N.C 137150
burkert Burkert load cell ?8402-6050
burkert 179771 W27M8
burkert 1249
burkert 195306
burkert 43567
burkert 62346
burkert 50118
burkert Nr.00136348 TYP:0124;T 3.0;EPDM PD;G1/4;PN 0-4bar;24VDC;8W
burkert 5281 A 20.0 FPM MS G3/4 PN0.2~16bar 230V 50Hz BW 134352Y
burkert 0211 A 3.0 EF MS G1/8 PN0~10bar 230V 50Hz BW 123382L
burkert 41195
burkert 462527
burkert 134340
burkert 969138 Diaphragm DN40 PTFE/EPDM packed
burkert 6213EVA25NBRVAG1 PN0??10bar 24VDC 72/4w
burkert 6014 C 2.0 G1/8 24V 50HZ 125334
burkert 0331-D-03,0-AA-MS-FB02-24/DC-08 24993
burkert 0263A12.0 NBR MS 27881
burkert 2000-A-2-20,0-EE-RG-0000-B-D 162591
burkert VORSTEUERVENTIL MV 6106/126411 784121
burkert S020-SS-WELE-0-LET-DN50
burkert 8045-bc89-vaff-p8-a-f4-c-bdt/DC-A
burkert 00423913+00444023
burkert 0406 A 20.0 EG M5 G3/4 PN1-12bar 230V 50Hz 8W
burkert 0407 A 20.0 EG M5 G3/4 PN0-10bar 230V 50Hz 14W
burkert 0407 A 20.0 EG M5 G3/4 PN0-10bar 230V 50Hz 14W
burkert 0406 A 20.0 EG M5 G3/4 PN1-12bar 230V 50Hz 8W
burkert 5470 G 4.0 24V 2W 00143102
burkert 220V DN15????6213?A13.ONBR?MS??G1/2??PN0-10BAR?230V? 178902
burkert 133745
burkert 134373
burkert 6518-132464
burkert 2030-A-2-15,0-EA- PV-KM25-C-D
burkert SYST-0312-024VDC 7ST-7V/V-LED
burkert 2000 A 13.0 PTFE RG G1/2 Pmed 15bar pilot 4-10bar 00002198 W37l5
burkert NR.00137423
burkert 137423
burkert DN20 001 253
burkert Durchflussmesser 418778Q with S020 Stecker Typ W
burkert 506147
burkert 506147
burkert 281-A20,0-B-MS-G3/4"-24V
burkert 132465
burkert 132465
burkert 134522
burkert 00136348 (24V)
burkert 00136350 (220V)
burkert 00189519 with BASE
burkert 206 802
burkert 206 635
burkert 45024
burkert 134531
burkert 563779
burkert 226481
burkert 135443
burkert 48708
burkert 563779
burkert 65362
burkert 441247
burkert 1788625
burkert 783718
burkert 125304
burkert 41183
burkert 22787271
burkert 134593B (5404)
burkert 6011A(213817)
burkert 181014
burkert 8110 DC24V??316L??PNP??G3/4??DIN43650??;order number555291
burkert 8110 DC24V??316L??PNP??G3/4??DIN43650??;order number555291
burkert ID-NO 00444657
burkert S/N2366W41MG
burkert S/N2366W41MG
burkert ID-NO 00444657
burkert SE30 00423914
burkert 8023/FREE ADJUSTABLE 00550148
burkert 25250
burkert 126149
burkert 06ID-N08328 331A C2.0 NBR MSG1/4 DC24V NR.00068328
burkert 5281 G1 A25 NBR M5 8W24VDC
burkert 2610 8.0 PTFE MS??see the picture
burkert 560460 SENSOR,MASSFLOW 4-20mA 120KG/M 2" S030
burkert 6012 C1.6FPMG1/8?PNO-Sban 24V 4W
優(yōu)勢供應歐洲進口工控產(chǎn)品burkert 2031A 40.0EA VG
優(yōu)勢供應歐洲進口工控產(chǎn)品burkert 2031A 40.0EA VG