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當(dāng)前位置:上海薩帛機(jī)電控制系統(tǒng)有限公司>> EDAG德國(guó)進(jìn)口RF-07-01-36-2001滾壓頭支架FFT EDAG Produktionssysteme G
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所 在 地上海市
更新時(shí)間:2024-05-15 21:28:07瀏覽次數(shù):2404次
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EDAGE(FFT EDAG Produktionssysteme GmbH CoKG) RF-08-10.02 滾輪
EDAGE(FFT EDAG Produktionssysteme GmbH CoKG) 滑板
EDAGE(FFT EDAG Produktionssysteme GmbH CoKG) RF-40.01.08-21 滑板
EDAGE(FFT EDAG Produktionssysteme GmbH CoKG) RF-07-10.10 軸承
EDAGE(FFT EDAG Produktionssysteme GmbH CoKG) RF-40.01.08-22 滑板
EDAGE(FFT EDAG Produktionssysteme GmbH CoKG) RF-08-20.03 滑板
EDAGE(FFT EDAG Produktionssysteme GmbH CoKG) RF-07-70.02 軸承
EDAGE(FFT EDAG Produktionssysteme GmbH CoKG) R1605 804 31.140mm 滑板
EDAGE(FFT EDAG Produktionssysteme GmbH CoKG) R1623 814 20 軸承
EDAGE(FFT EDAG Produktionssysteme GmbH CoKG) RF-08-20.03 滑板
EDAG RF_08_80_16 滾輪
EDAG RF_08_30_01 滾輪
EDAG RF_07_70_01 滾輪
EDAG RF_08_80_02 滾輪
EDAG RF-09-01.09-01 滾壓頭附件
EDAG RF-06-25.01-02 滾壓頭附件
EDAG RF-07-01-36-2001 滾壓頭支架
EDAG RF_08_40_21 滑輪
EDAG RF_07_70_04 滑輪
EDAG RF_08_40_05 滑輪
EDAG RF-08-10.02 滑輪
EDAG RF-08-10.02 滾壓頭
EDAG RF-08-30.02 滾壓頭
EDAG RF-08-20.04 滾壓頭
EDAG RF-08-40.01 滾壓頭
EDAG RF-08-20.05 滾壓頭
EDAG RF_07_70_04 滑輪
EDAG RF_07_70_04 滑輪
EDAG RF-07-70.04 軸承
EDAG RF-09-01-20 軸承
EDAG RF-08-30.02 滑板
EDAG RF-08-10.02 滑板
EDAG RF-10-01.28 滑板
EDAG RF-08-20.06 滑板
EDAG RF-08-10.02 滑板
EDAG RF-07-70.06 滑板
EDAG RF-07-70.05 軸承
EDAG RF-09-01-20 軸承
EDAG RF-07-70.04 軸承
EDAG RF-08-20.06 滑板
EDAG RF-08-30.02 滑板
EDAG RF-08-10.02 軸承
EDAG RF_20_01_01_08 滑輪
EDAG RF_08_80_04 滑輪
EDAG RF_07_70_04 滑輪
EDAG RF-08-10.02 滾輪
EDAG RF_08_80_05 滑輪
EDAG RF_08_80_02 滑輪
EDAG RF_07_70_04 滑輪
EDAG RF_08_80_03 滑輪
EDAG RF_08_80_01 滑輪
EDAG RT-09-21.01-16 螺母
EDAG RF-07-70.03 滑輪
EDAG RF-08-10.01 滑輪
EDAG RF-08-80.07 滑輪
EDAG RF-08-10.02 包邊滾輪
EDAG RF-08-20.06 包邊滾輪
EDAG RF-51-08.01 連接電纜
EDAG S AT 02 04.01 700 FFT-Nr.: 1288378 連桿
EDAG ZA-08-08.19-02-A 滾輪單元
EDAG S-AT-02-02.01 連桿
EDAG FU-06-02.30-03 滑動(dòng)軸承盤
EDAG C-113575 彈簧
EDAG C-113577 彈簧
EDAG RF-51-08.01 電纜集線器
EDAG RF-08-20-06 滾邊輪
EDAG RF-07-70.04 插軸
EDAG LR 5205 2Z 靠輪
EDAG RF-08-30.02 滾邊輪
EDAG RF-07-70.05 插軸
EDAG RF-07-70.06 插軸
EDAG S-AT-02-02.01 連桿
EDAG FU-06-02.30-03 滑動(dòng)軸承盤
EDAG C-113575 彈簧
EDAG C-113577 彈簧
EDAG RF-51-08.01 電纜集線器
EDAG RF-08-20-06 滾邊輪
EDAG RF-07-70.04 插軸
EDAG LR 5205 2Z 靠輪
EDAG RF-08-30.02 滾邊輪
EDAG RF-07-70.05 插軸
EDAG RF-07-70.06 插軸
EDAG IS1-30X55 鎖緊裝置
EDAG WF-10-00.21-06 壓板
EDAG WF-10-00.21-40-B 固定板
EDAG WF-10-00.01-107 皮帶輪
EDAG WF-10-00.01-165 卡盤
EDAG WF-10-00.10-01 擺桿
EDAG WF-10-00.10-22 限位銷
EDAG WF-10-00.21-20 刮板
EDAG WF-10-00.21-41-B 固定板
EDAG WF-10-00.01-108 皮帶輪
EDAG FU-06-02.30 軸承
EDAG WF-10-00.10-11-A 杠桿
EDAG WF-10-00.18-04 插銷
EDAG WF-10-00.21-03 磨擦片底盤
EDAG RF-08-20-02 D=60;d=15 滾邊頭圓錐滾子
EDAG RF-08-40-01 D=20 滾邊頭軸
EDAG RF-08-10-02 D=52;d=10 滾邊頭圓柱滾子
Entwicklungen werden Realit?t
Die FFT Produktionssysteme GmbH & Co. KG ist ein weltweit agierender Systemanbieter von automatisierten und flexiblen Fertigungseinrichtungen.
Als Turn-Key-Partner übernehmen wir für Sie Verantwortung für die Realisierung kompletter Produktionsanlagen. Parallel bieten wir Ihnen standardm??ig unsere Systemtechnologien und Systeml?sungen sowie unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen an.
Dabei fühlen wir uns dem Anspruch der Prozesssicherheit, Flexibilit?t und Wandlungsf?higkeit von Fertigungsanlagen im besonderen Ma?e verpflichtet.
Im Verbund mit unserem Schwesterunternehmen EDAG Engineering GmbH sind wir in der Lage, die komplette Prozesskette von Produktentwicklung und begleitender Produktionsplanung bis zur Entwicklung und Realisierung von Produktionsanlagen abzudecken.
Termintreue und Qualit?t sind unser Leistungsversprechen.
Innovative und wandlungsf?hige Anlagen sind unsere St?rke.
Das Herzstück einer jeden Produktionsanlage sind die geometriebestimmenden Stationen. Hier ist neben h?chster Pr?zision, Robustheit und Modularit?t auch Flexibilit?t und Kosteneffizienz gefragt. Eine Integration zus?tzlicher Varianten oder von Nachfolgemodellen bei laufender Produktion mit Minimierung der Anlaufverluste sowie eine einfache Wartung/Instandhaltung sind zus?tzliche Herausforderungen.
Mit unseren flexiblen Geometriesystemen haben wir diese Anforderungen unserer Kunden bereits vielfach in die Realit?t umgesetzt und in Projekten weiter entwickelt. Entstanden sind damit Produkte die h?chsten Ansprüchen gerecht werden.
Egal ob Punktschwei?en, Laserschwei?en, Laserl?ten, Stanznieten oder andere Fügeverfahren.
Unsere Framing Systeme GEOTACK 2000 und GEOTACK 2010 und unsere Untergruppen - Geometriesystem GEOFLEX zeichnen sich aus durch:
Unser Vision Systems erschafft Komponenten und L?sungen für die industrielle Bildverarbeitung
Unser Vision Systems gliedert sich in folgende Bereiche:
VarioGauge V4
Leistungsf?higes PC-System, erprobt und konfiguriert für unsere jeweiligen Anwendungen mit unserer Software.
Standardisierte Produkte rund um den automatisierten Schweissprozess
Durch die verschiedenen Anforderungen rund um den Schweissprozess haben wir spezielle Produkte entwickelt, die verschiedene Lücken im Schweissprozess und in dessen Automatisierung schliessen.
Laserprozess und Laserschutz aus einer Hand
Wir besch?ftigen uns seit 1998 mit Laserprozessen und deren Absicherung. über die Jahre wurden verschiedene Aspekte des Fachbereiches bearbeitet, so dass wir viele Erfahrungen aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinklen haben, von der Herslung eigener Laserwerkzeuge, der Integration fremder Fabrikate, oder die Konzeption und Inbetriebnahme eigener oder fremder Prozesse.
Unsere Arbeit im Bereich Lasertechnik bezieht sich aktuell auf:
Vom Konzept bis hin zur Inbetriebnahme
Zu unseren Kompetenzen geh?ren Methoden- und Prozessplanung für Laserprozesse. Unsere Erfahrung reicht von SE-Entwicklung w?hrend der Produktentwicklung bis hin zu standardisierten Laserzellen für Schwei?en, Schneiden und L?ten. In unserem hauseigenen Laserlabor am Standort Fulda k?nnen wir eigene Versuche, aber auch Versuche für sie durchführen. Wir k?nnen sie in ihrem Freigabeprozess für ihre Konzepte unterstützen.
Unser Laserabschirmsystem ist weltweit für seinen hohen Sicherheitsstandard im Einsatz bei Gas- und Festk?rperhochleistungslasern bekannt. Neben der passiven Sicherheit bieten wir mit der VI (Vision Inspector) ein aktives Sicherheitssystem. Das System überwacht das Bearbeitungsfeld des Lasers und ist in der Lage Fehlfunktionen zu erkennen. Der Vorteil ist h?here Sicherheit bei gleicher Schutzwandst?rke.
Verschiedene Systeme zur Unterstützung Ihrer Produktions-Prozesse.
Zu der Gruppe F?rdersysteme geh?ren folgende Produkte:
Kostengünstige Alternativen zu herk?mmlichen Pressen
Folgende Rollfalz-Systeme sind erh?ltlich
Rollfalzen ist ein neues Fügeverfahren. Es wird eingesetzt zum Fertigen von Anbauteilen, wie Fahrzeugtüren, Heckklappen, an ?ffnungen von Schiebed?chern und beim Falzen von Radh?usern an fertigen Karossen. Durch geringe Prozesskr?fte ist so eine bessere Qualit?t an der Oberfl?che von komplexen Blechgeometrien m?glich. Die Ma?haltigkeit und Toleranzen sind steuerbar: Das Roboter-Programm kann punktuell beeinflusst werden.
Weiterhin sind unsere Rollfalz-Systeme ?u?erst flexibel. Verschiedene Typen k?nnen in einer Fertigungszelle produziert werden. Der Falzroboter kann auch weitere Aufgaben in der Zelle übernehmen. Au?erdem k?nnen Rollfalzzellen problemlos verlagert werden, zum Beispiel beim Auslagern zur Ersatzteilfertigung.
Beim Falzen wird der Rand eines ?u?eren Bleches um ein Innenblech gebogen. Im Normalfall werden Pressen mit komplexen Stempelgeometrien eingesetzt. Beim Rollfalzen sind die Bleche in einem Werkzeugbett gespannt. An einem Industrieroboter ist ein Rollfalzkopf befestigt. Auf dem Rollfalzkopf sind Rollen gelagert, die für verschiedene Bearbeitungsschritte des Umfalzens vorgesehen sind.
Wir entwickeln unsere bestehenden Anwendungen konsequent weiter und werden in Zukunft neue Gebiete erschlie?en.
Leckerkennungsmolche werden zur überprüfung eines Pipelinesystems bei laufendem Betrieb eingesetzt
Wir liefern Leckerkennungsmolche für Pipelinedurchmesser ab 6 Zoll Nennweite bis 42 Zoll und daruber hinaus Sondergr??en. Der Bogenradius ihrer Pipeline muss mindestens dem dreifachen Durchmesser der Pipeline entsprechen.
Die Ausführung des Fahrgesls erfolgt in einer Kombination aus Edelstahl und hochfestem Aluminium. Mit der von uns entwickelten Elektronik k?nnen Laufzeiten der Leckerkennungsmolche bis zu sechs Wochen erreicht werden.
Unsere Software kann auf Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasst werden.
W?hrend des Suchlaufs aufgenommene Daten werden vom System direkt gespeichert und k?nnen nach dem Lauf mit einem PC ausgelesen werden. In einer Datenbank sind alle Werte schnell und einfach zu finden. EineArchivierung ist einfach m?glich, sie k?nnen ihr Datenformat selber ausw?hlen.
Kundenorientiert l?sen wir kritische Schnittslen
W?hrend wir verschiedene Projekte in der Automobil-Industrie umsetzen - haben wir bei unseren Kunden neue Strategien realisiert. Um die logistischen und funktionellen Ansprüche von optimierten Produktionsanlagen zu erfüllen, ben?tigen unsere Kunden neue Ideen und Impulse (für z. B. LCA-LowCostAutomation / KOKAT-KOstenoptimierte & KApazit?tsoptimierte Teilebereitslung Systeme).
Durch EMS kann das Mehr-Beh?lterprinzip ver?ndert werden. Das Magazin übernimmt die Funktion des 2. Beh?lters.
Das Prinzip, das EMS zugrunde liegt, erlaubt es verschiedene Aspekten zu verbessern:
Ihre Werker k?nnen durch mehr wertsch?pfende Arbeit besser eingesetzt werden.
EMS gibt es in verschiedenen Bauformen, je nach Einsatzfall unterscheiden wir:
Die Bauteile werden werkerseitig einzeln oder in Stapeln in die Rutsche eingelegt.
Die Bauteile werden Stapelweise in die Schublade eingelegt, durch eine Fahrende Wand ist der Werker immer vom Roboter getrennt.
Durch eine Analyse aller Komponenten des Produktions-Systems erarbeiten wir Vorteile, die Ihnen nutzen. Entkoppeln des Einlegepersonals vom Anlagentakt, Erkennen von versteckten Einsparpotentialen und Reduzieren der Betriebskosten.
Unserer EMS-Projekte umfassen eine Bauteilanalyse und eine Betriebsmitanalyse: Die Zykluszeit wird dabei berücksichtigt.
Kundenorientiert l?sen wir kritische Schnittslen, wie zum Beispiel zwischen Einlegepunkten und Anlage.
Unser Angebot liegt nicht nur im üblichen Konstruieren und Liefern von hochwertigen Betriebsmitn. Wir bieten für Sie noch spezielle Leistungen wie:
Herk?mmliche kritische Einlegesituationen k?nnen vermieden werden.
除供應(yīng)EDAG產(chǎn)品,,我司亦優(yōu)價(jià)供應(yīng)如下weber Sensors Ltd.列表型號(hào):
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
412-.-- liquid media, insertion type, 1/2"-BSP, 1/4" BSP or
flow-captor ,,metering" switch with analog display
4120.12 18 - 30 VDC, PNP n.c. (opener), upto 0-300 cm/s., 359,00
medium water, sensor head stainless steel 1.4305/303
4120.13 18 - 30 VDC, PNP n.o. (closer), upto 0-300 cm/s., 359,00
medium water, sensor head stainless steel 1.4305/303
4120.1-/4 m/s as 4120.1- upto 0-400 cm/s., medium water 379,00
4121.1- as above, but for oil based solutions 419,00
4121.1-/4 m/s as 4120.1-/4 m/s but for oil based medium 448,00
sensor head stainless steel 1.4305/303
412-.1-A sensor head stainless steel 1.4571/316 Ti add. 59,00
412-.1-B sensor head Titanium add. 219,00
412-.1-C sensor head HasloyC4 add. 521,00
412-.1-D sensor head HasloyC22 add. 575,00
412-.1-E sensor head Monel add. 39,00
412-.1-A S110/45 sensor head extended length 45 mm, add. 139,00
stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti
412-.1-A S110/67 sensor head extended length 67 mm add. 139,00
stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti
412-.1-A S110/90 sensor head extended length 90 mm add. 229,00
stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti
412-.--/3 sensor head with Titanium-Ceramic coating add- 95,00
other special coating on request
4120.13 M12 with M12 plugand connection cable add. 96,00
412-.1- S101 heat sink, upto 130°C* add. 96,00
4120.1- S105 for medium Alcohol add. 69,00
4120.1- S107/50 o. 68 system Tuchenhagen 1.259,00
4120.1- S117/50 o. 68 system Tuchenhagen, sensor head coolingversion 1.348,00
up to 130°C*
4120.1- S113/50.5 o. 64 Tri-clamp 695,00
4120.1- S114/50.5 o. 64 Tri-clamp, coolingversion, 130°C* 775,00
4140.13 18 - 30 VDC, switch point 30 cm/s 270,00
4120 separate flow-captor
sensor + electronics, remote system
4120 sensor with M12-plug 238,00
connection cable, 2 m, oilflex M12-coupling / open wire
4120 S100 sensor with moulded silicone cable, 2m 238,00
4120 S101 sensor with moulded and shielded silicone cable, 259,00
2m with Binder-plug
4120 S103 sensor with silicone cable, 2m, cleaningequipment 438,00
Temp. up to 135°C
4020.1- separate elctronics
4020.1- separate electronics for 4120 339,00
4021.1- -as above - for medium oil 368,00
4020.1- S100 for medium temperature 140°C* (for 4120 S100) 355,00
4021.1- S100 for medium oil 385,00
for medium temp. 140°C* (for 4120 S100)
4020.1- S103 electronics (for 4120 S103) 379,00
* max. medium temperature relates
to ambient temperature conditions
SEITE 1 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
connection cables
4921 / 2 m std.-oilflfex-cable, coupling/ open wires 29,00
for 412-.-- / 432-.--(included in delivery without add. price)
4921 / 4 m std.-oilflex-cable, coupling/ open wires 38,00
for 412-.-- / 432-.--4921 / 5 m std.-oilflex-cable, coupling/ open wires 39,00
for 412-.-- / 432-.--4921 / 10m std.-oilflex-cable, coupling/ open wires 49,00
for 412-.-- / 432-.--4921H / 2 m cable halogen-free, coupling/ open wires 29,00
for 412-.-- / 432-.--4921H / 5 m cable halogen-free, coupling/ open wires 47,00
for 412-.-- / 432-.--4921S / 2 m silicone cable, coupling/ open wires 37,00
for 412-.-- / 432-.--4921S / 5 m silicone cable, coupling/ open wires 67,00
for 412-.-- / 432-.--4940 / 2 m connection cable 3x0,5, M12 4pin coupling/ open wires 39,00
für 4120.-- with M12 plug
oilflex-cable, 3x0,5, per m add. 8,00
silicone cable, per m add. 12,00
cable halogene-free , per m add. 9,00
412-.-- M liquid media, insertion type , stainless steel, 1/2" BSP or
1/2" NPT thread
flow-captor ,,metering" switch with analog display
4120.1- M 18-30 VDC, M12/4, cable: K1* (accessories) 419,00
4120.40 M 18-30 VDC, relay, encapsulated cable, 2 m 488,00
4120.41 M 18-30 VDC, relay, encapsulated cable, 2 m 488,00
4120.42 M 18-30 VDC, opto-coupler, cable: K2* (accessories) 488,00
4120.43 M 18-30 VDC, opto-coupler, cable: K2* (accessories) 488,00
4120.52 M 90-170 VAC, 2 m encapsulated cable 519,00
4120.53 M 90-170 VAC, binder-plug/ 4 pin, 519,00
cable: K-B4* (accessories)
4120.80 M 90-250 VAC, relay, encapsulated cable, 2 m 548,00
4120.81 M 90-250 VAC, relay, encapsulated cable, 2 m 548,00
4120.73 M 90 - 250 VAC/DC, encapsulated cable, 2 m 548,00
412-.-- M
Special versions
412-.-- M 12/24 10,5 - 36 VDC add. 78,00
412-.-- M 24/48 19 -72 VDC add. 78,00
412-.-- MA S110/45 sensor head length 45mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti add. 139,00
412-.-- MA S110/67 sensor head length 67 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti add. 139,00
412-.-- MA S110/90 sensor head length 90 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti add. 234,00
412-.-- M S140 Brad-Harrison plug, cable K-BH accessories * add. 18,00
412-.-- M S141 binder plug, cable K-B accessories* add. 18,00
4121.-- M for oil based medium add. 48,00
412-.-- MK sensor head with coolinghousing, 130°C** add. 95,00
412-.-- MA sensor head stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti add. 49,00
412-.-- MB sensor head Titanium add. 225,00
412-.-- MC sensor head HasloyC4 add. 565,00
412-.-- MD sensor head HasloyC22 add. 558,00
412-.-- ME sensor head Monel add. 39,00
* connection cable not included
** max. medium temperature
related to max. ambient temperature
SEITE 2 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
stainless steel housing, 1/2" BSP or. NPT thread
for liquid media
flow switch with add. temperature output
422-.-- M as 412-.--M, + analogtemp.-output add. 79,00
-10°C - +80°C / 4-20 mA
422-.-- M/-- as 412-.--M + analogtemp.-output, add. 98,00
range on request
422-.-- M SP-- as 412-.-- M + temp.-output with fixed switch-point add. 159,00
422-.-- M PT100 as 412-.-- M + analogtemp.-output PT100 add. 39,00
connection cable see page 6
SEITE 3 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
432-.-- liquid media, inline-version
flow-captor ,,metering" switch with analog display
4320.1-/4 4 x 1 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti on request
for lower flow rate
4320.1-/6 6 x 1 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti 452,00
4320.1-/8 8 x 1 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti 452,00
4320.1-/12 12 x 1 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti 469,00
4320.1-/18 18 x 1,5 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti 478,00
4320.1-/22 22 x 1,5 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti 518,00
4320.1-/28 28 x 1,5 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti 558,00
4321.1- as above, but for oil based medium add. 49,00
432-.1-B/4 4 x 1 mm, Titanium (3.7035 Gr. 2) on request
432-.1-B/6 6 x 1 mm, Titanium (3.7035 Gr. 2) add. 175,00
432-.1-B/8 8 x 1 mm, Titanium (3.7035 Gr. 2) add. 189,00
432-.1-B/12 12 x 1 mm, Titanium (3.7035 Gr. 2) add. 212,00
432-.1-B/18 18 x 1,5 mm, Titanium (3.7035 Gr. 2) add. 219,00
432-.1-C/4 4 x 1 mm, HasloyC4 (2.4610) on request
432-.1-C/6 6 x 1 mm, HasloyC4 (2.4610) add. 252,00
432-.1-C/8 8 x 1 mm, HasloyC4 (2.4610) add. 283,00
432-.1-C/12 12 x 1 mm, HasloyC4 (2.4610) add. 284,00
432-.1- S107 high temperature version, upto 130°C* add. 108,00
4320.1- S101 for medium Alcohol add. 49,00
432-.1- S100 sensor pipe with vertical orientation add. 27,00
432-.1- S104/-- higher pressure on request
432-.1- S110/-- sensor pipe special length on request
432-.1 M12 with M12 plugand connection cable add. 98,00
4320 remote sensor
sensor + electronics in remote version
4320/6 6 x 1 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti * 249,00
4320/8 8 x 1 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti * 249,00
4320/12 12 x 1 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti * 258,00
4320/18 18 x 1,5 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti * 258,00
4320/22 22 x 1,5 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti * 278,00
4320/28 28 x 1,5 mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti * 298,00
4320/-- S202 high temperatur version, upto 135°C medium temp.add.108,00
(for 402-.-- S202)
* with connection cable, 2 m
402-.-- separate electronics
4020.1- S200 Standard for 4320/-- 318,00
4021.1- S200 as above - for oil based medium add. 49,00
402-.1- S202 for remote flow-captor (4320/-- S202) 339,00
up to 135°C medium temperature
connection cable see page 2
SEITE 4 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
432-.--M liquid media, inline version, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti
flow-captor ,,metering" switch with analog display
4320.1- M / 4 sensor pipe 4 x 1 mm, M12/4,cable: K1* (accessories) on request
4320.1- M / 6 sensor pipe 6 x 1 mm, M12/4,cable: K1* (accessories) 544,00
4320.1- M / 8 sensor pipe 8 x 1 mm, M12/4,cable: K1* (accessories) 544,00
4320.1- M / 12 sensor pipe 12 x 1 mm, M12/4,cable: K1* (accessories) 558,00
4320.1- M / 18 sensor pipe 18 x 1,5 mm, M12/4, cable: K1* 570,00
4320.1- M / 22 sensor pipe 22 x 1,5 mm, M12/4, cable: K1* 617,00
4320.1- M / 28 sensor pipe 28 x 1,5 mm, M12/4, cable: K1* 667,00
4320.1- MB / 4 sensor pipe Titanium (3.7035 Gr. 2), M12/4, on request
cable: K1* (accessories)
4320.1- MB / 6 sensor pipe Titanium (3.7035 Gr. 2), M12/4, add. 178,00
cable: K1* (accessories)
4320.1- MB / 8 sensor pipe Titanium (3.7035 Gr. 2), M12/4, add. 180,00
cable: K1* (accessories)
4320.1- MB / 12 sensor pipe Titanium (3.7035 Gr. 2), M12/4, add. 213,00
cable: K1* (accessories)
4320.1- MB / 18 sensor pipe Titanium (3.7035 Gr. 2), M12/4, add. 218,00
cable: K1* (accessories)
4320.1- MC / 4 sensor pipe HasloyC4 (2.4610), M12/4, on request
cable: K1* (accessories)
4320.1- MC / 6 sensor pipe HasloyC4 (2.4610), M12/4, add. 239,00
cable: K1* (accessories)
4320.1- MC / 8 sensor pipe HasloyC4 (2.4610), M12/4, add. 259,00
cable: K1* (accessories)
4320.1- MC / 12 sensor pipe HasloyC4 (2.4610), M12/4, add. 294,00
cable: K1* (accessories)
4320.73 M / - 90 - 250 VAC/DC, moulded cable, 2 m add 99,00
432-.-- M 12/24 9 - 36 VDC, M12/4, cable: K1* (accessories) add. 64,00
432-.-- M 24/48 18 -72 VDC, M12/4, cable: K1* (accessories) add. 64,00
4320.-- M S140 Brad-Harrison plug, cable: K-BH_* (accessories) add. 15,00
4320.-- M S141 Binder plug (BS), cable: K-B_* (accessories) add. 16,00
4321.-- M For medium oil add. 49,00
4320.-- MK Sensor head with coolinghousing add. 112,00
medium temperature max. 130°C
liquid media, inline version, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti
,,metering" flow switch and add. temp.-output
442-.-- M as 432-.-- + analogtemp.-output add 88,00
-10°C - +80°C / 4-20 mA
442-.-- M as 432-.-- + temp.-output, range upon request on request
442-.-- M/80 as 432-.-- + temp.-output, fixed set-point on request
442-.-- M PT100 as 432-.-- + PT100 temperature output add. 45,00
SEITE 5 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
connection cable for 412-.--M / 432-.--M
4922 / 2 m K-B4 oilflex-cable 4 x 0,5 - 4-pin binder-coupling/open wire 66,00
for S141
4922 / 5 m K-B4 oilflex-cable 4 x 0,5 - 4-pin binder-coupling/open wire 75,00
for S141
4922 / 10 m K-B4 oilflex-cable 4 x 0,5 - 4-pin binder-coupling/open wire 93,00
for S141
4923 / 2 m K-B6 oilflex-cable 6 x 0,5 - 6-pin binder 95,00
coupling/open wire, for S141
4923 / 5 m K-B6 oilflex-cable 6x0,5 - 6-pin binder-coupling/open wire 96,00
for S141
4923 / 10 m K-B6 oilflex-cable 6x0,5 - 6-pin binder-coupling/open wire 118,00
for S141
4924 / 2 m K-B5 oilflex-cable 5 x 0,5 -5-pin binder-coupling/open wire 79,00
for S141
4924 / 5 m K-B5 oilflex-cable 5 x 0,5 - 5-pin binder-coupling/open wire 97,00
for S141
4924 / 10 m K-B5 oilflex-cable 5 x 0,5 - 5-pin binder-coupling/open wire 126,00
for S141
4925 / 2 m K-B7 oilflex-cable 7 x 0,5 -7-pin binder-coupling/open wire 97,00
for S141
4925 / 5 m K-B7 oilflex-cable 7 x 0,5 -7-pin binder-coupling/open wire 129,00
for S141
4925 / 10 m K-B7 oilflex-cable 7 x 0,5 -7-pin binder-coupling/open wire 147,00
for S141
4930 / 2m K-BH5 oilflex-cable 5 x 0,5 - 5-pin brad-harrison coupling/ 49,00
open wire (for S140)
4930 / 5m K-BH5 oilflex-cable 5 x 0,5 - 5-pin brad-harrison coupling/ 59,00
open wire (for S140)
4930 / 10m K-BH5 oilflex-cable 5 x 0,5 - 5-pin brad-harrison coupling/ 89,00
open wire (for S140)
4931 / 2 m K-BH4 oilflex-cable 4 x 0,5 - 4-pin brad-harrison coupling/ 39,00
open wire (for S140)
4931 / 5 m K-BH4 oilflex-cable 4 x 0,5 - 4-pin brad-harrison coupling/ 59,00
open wire (for S140)
4931 / 10 m K-BH4 oilflex-cable 4 x 0,5 - 4-pin brad-harrison coupling/ 89,00
open wire (for S140)
4940 / 2 m K1 oilflex-cable 3 x 0,5 - 4-pin M12-coupling/open wire 39,00
4940 / 5 m K1 oilflex-cable 3 x 0,5 - 4-pin M12-coupling/open wire 59,00
4940 / 10 m K1 oilflex-cable 3 x 0,5 - 4-pin M12-coupling/open wire 79,00
4941 / 2 m K2 oilflex-cable 4 x 0,5 - 4-pin. M12-coupling/open wire 39,00
4941 / 5 m K2 oilflex-cable 4 x 0,5 - 4-pin. M12-coupling/open wire 49,00
4941 / 10 m K2 oilflex-cable 4 x 0,5 - 4-pin. M12-coupling/open wire 79,00
4942 / 2 m K3 oilflex-cable 5 x 0,5 .- 5-pin M12-coupling/open wire 39,00
4942 / 5 m K3 oilflex-cable 5 x 0,5 .- 5-pin M12-coupling/open wire 49,00
4942 / 10 m K3 oilflex-cable 5 x 0,5 .- 5-pin M12-coupling/open wire 79,00
other cable lengths and types on
SEITE 6 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
4114.-- sensor housing stainless steel 1.4305/303,
insertion type 1 1/4" / 32 mm
Compact flow-captor, liquid media *
4114.03 24 VDC -PNP n.o. 412,00
4114.70 24 V AC/DC -NPN n.o. 412,00
4114.73 90 - 250 V AC/DC -NPN n.o 579,00
4114.-- S101 with heat sink, upto 100°C medium temp.add.129,00
4114.-- S110/-- extended length on request
4114.--A housingstainless steel 1.4571/316Ti add. 89,00
4114.--A S101 with heat sink, stainless steel 1.4571, upto 100°C add. 218,00
medium temperature
4114.30 sensor housing stainless steel 1.4503/303,
insertion type 1 1/4" / 32 mm
flow meter, liquid media *
4114.30 standard type, range upto 2 m/s 622,00
4114.30/3 m/s range upto 3 m/s add. 59,00
4114.30 S101 cooling jacket, upto 100°C medium temperature 774,00
4114.30 A stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti 698,00
4114.30 A S101 cooling jacket stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti, 856,00
up to 100°C medium temp.
4115.30 sensor housing stainless steel 1.4503/303,
insertion type 1" / 25 mm
flow meter, liquid media *
4115.30 standard type, range upto 2 m/s 622,00
4115.30/3 m/s range upto 3 m/s add. 58,00
4115.30/4 m/s range upto 4 m/s add. 69,00
4115.30 S101 heat sink, upto 100°C medium temperature add. 135,00
4115.30 A stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti add. 89,00
4115.30 A S101 heat sink stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti, add. 219,00
up to 100°C medium temp.
4115.30/3 sensor head Titanium/Ceramic coated add. 68,00
4115.30 S115/2 medium oil, range upto 2 m/s 787,00
4115.30 S112 medium oil, cooling jacket, upto 100°C medium temp.add.129,00
4115.30 S110/--- extended length on request
4115.30 B S127 sensor head and housingTitanium, welded 1.375,00
4115.30 E sensor head and housingMonel 400 774,00
4115 S101 + 4015.30 S101 separate system, sensor with coolinghousing 1.087,00
up to 135°C
4115.31 voltage output 0,1 - 10 V 647,00
4215.30 liquid media, insertion type 1" / 25 mm
flow and temperature meter *
4215.30 as 4115.30 but add. temp.-output 729,00
4 - 20 mA / -10°C up to +80°C
other range upon request
4215.30 / PT100 as 4115.30 but add. PT100 temp.-output 678,00
* range adjustment on request, see
page 9
SEITE 7 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
smart meter stainl. steel 1.4571/316Ti for bigger pipes,
with 1-1/2" fitting BSP, or NPT
flow meter, liquid media *
4115.30 sm3 BSP or NPT range 0-100 cm/s, max. insertion depth 94 mm 829,00
4115.30 sm4 BSP or NPT range 0-200 cm/s, max. insertion depth 94 mm 829,00
4115.30 sm5 BSP or NPT range 0-300 cm/s, max. insertion depth 94 mm 898,00
4115.30 sm-/261 BSP or NPT extended length, max. insertion 212 mm add- 285,00
4115.30 sm-/400 BSP or NPT extended length, max. insertion 351 mm add. 719,00
4115.30 sm- different range adjustment on request
4115.30 sm- S115 medium oil add. 127,00
smart meter liquid media, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti, for bigger pipes
with 1-1/2" fitting BSP, or NPT
flow and temperature meter *
4215.30 sm- as 4115.30 sm- but with add. temp.-output 986,00
4 - 20 mA / -10°C bis +80°C
other range upon request
4215.30 sm- / PT100 as 4215.30 sm- but with PT100 884,00
accessories for smart meter
80101 ball valve for smart meter, 1-1/2" on request
(RSV 700-050-55-T-1)
79965 fitting1 1/2" BSP for standard smart meter 78,00
79963 fitting1 1/2" NPT for standard smart meter 78,00
* range adjustment on request, see
page 9
SEITE 8 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
Inline flow-captor, liquid media *
4311.30/6 6 x 1 mm (OD x wall thickness) 594,00
4311.30/8 8 x 1 mm " " 594,00
4311.30/12 12 x 1 mm " " 622,00
4311.30/18 18 x 1,5 mm " " 639,00
4311.30/22 22 x 1,5 mm " " 685,00
4311.30/28 28 x 1,5 mm " " 718,00
4311.30B/6 6 x 1 mm " " sensor pipe Titanium add. 178,00
4311.30B/8 8 x 1 mm " " sensor pipe Titanium add. 189,00
4311.30B/12 12 x 1 mm " " sensor pipe Titanium add. 212,00
4311.30B/18 18 x 1,5 mm " " sensor pipe Titanium add. 225,00
4311.30C/6 6 x 1 mm, sensor pipe HasloyC4 add. 239,00
4311.30C/8 8 x 1 mm, sensor pipe HasloyC4 add. 269,00
4311.30C/12 12 x 1 mm, sensor pipe HasloyC4 add. 289,00
4311.30M/6 6 x 1 mm " " 729,00
4311.30M/8 8 x 1 mm " " 729,00
4311.30M/12 12 x 1 mm " " 739,00
4311.30M/18 18 x 1 mm " " 759,00
4311.30/-- S100 coolingversion, upto 100°C add. 118,00
4311.30/-- S104 range 0 - 2m/s. add. 68,00
4311.30/-- S124/1 medium oil, range 1 m/s. add. 149,00
4311.30/-- S124/-- medium oil, range 2 or 3 m/s. (must be specified) add. 143,00
4311.30/-- S105/-- medium oil, coolingversion upto 100°C, add. 268,00
range 1/2/3 m/s
4311.30/-- S106 medium oil, higher pressure upto 50 bar add. 39,00
4411.30 liquid media
Inline flow and temperature meter *
4411.30/-- as 4311.30 but with additional temp.-output add. 88,00
4 - 20 mA / -10°C to +80°C,
other range upon request
4411.30/-- /PT100 as 4411.30 but with temp.-output PT100 add. 38,00
Inline micro flow - meter, liquid media *
4511.30/4 sensor pipe 4 x 1 mm 694,00
4511.30/6 sensor pipe 6 x 1 mm 668,00
4511.30 C/4 sensor pipe 6 x 1 mm, HasloyC4 778,00
4511.30 C/6 sensor pipe 6 x 1 mm, HasloyC4 749,00
* adjustment flow-captors
Standard delivery flow-captor switchingunits are not pre-set.
flow-captor meters have a pre-setting for max. flow
(> nominal flow).
Both flow-captor switching units and metering units can be
calibrated to the customer`s specification under our
test pipe conditions.
set-point adjustment for flow-captor switch net 39,00
range adjustment for flow-captor meter net 49,00
range adjustment and curve Ia=f(v) for flow-captor meter net 75,00
SEITE 9 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
flow and temperatur meter
4204 digital flow- and temp. sensor
stainless steel 1.4305/303, 3/4" BSP thread
4205 digital flow- and temp. sensor
stainless steel 1.4305/303, conus shape
4054.31 Evaluation electronics for flow-captor 4204 or 4205
Outputs for flow and temperature each with 0-10 V.
Medium temperature range -25°C to 100°C. Fixed flow
measuring range 0 - 100 cm/s (related to water). Flow
curve not linearized.
4053.31 Evaluation electronics for flow-captor 4204 or 4205
Outputs for flow and temperature each with 0-10 V.
Medium temperature range -25°C to 100°C. Fixed flow
measuring range 0 - 400 cm/s (related to oil, Shell Diala). Flow
curve not linearized.
4205 + 4053.31* system price 1.676,00
4204 + 4053.31* system price 1.676,00
4204 + 4054.31* system price 1.676,00
4205 + 4053.31 S105* output, supplyvoltage through AMP plug system price 1.676,00
* price without coupling
4935 connection cable, 2 m length with Cannon female plug 268,00
coupling, AMP for 4053.31 S105 68,00
SEITE 10 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
3201.-- / 3204.--vent-captor air flow switches insertion type *
3201.-- 24 VDC, 115 VAC, or 230 VAC 125,00
3201.-- NMA 24 VDC, 115 VAC, or 230 VAC, longer housing 143,00
3204.-- like 3201.--, stainless steel housing-max 10 bar 218,00
3202.0- 24 VDC 162,00
3202.0- NMA 24 VDC, longer housing 186,00
3202.03 S101 -30°C bis +50°C medium temperature 208,00
3202.03 S102 229,00
3202.03 S104 halogen-free cable 248,00
3202.03 S105/30 m/s extended set-point range to 30 m/s. 207,00
3202.0- S106 -20°C bis +80°C medium temperature 169,00
3202.03 S123 -40°C - +70°C medium temperature, halogen-free cable 258,00
3202.03 S140 fire protection norm ET974 281,00
3202.03 S223 as S123 + sensor elements ceramic coated 319,00
3203.0- 24 VDC, startingoverride 30s 175,00
3205.0- like 3202.0-, stainless steel housing, max. 10 bar 256,00
3205.0- S102 coolinghousingupto 100°C, 10 bar add. 219,00
3206.0- like 3203.0-, stainless steel housing, max. 10 bar 279,00
3202.12/ .13 S300 2 switching points adjustable, n.c. + n.o. 410,00
3202.3-vent-captor air flow meter, insertion type *
24 VDC, output 4-20 mA, range 0 - 5 m/s 310,00
3202.30/10 24 VDC, output 4-20mA, range 0 - 10 m/s 310,00
3202.30/20 24 VDC, output 4-20mA, range 0 - 20 m/s 310,00
3202.30/30 24 VDC, output 4-20mA, range 0 - 30 m/s 348,00
3202.30/40 24 VDC, output 4-20mA, range 0 - 40 m/s 397,00
3202.30/50 24 VDC, output 4-20mA, range 0 - 50 m/s 414,00
3202.30/-- higher range on request
3202.31/- 24 VDC, 0,1V - 10V add. 28,00
3202.30/- S108 sensor elements ceramic coated add. 57,00
3205.30/-- as 3202.30/--, with stainless steel housing, max 10 bar add. 109,00
3205.30/-- S102 coolinghousingupto 100°C medium temperature, 10 bar add. 328,00
3205.30/-- S108 as 3202.30/--, with stainless steel housing,add.159,00
sensor elements ceramic coated
3205.30/-- S113 ozone resistant moulded in Termix add. 70,00
3205.30/-- S115/--- longer housing on request
* adjustment see page 14
SEITE 11 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
3302.1-vent-captor air flow switch, inline-type *
3302.1-/8 sensor pipe 8x1 mm, 6 bar 518,00
3302.1-/12 sensor pipe 12x1 mm, 6 bar 518,00
3302.1-/18 sensor pipe 18x1,5 mm, 6 bar 618,00
3302.1-/22 sensor pipe 22x1,5 mm, 6 bar 669,00
3302.1-/28 sensor pipe 28x1,5 mm, 6 bar 746,00
3302.1-/-- S161 16 bar add. 59,00
3205 S120 + 3002.30/xx sensor PT100/1000 674,00
3302.30/--vent-captor airflow meter, inline-type *
3302.30/8/5 sensor pipe 8x1 mm, range 0-5 m/s 582,00
3302.30/8/10 sensor pipe 8x1 mm, range 0-10 m/s 582,00
3302.30/8/20 sensor pipe 8x1 mm, range 0-20 m/s 582,00
3302.30/8/30 sensor pipe 8x1 mm, range 0-30 m/s 649,00
3302.30/8/40 sensor pipe 8x1 mm, range 0-40 m/s 697,00
3302.30/8/50 sensor pipe 8x1 mm, range 0-50 m/s 721,00
3302.30/12/5 sensor pipe 12x1 mm, range 0-5 m/s 582,00
3302.30/12/10 sensor pipe 12x1 mm, range 0-10 m/s 582,00
3302.30/12/20 sensor pipe 12x1 mm, range 0-20 m/s 582,00
3302.30/12/30 sensor pipe 12x1 mm, range 0-30 m/s 649,00
3302.30/12/40 sensor pipe 12x1 mm, range 0-40 m/s 697,00
3302.30/12/50 sensor pipe 12x1 mm, range 0-50 m/s 721,00
3302.30/18/5 sensor pipe 18x1,5 mm, range 0-5 m/s 659,00
3302.30/18/10 sensor pipe 18x1,5 mm, range 0-10 m/s 659,00
3302.30/18/20 sensor pipe 18x1,5 mm, range 0-20 m/s 659,00
3302.30/18/30 sensor pipe 18x1,5 mm, range 0-30 m/s 718,00
3302.30/18/40 sensor pipe 18x1,5 mm, range 0-40 m/s 769,00
3302.30/18/50 sensor pipe 18x1,5 mm, range 0-50 m/s 793,00
3302.30/22/5 sensor pipe 22x1,5 mm, range 0-5 m/s 721,00
3302.30/22/10 sensor pipe 22x1,5 mm, range 0-10 m/s 721,00
3302.30/22/20 sensor pipe 22x1,5 mm, range 0-20 m/s 721,00
3302.30/22/30 sensor pipe 22x1,5 mm, range 0-30 m/s 779,00
3302.30/22/40 sensor pipe 22x1,5 mm, range 0-40 m/s 829,00
3302.30/22/50 sensor pipe 22x1,5 mm, range 0-50 m/s 839,00
3302.30/28/5 sensor pipe 28x1,5 mm, range 0-5 m/s 765,00
3302.30/28/10 sensor pipe 28x1,5 mm, range 0-10 m/s 765,00
3302.30/28/20 sensor pipe 28x1,5 mm, range 0-20 m/s 765,00
3302.30/28/30 sensor pipe 28x1,5 mm, range 0-30 m/s 839,00
3302.30/28/40 sensor pipe 28x1,5 mm, range 0-40 m/s 878,00
3302.30/28/50 sensor pipe 28x1,5 mm, range 0-50 m/s 897,00
3302.30/--/-- other ranges on request
3302.30/--/-- S161 special version for max. 16 bar add. 59,00
* adjustment see page 14
SEITE 12 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
Mini vent-captor up to DI 13 mm (10-15 mm) *
with separate electronics for DIN rail mounting
Insertion type analog air flow sensor for pipes
3505 + 3022.30/5 sensor with seperate electronic, range 0 - 5 m/s 719,00
3505 + 3022.30/10 sensor with separate electronics, range 0 - 10 m/s 719,00
3505 + 3022.30/20 sensor with separate electronics, range 0 - 20 m/s 719,00
3505 + 3022.30/30 sensor with separate electronics, range 0 - 30 m/s 719,00
3505 + 3022.30/50 sensor with separate electronics, range 0 - 50 m/s 729,00
Mini vent-captor ID 13 mm (10 - 15 mm) *
with separate electronics for wall mounting
Insertion type analog air flow sensor for pipes
3505 + 3002.30/5 sensor with separate electronics, range 0-5 m/s 719,00
3505 + 3002.30/10 sensor with separate electronics, range 0-10 m/s 719,00
3505 + 3002.30/20 sensor with separate electronics, range 0-20 m/s 719,00
3505 + 3002.30/30 sensor with separate electronics, range 0-30 m/s 719,00
3505 + 3002.30/50 sensor with separate electronics, range 0-50 m/s 729,00
Mini vent-captor up to DI 20 mm (19-25 mm) *
with separate electronics
Insertion type analog air flow sensor for pipes
3506 + 3022.30/-- electronic in DIN rail mounting 719,00
3506 + 3022.30/-- electronics in housingfor wall mounting 719,00
mountingadapter for sensor 3505 (pipe diam. to declare) on request
mountingadapter for sensor 3506 (pipe diam. to declare) on request
* adjustment vent-captors
Standard-delivery vent-captor switchingunits are pre-set at approx. 3m/s
vent-captor meters are not pre-adjusted for the nominal range.
Both vent-captor switching units and meters can be calibrated to
the customer specification under our test pipe conditions.
set-point adjustment for vent-captor switch net 39,00
range adjustment for vent-captor meter net 49,00
range adjustment and curve Ia=f(v) for vent-captor meter net 65,00
connection cables
version oilflex, 3 x 0,5, length 2 m
version oilflex, 3 x 0,5, length 5 m add. 29,00
version oilflex, 3 x 0,5, length 10 m add. 38,00
connection cable oilflex, add. m add. 9,70
799926 **Flange plastic 9,60
79800 PG21, plastic (for 3201.-- / 3202.-- / 3203.--) 9,80
(alternative for flange without add. costs)
799922 PG21, metal (for 3201.-- / 3202.-- / 3203.--) 29,00
799201 fitting1" *, stainless steel 1.4305/303, 39,00
length 37 mm
(for 3204 / 3205 / 3206)
799991 **Union nut 1" stainless steel 1.4305/303 29,00
24118 O-ring1" * Perbunan (for 3204.-- / 3205.-- / 3206.--) 1,60
** incl. with unit
SEITE 13 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
supply units
8001 Signal-transducer, PC-captor 598,00
115/230 VAC, 24 VAC or 24 VDC voltage supply*
8010 Supplyunit for captor with PNP or analogoutput 198,00
voltage supply: 24 VDC, 24 VAC,
115 VAC, 230 VAC*
8011 Supplyunit for captor with NPN output 198,00
24 VDC, 24 VAC, 115 VAC, 230 VAC
8020 Supplyunit for captor with PNP or analogoutput 198,00
(clamp housing f. rail mounting)
voltage supply see 8010
8021 Supplyunit for captor with PNP or analogoutput 198,00
voltage supply: 24 VDC, 24 VAC,
115 VAC, 230 VAC*
8050 12V/24V DC/DC-converter integrated in 198,00
connection cable (for 412-.1- / 432-.1-)
8052 as 8050, for captor with analogoutput 4--20mA 198,00
8051 90 VDC - 250 VDC / 24 VDC DC/DC converter or. 329,00
99 VAC - 245 VAC / 24 VDC AC/DC-converter
with signal output
8020 S100 power supplyfor wire mountingrack 158,00
Input 90 - 264 VAC, output 24 VDC, 1,3 mA
* pls. specify the supply voltage with
digital displays
CUB 5PB00 digital displayred/green, backlighted LCD net 145,00
voltage supply 8-28 VDC
CUB 5PAQ012 basic CUB5PB00 add. Totalizer function net 178,00
ALPS 2000 power supplyfor CUB5PB--, voltage supply85-250 VAC, net 48,00
output 24 VDC, 200mA
PAXP 0000 digital displaywith Totalizer function net 289,00
supply voltage 85 - 250 VAC, signal input 4-20 mA
PAXP 0010 digital displaywith totalisator function net 288,00
supply voltage 11-36 VDC, signal input 4-20 mA
PAX CDL10 analogoutput card for PAXP net 88,00
PAX CDS40 transistor output card for 4 x PNP net 54,00
PAX CDS10 relay.output card 2 x changer net 49,00
SEITE 14 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
fittings for flow- and vent-captor 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1 1/4"
799930 1/2" fitting, steel (ST 37), length 26mm 32,00
799931 1/2" fitting,stainless steel (1.4305/303), length 26mm 37,00
1/2" fitting,stainless steel (1.4571/316Ti),length 26mm 52,00
1/2" Fitting, stainless steel (1.4305/303), length 43mm 37,00
799940 1/2" fitting, PVC, length 43mm 22,00
3/4" fitting, stainless steel (1.4305/303), length 25mm 37,00
799929 1" fitting*, steel (ST 37), length 37mm 32,00
799201 1" fitting*, stainless steel (1.4305/303),length 37mm 37,00
799921 1" fitting*, stainless steel (1.4571/316Ti), 58,00
length 37 mm
799927 1" fitting*, steel (ST 37), length 60mm 36,00
799923 1" fitting*, stainless steel (1.4305/303),length 60mm 58,00
799990 1" fitting*, stainless steel (1.4571/316Ti), 59,00
length 60mm
799932 1" fitting*, PVC, length 60mm 22,00
799997 1 1/4" fitting*, steel (ST 37), length 65mm 59,00
799920 1 1/4" fitting*, st. steel (1.4305/303), length 65mm 59,00
799937 1 1/4" Fitting*, stainless steel (1.4571/316Ti), 65,00
length 65mm
799933 1 1/4" fitting*, PVC, length 65mm 28,00
* fitting with O-ring
other fittings on request
3205.-- / 4115.30 / 4114.--Spare parts for unit type
24118 1" O-ring*, Perbunan (for 3205 / 4115) 1,69
24117 1 1/4" O-ring*, Perbunan (for 4114.--) 1,69
24133 1" O-ring*, Perbunan (for 1" fitting) 1,69
24134 1-1/4" O-ring*, Perbunan (for 1-1/4" fitting) 1,70
799991 1" union nut*, stainless steel 1.4305/303 29,00
(for 3205.--/4115.30)
799995 1" union nut*, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti 32,00
(for 3205.--/4115.30)
799993 1 1/4" union nut, stainless steel 1.4305/303 32,00
(for 4114.30)
* included in delivery
(2 pieces per unit)
compression fittings for inline-captor
4mm / 4mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti set-price 55,00
6mm / 6mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti set-price 55,00
78774 8mm / 8mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti set-price 65,00
720353 12mm / 12mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti set-price 108,00
78776 18mm / 18mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti 177,00
22mm / 22mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti 109,00
28mm / 28mm, stainless steel 1.4571/316Ti 134,00
other parts on request
SEITE 15 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
thread adapter …
Thread reducing adapter (for 4120.-- 1/2" BSP)
703016 to 3/4" BSP, stainless steel 1.4305/303 net 48,00
7030171 to 3/4" NPT, stainless Steel 1.4305/303 net 48,00
703015 to 1" BSP, stainless steel 1.4305/303 net 48,00
703031 to 1"-NPT, stainless steel 1.4305/303 net 48,00
703015 copper-filled-ringfor 4120.--BSP net 6,50
to 3/4" BSP or 3/4" NPT
703016 copper-filled-ringfor 4120.--BSP net 6,50
thread adapter to 1" BSP or 1" NPT
SEITE 16 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
270°C min. resp. temp. viewing angle
1121.-- 2 degree 1.485,00
1131.-- 7 degree 1.471,00
other types on request
300°C min. resp. temp. viewing angle
1141.-- S100 1 degr. x 7 degr. 1.991,00
other types on request
350°C min. resp. temp. viewing angle
1207.-- ------ Electronics for f.o.c. & remote lens 1.086,00
1211.-- 1 degree 1.389,00
1221.-- 2 degree 1.291,00
1231.-- 7 degree 1.278,00
1241.-- 2 degr. x 25 degr. 1.278,00
1241.--S100 1 degr. x 7 degr. 1.489,00
1241.--S102 1 degr. x 15 degr. 1.758,00
1271.-- with 2 m f.o.c. (other length on request) 1.674,00
1281.-- 1/2 degree 1.281,00
450°C min. resp. temp. viewing angle
1307.-- ------ Electronics for f.o.c. & remote lens 1.024,00
1311.-- 1 degree 1.245,00
1321.-- 2 degree 1.195,00
1331.-- 7 degree 1.195,00
1341.-- 2 degr. x 25 degr. 1.195,00
1341.--S100 1 degr. x 7 degr. 1.379,00
1341.--S102 1 degr. x 15 degr. 1.681,00
1371.-- with 2 m f.o.c. (other length on request) 1.395,00
1381.-- 1/2 degree 1.381,00
800°C min. resp. temp. viewing angle
1407.-- ------ Electronics for f.o.c. & remote lens 948,00
1411.-- 1 degr. 1.149,00
1421.-- 2 degr. 1.095,00
1431.-- 7 degr. 1.095,00
1441.-- 2 degr. x 25 degr. 1.084,00
1441.-- S100 1 degr. x 7 degr. 1.278,00
1441.-- S102 1 degr. x 15 degr. 1.557,00
1471.-- with 2 m f.o.c (other length on request) 1.534,00
1481.-- 1/2 degree 1.481,00
SEITE 17 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
Harting- socket Harting- socket add. 55,00
K Cooling jacket add. 328,00
KON Test function add. 128,00
LAir purge, standard tubus lenth 75mm add. 128,00
L100 Air purge, special tubus length 100mm add. 159,00
EResponse temperature adjustable add. 267,00
range 12-- series 350°C - 600°C
13-- series 450°C - 700°C
14-- series 700°C - 1000°C
S110/… Special temp (°C)- on request add. 67,00
1-07.-- S102 Electronics with brad harrison plugsadd.39,00
other types on request
viewing angle
Remote Optics
1001 1 degree, flange 359,00
1002 2 degree, flange 323,00
1002 KL 2 degree, cooling jacket, flange 646,00
1002 KLL 2 degree, cooling jacket, air purge, flange 795,00
1002 LL 2 degree, air purge, flange 359,00
10023 2 degree, without flange 295,00
10023 LL 2 degree, air purge, flange 518,00
1003 7 degree, without flange 154,00
1003L 7 degree, flange 258,00
1003LL 7 degree, air purge, flange 418,00
1003KL 7 degree, cooling jacket, flange 734,00
1003KLL 7 degree, cooling jacket, air purge, flange, 883,00
protection glass
1003HS 7 degree, high temp. (max. +200°C), protection glass 289,00
1003HSL 7 degree, high temp. (+200°C), protection glass, flange 388,00
1003HSLL 7 degree, high temp. (+200°C), protection glass, 537,00
air purge, flange
1004V 2 degree x 25 degree (vertical), flange 388,00
1004V LL 2 degree x 25 degree (vertical), air purge, flange 609,00
1004V KL 2 degree x 25 degree (vertical), cooling jacket, flange 690,00
1004V KLL 2 degree x 25 degree (vertical), cooling jacket, 819,00
air purge, flange
1004V S100 1 degree x 7 degree (vertical) 595,00
1004V LLZ S100 1 degree x 7 degree (vertical), target device (Z) 878,00
air purge, flange
1004V S102 1 degree x 15 degree (vertical) 793,00
10043V HSLL S100 1 degree x 7 degree (vertical), high temperature, 938,00
protection glass, air purge, flange
10043V HSLL 2 degree x 25 degree (vertical), high temperature, 996,00
protection glass, air purge, flange
10043V HSLL S102 1 degree x 15 degree (vertical), high temperature, 1.169,00
protection glass, air purge, flange
10043V KLL S100 1 degree x 7 degree (vertical), cooling jacket, 809,00
air purge, flange
10043V KLL S102 1 degree x 15 degree (vertical), cooling jacket, 1.037,00
air purge, flange
SEITE 18 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
Quarz Rod
100 100 mm long net 310,00
100-H bracket for quarz rod "100" net 253,00
100-HL bracket with air purge for quarz rod "100" net 388,00
IR fibre optic cable (IR-LLK / f.o.c.)
1042 IR-f.o.c., highlysensitive, 2m 253,00
1043 IR-f.o.c., highlysensitive, 3m 348,00
1044 IR-f.o.c., highlysensitive, 4m 438,00
1045 IR-f.o.c., highlysensitive, 5m 529,00
IR-LLK (-f.o.c.) IR fibre optic cable each add. meter add. 96,00
other types (lengths) on request
768901 foto-captor swivel stand, turnable for horizontal 199,00
and vertical alignment
silicone armoured cable, encapsulated, 2m (std.-length)
silicone armoured cable, encapsulated, 5m add. 86,00
silicone armoured cable, encapsulated, 10 m add. 179,00
silicone armoured cable, special length, add. 19,00
each add. meter
703320 6-pin Brad-Harrison connection cable, 5m 58,00
76555 extension tube, 150 mm with air purge for std.-housings 238,00
76/150L extension tube, 150 mm with air puge for cooling jacket 298,00
768924 lens cover for foto-captor standard housings 217,00
768952 lens cover for foto-captor coolinghousings 259,00
768943 laser pointer as foto-captor alignment tool 295,00
with installation adapter
SEITE 19 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
switching distance (mm)
compact units
2025.-- 25 flush mounting 350,00
2045.-- 45 flush mounting 383,00
2045.-- with mounting plate 4"x4" 45 flush mounting add. 85,00
2090.-- 90 flush mounting 557,00
2040.-- DC 40 non flush mounting 768,00
2040.-- AC 40 non flush mounting 789,00
2040.-- with plug 40 non flush mounting add. 35,00
2040.-- with plug+ screw base 40 non flush mounting add. 48,00
2040.-- with mounting plate 40 non flush mounting add. 89,00
2080.-- DC 80 non flush mounting 456,00
2080.-- AC 80 non flush mounting 449,00
2080.-- with mounting plate 80 non flush mounting add. 85,00
2100.-- DC 100 non flush mounting 332,00
2100.-- AC 100 non flush mounting 495,00
2100.-- with mounting plate 100 non flush mounting add. 85,00
2210.-- DC 100 non flush mounting 347,00
2210.-- AC 100 non flush mounting 378,00
2215.-- DC 150 non flush mounting 670,00
2215.-- AC 150 non flush mounting 694,00
2225.-- DC 250 non flush mounting 787,00
2225.-- AC 250 non flush mounting 818,00
switching distance (mm)
self-adjusting compact units
2310.-- 100 non flush mounting 436,00
2315.-- 150 non flush mounting 778,00
2325.-- 250 non flush mounting 907,00
switching units for standard coils and copper wire coils
2250.-- switchingunit with coil adapter 689,00
(for copper wire coil)
2350.-- self-adjustingswitchingunit, with coil adapter 717,00
(for copper wire coil)
2400.-- switchingunit, adjustable, switching 448,00
distance for separate coil
2500.-- self-adjustingswitchingunit for separate coil 544,00
standard coils for 2400.-- / 2500.--2801 100 non flush mounting 249,00
2840 copper wire coil 250 mm (D) 330,00
2802 150 non flush mounting 336,00
2803 250 non flush mounting 429,00
2811 Rectangular coil 1000 x 200 x 60 with Aluminium U-profile, coax-plug 1.389,00
2800 coil adapter for copper wire coil 467,00
2840 copper wire coil 250 mm (D) 305,00
special configuration on request
SEITE 20 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
analog proxi-captor in stainless steel housing
2610.30 4-20 mA nom., adjustable 0-20 mA* 2.463,00
2610.31 0-10 V / SCP nom., max. output 20V, 2.463,00
zero point adj. to -10 V*
2600.30 4-20 mA nom., remote electronics unit, 2.225,00
adjustable 0-20 mA*
2600.31 0-10V / SCP nom., remote electronics unit, 2.225,00
max. hub 20V, zero-point at -10V* * Available: 24 VDC / 115 VAC / 230
2601.31 RF-signal conditioner for 1 coil 1.495,00
2602.31 RF-signal conditioner for 2 coils 1.581,00
ZEH/DC Master control module unit without Eurocards 1.572,00
STK/DC Trigger unit for a max. of 4 pre-amplifiers 758,00
AWK/DC Analogamplifier (1 req. per 260-.31)0-20 output 848,00
JK/DC Displacement and centering,display, output -10V to +10V 808,00
JK-RGA/DC Reverse gain amplifier, output 0-20V & 998,00
difference output: -10V to +10V
8090/ 115 VAC Power supplyunit, input 115 VAC 848,00
8090/ 100 - 240 VAC Power supplyunit, input 100 - 240 VAC 848,00
coils for analog proxi-captor and Strip Guiding System
2850 cylindrical coil 256x116, with mounting plate 260x260x4 mm 1.506,00
2853 cylindrical coil 256x50, with mounting plate 260x260x4 mm 1.388,00
2800 A Copper wire coil adapter for analog-system 585,00
2840 Copper wire coil 250 mm (D) 308,00
2856 planar coil 1000x225x100 with 2m coax cable RG 213U 1.895,00
other specifications on request
4961 RG 58U compl. 59,00
Coaxial cable, 2m with 2 coaxial plugs
RG 58U add. 9,50
Coaxial cable, per each meter
4960 RG 213U compl. 85,00
Coaxial cable, 2m with 2 coaxial plugs
RG 213U add. 9,50
Coaxial cable, per each meter
4963 RG 188A/U compl. 147,00
Special coax-cable with flexible metal hose 2 m,
with 2 coax-plugs
RG 188A/U add. 52,00
Special coaxial cable, per each meter
Silicone armoured cable each meter add. 19,00
Oilflex cable 3 x 0,5 mm, each meter add. 6,70
SEITE 21 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014
Type / Art.No. Description Price €
weber Sensors Ltd.
proximity switches
I 210.-- AC-version 118,00
I 210.-- DC-version 96,00
I 220.-- AC-version 138,00
I 220.-- DC-version 117,00
I 308.-- AC-version 95,00
I 308.-- DC-version 77,00
I 315.-- AC-version 118,00
I 315.-- DC-version 108,00
I 320.-- AC-version 108,00
I 320.-- DC-version 95,00
I 515.-- V + S AC-version 128,00
I 515.-- V + S DC-version 118,00
I 515.-- VH + SH AC-version 226,00
I 515.-- VH + SH DC-version 228,00
I 515.9- VH + SH, 5m cable AC-version 238,00
I 515.9- VH + SH, 8m cable AC-version 238,00
I 602.-- AC-version 95,00
I 602.-- DC-version 77,00
I 605.-- AC-version 108,00
I 605.-- DC-version 84,00
I 610.-- AC-version 108,00
I 610.-- DC-version 95,00
I 620.-- AC-version 167,00
I 620.-- DC-version 149,00
I 705.-- AC-version 95,00
I 705.-- DC-version 77,00
I 710.-- AC-version 108,00
I 710.-- DC-version 95,00
proximity switches
K 220.-- AC-version 118,00
K 220.-- DC-version 117,00
K 320.-- AC-version 125,00
K 320.-- DC-version 125,00
K 615.-- AC-version 134,00
K 615.-- DC-version 128,00
cable standard length 2m
other lengths on request
2 m oilflex cable with plugsfor type I 515.-- 28,00
oilflex cable as per add. m add. 5,30
2 m H-cable with plug basic price 27,00
silicone cable (for I 515.-- VH + SH) as per add. m add- 11,00
brackets for I 515.-- net 8,50
brackets for I 220.-- net 8,80
SEITE 22 VON 22 errors and printing mistakes excepted Rev:AF 15.07.2014