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當(dāng)前位置:上海薩帛機電控制系統(tǒng)有限公司>> comet集團comet 9421-173-34202 225kv高壓電纜優(yōu)價銷售,,danfoss優(yōu)價
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更新時間:2024-05-15 12:13:00瀏覽次數(shù):2532次
聯(lián)系我時,請告知來自 化工儀器網(wǎng)上海薩帛機電設(shè)備有限公司,,價格優(yōu)勢,!
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comet 9421-173-34202 225kv 高壓電纜(帶接頭)
comet 9421-173-34202 225kv 高壓電纜(帶接頭)
Relais werden unter anderem als Signal-, Mess- oder Schutzrelais eingesetzt. Alle Relais sind elektromechanische Schalter und bestehen aus mehreren Schaltkontakten und einer stromdurchflossenen Spule, die diese Schalter bet?tigt.
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R?ntgenbild eines Relais
In der Produktion von Relais werden verschiedene Punkte überprüft. Der Kontaktabstand wird beispielsweise vermessen, um die Spannungsfestigkeit bzw. die ben?tigte Schaltzeit sicherzuslen. Zus?tzlich muss gew?hrleistet werden, dass der Ferritkern bei der Montage nicht besch?digt wurde oder sogar gebrochen ist. Durch einen besch?digten Ferritkern verringert sich das Magnetfeld der Spule. Dies hat unmitbaren Einfluss auf die Schaltzeit und Lebensdauer des Relais. Zus?tzlich kann durch eine R?ntgenprüfung eine Vollst?ndigkeits- und Montagekontrolle durchgeführt werden.
Die YXLON R?ntgensysteme versetzen den Nutzer in die Lage, jedes Teil prüfen zu k?nnen. FeinFocus-R?ntgensystemeY.Cheetah und Y.Cougar sind besonders für Kleinteile geeignet.
In unseren Applikationszentren bieten wir die ganze Bandbreite der R?ntgentechnik. Wir k?nnen Ihnen L?sungen für Filmersatz, Radioskopie, vollautomatische Fehlererkennung in R?ntgenbildern und CT-Scans von Prüfobjekten von μ-CT bis zu CT mit Linearbeschleunigern als Computertomografie-Dienstleistung anbieten.
Ball Grid Arrays (BGA) ist eine Geh?useform, bei der die Anschlüsse nicht sichtbar auf der Unterseite des Geh?uses liegen. Eine vollst?ndige Qualit?tsprüfung der L?tslen ist daher nur mit Hilfe der R?ntgentechnik m?glich.
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3D-Ansicht von defekten Balls
Die 2D-Mikrofokus-R?ntgentechnologie von YXLON erm?glicht die schnelle und detaillierte Beurteilung der BGA von der Forschung und Entwicklung bis zur Serienprüfung. Sie legt typische Defekte wie Lunker, Kurzschlüsse, abgehobene Lotb?lle, Mikrorisse oder Deformationen von Lotb?llen offen. Diese k?nnen zum Ausfall eines elektronischen Systems oder zu Ungenauigkeiten führen.
Die Mikro-CT erm?glicht einen tieferen Einblick in die dreidimensionale Struktur selbst kleinster Bauteile und Baugruppen und liefert zus?tzliche Informationen zu den Defekten, z. B. die Volumengr??e der Lunker, die Spaltgr??e bei einem abgehobenen Lotball oder die Oberfl?chenstruktur des Pads bei einem nichtverl?teten Lotball. Durch diese Zusatzinformationen wird eine Analyse der Fehlerursachen vereinfacht.
Beide Technologien sind in den R?ntgensystemen Y.Cheetah und Y.Cougar enthalten.
In unseren Applikationszentren bieten wir die ganze Bandbreite der R?ntgentechnik. Wir k?nnen Ihnen L?sungen für Filmersatz, Radioskopie, vollautomatische Fehlererkennung in R?ntgenbildern und CT-Scans von Prüfobjekten von Mikro-CT bis zu CT mit Linearbeschleunigern als Computertomografie-Dienstleistung anbieten.
Sensoren bestehen aus elektromechanischen Komponenten und Materialien unterschiedlicher Dichte. Die Fehleranalyse dieser Bauteile ist eine Herausforderung, für die YXLON die passenden L?sungen anbietet.
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R?ntgenbild eines Sensors
Sensoren sorgen zum Beispiel für mehr Fahrsicherheit im Auto und überwachen die Funktion des Antriebsstranges. Sie kontrollieren den Status einer Flugzeugtür, die Position einer Landeklappe oder des Leitwerkes. Die Anwendungsm?glichkeiten dieser Sensoren sind ?u?erst vielf?ltig und für fast jede Anwendung gibt es eine spezielle L?sung.
Genauso vielf?ltig wie die Anwendungen sind die in den Sensoren verwendeten Materialien. Es werden Kunststoffe und Metalle verwendet, in denen elektronische Schaltungen eingesetzt sind. Bei der Fehleranalyse ist es notwendig, diese unterschiedlichen Materialien sauber zu trennen und etwaige Anomalien oder Defekte zu erkennen.
Die YXLON R?ntgensysteme versetzen den Nutzer in die Lage, jedes Teil prüfen zu k?nnen. Insbesondere für kleine Teile sindY.Cheetah und Y.Cougar besonders geeignet.
In unseren Applikationszentren bieten wir die ganze Bandbreite der R?ntgentechnik. Wir k?nnen Ihnen L?sungen für Filmersatz, Radioskopie, vollautomatische Fehlererkennung in R?ntgenbildern und CT-Scans von Prüfobjekten von μ-CT bis zu CT mit Linearbeschleunigern als Computertomografie-Dienstleistung anbieten.
060N1273 Sensor MBS 5150-2821-3CC04
061B000066 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B000166 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B000266 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B000366 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B000466 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B000566 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B000666 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B000766 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B000966 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B001066 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B001266 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B002166 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B002966 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B003766 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B004066 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B004366 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B004466 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B004566 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B005266 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B005466 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B005566 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B006966 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B007466 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B007566 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B007866 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B008066 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B008166 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B008266 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B008466 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B008566 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B009066 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B010066 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B010266 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B010366 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B010466 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B010566 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B010966 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B011066 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B012166 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B012266 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B012366 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B012566 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B012666 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B012766 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B012866 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B012966 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B013366 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B013466 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B014666 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B014766 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B015366 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B015466 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B015966 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B100066 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B100166 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B100266 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B100366 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B100466 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B100566 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B100766 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B100866 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B100966 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B101766 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B102366 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B102466 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B102966 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B103066 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B103566 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B105566 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B106166 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B106266 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B110066 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B110166 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B110266 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B110366 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B110466 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B110566 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B110766 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B110866 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B126066 MBC5080 Diff. Press. Control
061B127066 MBC5080 Diff. Press. Control
061B128066 MBC 5180 Diff. Press. Control
061B128166 MBC5180 Diff. Press. Control
061B128266 MBC5180 Diff. Press. Control
061B128666 MBC5180 Diff. Press. Control
061B129066 MBC5180 Diff. Press. Control
061B200066 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B200166 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B200266 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B200366 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B200466 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B200566 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B200966 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B201066 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B201266 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B201566 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B300066 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B300166 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B300266 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B300366 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B300466 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B300566 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B300666 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B300766 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B300866 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B301266 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B301866 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B400101 Damping Element G1/4"A - G1/4"
061B400201 Accessory Bag
061B500066 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B500166 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B500266 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B500366 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B500466 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B500566 MBC 5000 Pressure Control
061B510066 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B510166 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B510266 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B510366 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B510466 MBC 5100 Pressure Control
061B6000 MBV 2000 Isolation Valve
061B6001 MBV 2000 Isolation Valve
061B6002 MBV 2000 Isolation Valve
061B6003 MBV 2000 Isolation Valve
061B6004 MBV 2000 Isolation Valve
061B6014 MBV 2000 Isolation Valve
061B6015 MBV 2000 Isolation Valve
061B6100 MBV 3000 Test valve for transmitter
061B7000 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7001 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7002 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7003 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7004 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7005 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7006 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7007 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7008 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7009 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7010 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7011 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7012 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7013 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7014 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7015 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7018 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7020 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7022 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7045 MBV 5000 Test Valve inlet left side
061B7049 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B7050 MBV 5000 Test valve
061B720001 Adaptor Valve Block
061B720101 Adaptor for MBV5000 G1/8
061B720201 Adaptor for MBV5000 G 1/8
061B720401 Adaptor forMBV5000 1/8-27NPT
061B720501 Adaptor for MBV5000 Rc 1/4
061B720601 Adaptor for MBV5000 G 1/4
061B720701 Adaptor for MBV5000 G 1/4
061B720901 Adaptor for MBV5000 G 1/4
061B7221 Pulse snubber
061B722101 Pulse snubber
061B800266 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B800366 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B800466 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B800566 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B801466 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B810166 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B810266 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B810366 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B810466 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B810566 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B810766 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B810866 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B811266 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B811366 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B811466 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B811666 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B811866 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B812066 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B812166 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B813166 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B813266 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B813366 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B813466 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B813566 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B813666 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B813766 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B813866 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B813966 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B814066 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B814166 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B814866 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B818666 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B818766 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B818866 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B818966 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B819066 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B819166 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B819266 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B819866 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B819966 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B820166 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B820366 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
061B820566 MBC 8100 Temperature Control
063G0303 Adapter G1/4 Din 3852-1/4 NPT
063G1064 Sensor MBS 1250-3615-C1GB04
063G1068 Sensor MBS 1250-3412-C1GB04
063G1080 Sensor MBS 1250-2411-C1GB04
063G1081 Sensor MBS 1250-3611-C4GB04
063G1088 Sensor MBS 1250-2011-C6FA06
063G1112 Sensor MBS 1250-3911-C6GB04
063G1115 Sensor MBS 1250-3615-C1GB04
063G1119 Sensor MBS 1250-3411-C4GB04
063G1121 Sensor MBS 1250-3415-C1GB04
063G1123 Sensor MBS 1250-3611-C1GB04
063G1126 Sensor MBS 1250-4011-C1FC06
063G1133 Sensor MBS 1250-2011-C1GB04
063G1138 Sensor MBS 1200-2211-C5GB04
063G1144 Sensor MBS 1300-2213-C5GC02-2
063G1156 Sensor MBS 1250-3516-C3GB04
063G1158 Sensor MBS 1250-3211-C1GB04
063G1159 Sensor MBS 1200-2611-C1GB04
063G1191 Sensor MBS 1250-341x-C1GB04
063G1193 Sensor MBS 1250-3011-C4GB04
063G1195 Sensor MBS 1250-3212-C4GB04
063G1200 Sensor MBS 1250-2611-C4GB04
063G1201 Sensor MBS 1250-3811-C4GB04
063G1229 Sensor MBS 1250-3411-C1GB04
063G1231 Sensor MBS 1250-3616-C1GB04
063G1236 Sensor MBS 1250-3015-C5GB04
063G1250 Sensor MBS 1250-3411-C5GB04
063G1261 Sensor MBS 1250-2011-C3GB04
063G1285 Sensor MBS 1250-3411-C3GB04
063G1289 Sensor MBS 1250-3416-C3GB04
063G1352 Sensor MBS 1200-201X-C4GB04
063G1392 Sensor MBS 1250-3813-C3BD10
063G1410 Sensor MBS 1200-3411-C1GB04
063G1480 Sensor MBS 1200-2011-C1PT04
063G1513 Sensor MBS1200-2811-XXGB04
063G1552 Sensor MBS 1250-2811-C4GB04
063G4112 Sensor MBS1250-3911-C6GB04
063G4552 Sensor MBS 1250-2811-C4GB04
064G1041 Sensor MBS6100
064G1049 Sensor MBS6100
064G1051 Sensor MBS6100
064G1052 Sensor MBS6100
064G1064 Sensor MBS 8250-3811-A8GB04-1
064G1065 Sensor MBS 8250-3416-A2GB041
064G1084 Sensor MBS 8250-3411-B2GB04-1
064G6502 Sensor MBS 1900-2011-A0AB04
064G6510 Sensor MBS 1900-6311-A0AC04
064G6511 Sensor MBS 1900-2211-A0GB04
064G6523 Sensor MBS 1900-2211-A1AB04
064G6531 Sensor MBS 1900-2211-A1GB04
064G6546 MBS 1900-2011-A3AB04
064G6586 Sensor MBS 1900-2011-A1GB04
064G6587 Sensor MBS 1900-XX11-A1AB08
067B2091 TE 5 Orifice 03
067B2788 TE 5 Orifice 0,5
067B2789 TE 5 Orifice 01
067B2790 PHT/TE 5 Orifice 02
067B2791 TE 5 Orifice 03
067B2792 TE 5 Orifice 04
067B3238 TES 5 Element NMOP
067B3249 TEX 5 Element NMMOP
067B3250 TEX 5 Element N
067B3251 TEX 5 Element BMOP
067B3253 TEX 5 Element NLMOP
067B3263 TEX 5 Element B
067B3267 TEX 5 Element NMOP
067B3277 TEZ 5 Element NMOP
067B3278 TEZ 5 Element N
067B3297 TEN 5 Element N
067B3298 TEN 5 Element NMOP
067B3337 TEB 5 Element BMOP
067B3340 TEX 5 Element N
067B3342 TES 5 Element N
067B3343 TES 5 Element BMOP
067B3344 TES 5 Element B
067B3357 TES 5 Element NMMOP
067B3358 TES 5 Element NLMOP
067B3360 TEN 5 Element NMMOP
067B3379 TES 5 Element NL
067B3381 TES 5 Element BMOP
067B3384 TES 5 Element NLMOP
067B3388 TES 5 Element BMOP
067B3389 TES 5 Element BMOP
067B3391 TES 5 Element BMOP
067B3392 TES 5 Element B
067B3394 TEB 5 Element BMOP
067B3395 TEB 5 Element BMOP
067B3396 TEB 5 Element BMOP
067B3428 TE 5 Element NL
067B4002 TE 5 Valve Body SS
067B4003 TE 5 Valve Body SS
067B4004 TE 5 Valve Body SA
067B4005 TE 5 Valve Body SA
067B4007 TE 5 Valve Body SS
067B4008 TE 5 Valve Body SS
067B4009 TE 5 Valve Body SA
067B4010 TE 5 Valve Body SA
067B4011 TE 5 Valve Body SA
067B4012 TE 5 Valve Body SA
067B4013 TE 5 Valve Body FA
067B4032 TE 5 Valve Body SS
067B4033 TE 5 Valve Body SS
067B4034 TE 5 Valve Body SA
067B4035 TE 5 Valve Body SS
067B4036 TE 5 Valve Body SS
067B4037 TE 5 Valve Body SA
068-0003 T2/TE2 Filter I/45
068-0015 T2/TE2 Filter I/45
068-2002 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare No. 0X
068-2003 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare No. 00
068-2006 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare No. 03
068-2007 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare No. 04
068-2008 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare No. 05
068-2009 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare No. 06
068-2010 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare No. 01
068-2015 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare No. 02
068-2021 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare I/45
068-2022 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare I/45
068-2023 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare I/45
068-2030 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare I/45
068-2031 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare I/45
068-2032 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare I/45
068-2033 T2/TE2 Orifice Flare I/45
068-206066 T2/TE2 Adapter
068-206166 T2/TE2 Adapter
068-206266 T2/TE2 Adapter
068-206366 T2/TE2 Adapter
068-2069 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder I/45
068-2070 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder I/45
068-2071 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder I/45
068-2072 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder I/45
068-2073 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder I/45
068-2074 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder I/45
068-2075 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder I/45
068-2076 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder I/45
068-208066 T2/TE2 Adapter I/45
068-208166 T2/TE2 Adapter I/45
068-208266 T2/TE2 Adapter I/45
068-208366 T2/TE2 Adapter I/45
068-2089 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder No. 0X
068-2090 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder No. 00
068-2091 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder No. 01
068-2092 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder No. 02
068-2093 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder No. 03
068-2094 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder No. 04
068-2095 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder No. 05
068-2096 T2/TE2 Orifice Solder No. 06
068-3238 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve w/o orifce
068-3239 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve w/o orifce
068-3249 TXI2 Expansion Valve w/o orifice
068-3258 TXI2 Expansion Valve w/o orifice
068-3343 TXI2 Expansion Valve Solder
068-3360 TXI2 Expansion Valve w/o orifice
068-3478 TN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve w/o Orif.
068-3482 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve w/o Orif.
068-3493 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve w/o Orif.
068-3494 TXI2 Expansion Valve Solder
068-3495 TXI2 Expansion Valve Solder
068-4100 T2/TE2 Adapter
068-4101 T2/TE2 Adapter
068B0017 Accessory bag
068B0020 Accessory bag
068B0021 Refrigerant gasket
068B0171 Filter
068F4000 Spare Part, EVSR 10, Brine
068F4002 Rep. kit for EVSR 14
068F4050 EV227B 10B G 38E NC000 EVSR10
068F4052 EV221B 12B G12NC000 (EVSR12)
068F4053 EVSR14 1/2IN G EPDM NC
068F4054 EVSR18 3/4IN G EPDM NC
068F4055 EVSR22 1IN G EPDM NC
068G0026 Guide
068G0051 SEAL KIT TEA 20
068G0052 SEALKIT TEAT 20
068G0053 SEALKIT TEA 85
068G0054 SEALKIT TEAT 85
068G2050 ORIFICE INSERT / TEA 20-1
068G2051 ORIFICE INSERT / TEA 20-2
068G2052 ORIFICE INSERT / TEA 20-3
068G2055 Seperate Orifice /
068G2056 Seperate Orifice /
068G2057 ORIFICE INSERT / TEA 85-33
068G2058 ORIFICE INSERT / TEA 85-55
068G2059 ORIFICE INSERT / TEA 85-85
068G3250 ELEM TEA 20/85
068G3252 ELEM TEA 20/85
068G3255 ELEM TEVA 20/85
068G3260 ELEM TEAT 20/85
068G3261 ELEM TEAT 20/85
068G3262 ELEM TEAT 20/85
068H6140 TDEN 3.1 Expansion Valve I/12 Flare
068H6142 TDEN 4.6 Expansion Valve I/12 Flare
068H6145 TDEN 5.8 Expansion Valve I/12 Flare
068H8724 TDEN 3.1 Expansion Valve I/12 ORFS
068H8725 TDEN 5.8 Expansion Valve I/12 ORFS
068H8804 TDEN 4.6 Expansion Valve I/12 ORFS
068N1900 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1901 TDEN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1902 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1903 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1904 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1905 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1906 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1907 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1908 TDEN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1911 TDS 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1912 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1913 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1914 TDS 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1915 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1916 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1917 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1918 TDS 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1921 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1922 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1923 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1924 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1925 TDS 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1926 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1937 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1945 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1946 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1948 TDN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N1959 TDEN 1 Expansion Valve AW I/32
068N2529 CLIPS / TK
068N2530 CLIPS /TK
068N2531 CLIPS / TK
068N2532 Bulb strap Ass'y
068U0015 Packing TUA gasket I/24
068U0016 Packing TUA filter (blue ) I/24
068U1030 TUA orifice 0
068U1031 TUA orifice 1
068U1032 TUA orifice 2
068U1033 TUA orifice 3
068U1034 TUA orifice 4
068U1035 TUA orifice 5
068U1036 TUA orifice 6
068U1037 TUA orifice 7
068U1038 TUA orifice 8
068U1039 TUA orifice 9
068U1132 TUA orifice 2 15% Bleed
068U1134 TUA orifice 4 15% Bleed
068U1135 TUA orifice 5 15% Bleed
068U1137 TUA orifice 7 15% Bleed
068U1139 TUA orifice 9 15% Bleed
068U1706 Packing TUA filter ( naturel )I/24
068U1708 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1710 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1711 TUCE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1714 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1715 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1716 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1723 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1727 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1728 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1729 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1730 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1732 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1749 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1751 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1752 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1753 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1755 TUCE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1756 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1758 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1763 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1769 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1776 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1782 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1790 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1806 TUCE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1807 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1830 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1831 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1832 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1833 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1834 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1835 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1836 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1842 TUC/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U1900 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1901 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1902 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1903 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1904 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1905 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1906 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1907 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1908 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1909 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1910 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1911 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1912 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1913 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1914 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1915 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1916 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1917 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1918 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1919 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1935 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1936 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1937 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1938 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1939 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1942 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1953 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1955 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1956 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1957 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1958 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1959 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1960 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1961 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1962 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1963 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1970 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1972 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1973 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1974 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1975 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U1998 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2000 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2001 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2002 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2003 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2004 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2005 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2006 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2007 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2009 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2010 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2011 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2012 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2013 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2014 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2015 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2016 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2017 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2020 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2021 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2022 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2023 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2024 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2025 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2026 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2027 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2028 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2029 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2030 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2031 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2032 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2038 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2049 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2050 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2053 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2057 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2058 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2059 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2060 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2061 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2075 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2076 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2077 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2078 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2079 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2080 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2081 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2082 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2083 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2085 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2086 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2087 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2088 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2089 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2090 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2091 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2092 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2093 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2094 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2095 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2096 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2097 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2098 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2099 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2103 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2104 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2105 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2106 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2107 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2108 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2109 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2110 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2111 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2142 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2147 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2151 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2154 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2155 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2200 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2201 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2202 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2203 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2204 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2205 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2206 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2207 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2208 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2211 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2212 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2213 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2214 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2215 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2219 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2230 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2231 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2232 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2233 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2234 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2235 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2236 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2237 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2241 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2242 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2243 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2244 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2245 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2273 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2280 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2281 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2282 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2283 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2284 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2285 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2286 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2287 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2288 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2289 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2292 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2293 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2295 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2296 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2297 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2299 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2300 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2301 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2302 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2303 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2304 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2312 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2315 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2316 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2317 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2318 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2319 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2320 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2321 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2322 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2323 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2324 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2325 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2326 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2327 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2330 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2331 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2332 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2333 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2334 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2335 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2376 TUCE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2377 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2378 TUCE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2384 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2385 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2404 TUCE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2412 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2414 TUA/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2450 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2456 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2457 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2458 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2459 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2460 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2461 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2462 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2463 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2465 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2466 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2467 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2473 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2475 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2479 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2487 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2539 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2540 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2541 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2542 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2543 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2544 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2555 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2567 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2575 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2576 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2577 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2592 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2593 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2606 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2611 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2636 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2637 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2638 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2647 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2648 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2649 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2659 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2660 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2662 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2663 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2672 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2685 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2689 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2691 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2694 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2695 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2696 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2697 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2737 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2738 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45 (FDE-0004)
068U2742 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2772 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2775 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2776 TUCE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2777 TUCE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2779 TUB/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2780 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2786 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2787 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2788 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2789 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2790 TUC/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2795 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2800 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2805 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2808 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2846 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2847 TUAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2950 TUH/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2951 TUH/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2956 TUH/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U2961 TUH/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U2962 TUH/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U3306 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U3312 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U3313 TUCE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U3491 TUBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U3505 Accessory 0,4mm bulb strap I/45
068U3506 Accessory 0,4mm bulb strap I/45
068U3507 Accessory bag short bulb strap
068U3508 Accessory bag long bulb strap
068U3509 OEM bulbstrap 3/8 in I/45
068U3510 OEM bulbstrap 1/2 in I/45
068U3511 OEM bulbstrap 5/8 in I/45
068U3512 TUC/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U3578 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U3579 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U3583 TUB/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U3610 TUBE/a Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4097 TCAE orifice 1 15% Bleed
068U4098 TCAE orifice 2 15% Bleed
068U4099 TCAE orifice 3 15% Bleed
068U4100 TCAE orifice 1
068U4101 TCAE orifice 2
068U4102 TCAE orifice 3
068U4208 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4209 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4210 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4211 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4216 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4217 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4218 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4219 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4224 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4225 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4226 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4227 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4228 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4229 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4230 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4231 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4232 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4233 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4234 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4235 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4236 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4237 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4238 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4239 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4240 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4241 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4242 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4243 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4244 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4245 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4246 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4247 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4248 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4249 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4250 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4251 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4256 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4257 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4258 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4259 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4261 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4262 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4264 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4265 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4266 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4267 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4272 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4273 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4274 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4275 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4280 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4281 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4282 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4283 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4284 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4285 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4286 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4287 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4292 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4293 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4294 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4295 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4296 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4297 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4298 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4299 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4304 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4305 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4306 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4307 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4308 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4309 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4310 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4311 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4314 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4315 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4318 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4319 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4320 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4321 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4322 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4323 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4324 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4325 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4326 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4327 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4328 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4329 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4330 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4331 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4336 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4337 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4338 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4339 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4340 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4341 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4342 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4343 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4344 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4345 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4346 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4347 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4356 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4357 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4358 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4359 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4360 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4361 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4362 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4370 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4372 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4373 TCAE/s Therm. Exp. Valve
068U4505 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4513 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4527 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4528 TCHE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4529 TCHE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4530 TCHE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4534 TCHE/a Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068U4550 TCBE/s Therm. Exp. Valve I/45
068X7760 TUAE Sample (068U2780)
068X8061 TUBE Sample (068U1708)
068Z3001 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3002 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3003 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3004 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3005 TES 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3006 TES 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3007 TES 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3008 TES 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3009 TES 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3010 TES 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3011 TEB 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3012 TEB 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3013 TEB 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3014 TEB 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3070 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3071 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3072 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3073 TEB 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3074 TEB 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3206 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3207 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3208 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3209 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3209D1 TEX 2 Flare/Flare
068Z3210 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3211 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3219 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3224 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3225 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3226 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3227 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3228 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3229 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3238 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare I/45
068Z3239 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare I/45
068Z3246 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3248 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3264 TN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3270 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3276 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3277 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3281 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3284 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3287 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3290 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3298 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3299 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3302 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3305 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3308 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3311 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3320 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3329 TZ 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3332 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3333 TEX 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3346 TN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3347 TN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3348 TEN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3349 TEN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3350 TEX 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3351 TEX 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3357 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3359 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3361 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3363 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3365 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3367 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3369 TN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3370 TEN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3383 TN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3384 TN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3385 TEN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3386 TEN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3387 TN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3388 TN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3389 TEN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3390 TEN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3391 TN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3392 TEN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3393 TN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3400 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3401 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3402 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3403 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3404 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3405 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3406 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3407 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3408 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3409 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3410 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3411 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3414 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3415 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3416 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3417 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3418 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3419 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3420 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3421 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3422 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3423 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3424 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3425 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3426 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3427 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3428 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3429 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3430 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3431 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3435 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3436 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3437 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3441 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3442 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3445 TES 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3446 TEZ 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3447 TEZ 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3449 TE 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3454 TEZ 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3460 TF 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3461 TEF 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3463 TEY 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3464 TY 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3466 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare I/45
068Z3478 TES 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3479 TES 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3482 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3484 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3487 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3489 T 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3493 TEX 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3496 TZ 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3499 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3500 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3501 TEZ 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3502 TZ 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3503 TEZ 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3514 TZ 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3515 TEZ 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3516 TZ 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3517 TEZ 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3543 TEN 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare I/45
068Z3555 TES 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare I/45
068Z3558 TE 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z3601 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare I/45
068Z3602 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare I/45
068Z3634 TEN 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3644 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3647 TS 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z3653 TEZ 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare I/45
068Z3700 TE 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3701 TE 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3702 TE 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3703 TE 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3704 TE 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3705 TE 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3706 TE 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3707 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3708 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z3709 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
068Z6040 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z6042 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z6043 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z6044 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z6047 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z6049 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z6050 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z6051 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z6077 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z6078 TX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z6084 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z6085 TEX 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z7001 TES 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z7002 TEB 2 Therm.Exp.Valve Flare/Solder I/45
068Z7008 TEB 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z7009 TEB 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Flare
068Z7012 TEB 2 Therm. Exp. Valve Flare/Solder
069G000602 RD21-A05-A02 Ref. Distributor I/24
069G000603 RD21-A05-A03 Ref. Distributor I/24
069G000703 RD21-H05-J03 Ref. Distributor I/24
069G000802 RD21-A05-B02 Ref. Distributor I/24
069G000803 RD21-A05-B03 Ref. Distributor I/24
069G101308 RD33-A06-A08 Ref. Distributor I/24
069G101402 RD33-A06-B02 Ref. Distributor I/24
069G102812 RD42-H06-H12 Ref. Distributor I/15
069G1051 Distributor Spare par
069G1058 Distributor Spare part
069G1064 Cone Spare part
069G1071 Distributor Spare part
069G201404 RD33-B06-B04 Ref. Distributor I/24
069G201406 RD33-B06-B06 Ref. Distributor I/24
069G2502 RD27-H05-H06 Ref. Distributor I/24
069G300612 RD49-C08-B12 Ref. Distributor I/15
069G300708 RD49-C08-C08 Ref. Distributor I/15
069G4001 LG 12-16 Liquidgasmixer
069G4002 LG 12-22 Liquidgasmixer
069G4003 LG 16-28 Liquidgasmixer
069G4004 LG 22-35 Liquidgasmixer
069G500613 RD79-D10,1-B13 Ref. Distributor I/6
084B4403 Sensor EKS 211, 1.5m, w. Crimp 300pc
084B4404 Sensor EKS 211, 3.5m, w. Crimp
084G2100 EMP 2
084G2101 EMP 2 -1-5 bar, G1/2A
084G2102 EMP 2
084G2103 EMP 2
084G2104 EMP 2
084G2105 EMP 2
084G2106 EMP 2
084G2107 EMP 2 0-6 bar, G1/2A
084G2108 EMP 2 0-6 bar
084G2109 EMP 2
084G2110 EMP 2 0-10 bar
084G2111 EMP 2 0-16 bar
084G2112 EMP 2 0-25 bar
084G2113 EMP 2 0-40 bar
084G2114 EMP 2
084G2115 EMP 2
084G2116 EMP 2
084G2117 EMP 2
084G2118 EMP 2
084G2120 EMP 2
084G2131 EMP 2
084G2136 EMP 2
084G2137 EMP 2
084G2141 EMP 2
084G2142 EMP 2
084G2143 EMP 2
084G2144 EMP 2
084G2154 EMP 2 0-20 kP/cm2, G1/2A
084G2157 EMP 2 0-4 kP/cm2, G3/8
084G2158 EMP 2 0-6 kP/cm2, G3/8
084G2159 EMP 2
084G2169 EMP 2
084G2179 EMP 2 0-10 kP/cm2, G3/8
084G2181 EMP 2
084G2186 EMP 2
084G2206 EMP 2
084G2207 EMP 2, REL., G3/8 MANO
084G2209 EMP 2 0-10 bar
084G2211 EMP 2 0-16 bar EXTG3/8, MANO
084G2213 EMP 2 0-40 bar
084G4104 EMP 2 084G2179 (12 pcs)
084G4117 EMP 2 084G2158 (12 pcs)
084G4141 EMP 2 084G2159 (12 pcs)
084G4142 EMP 2
084N0003 Sensor AKS 11 3,5 m
084N0005 Sensor AKS 11 Sensor WITH 5.5m cable (S
084N0008 Sensor AKS 11 8,5 m
084N0027 Sensor AKS 11 3,5 m I-pack 110 pcs.
084N0028 Sensor AKS 11, 5,5 m, I-pack 70 pcs.
084N0029 Sensor AKS 11 8,5 m I-pack 50 pcs
084N0035 Sensor AKS 12 Sensor 1.5m I-pack (30 pcs
084N0036 Sensor AKS 12 Sensor PT1000 1,5 m cable
084N0037 Sensor AKS12 5,5 m AMP Plug I-pack = 30
084N0038 Sensor AKS 12 Sensor PT1000 5.5m cable,I
084N0039 Sensor AKS 12 3,5 m I-pack
084N0041 Sensor AKS12 8,5 m AMP Plug I-pack
084N0043 Sensor AKS 11, Pt 1000, 5,5m, with AMP
084N0045 Sensor AKS 12 5,5 m AMP-Plug
084N0046 Sensor AKS 12 Sensor PT1000 5.5m cable,M
084N0051 Sensor AKS 11 5,5 m AMP Plug I-pack
084N0052 Sensor AKS 11 8,5 m, AMP plug, I-pack
084N1007 Type AK-HS 1000
084N1161 Sensor EKS 111,PTC1000,1,5m cable w pins
084N1163 Sensor EKS 111,PTC1000,3,5m cable w pins
084N1170 Sensor EKS 111, 3,5 m with AMP Plug
084N1171 Sensor EKS 111, 6 m with AMP Plug
084N1172 Sensor EKS 111 1,5 m
084N1173 Sensor EKS 111, 6 m
084N1174 Sensor EKS 111, 1,5 m with AMP Plug
084N1177 Sensor EKS 111 PTC1000/ AMP-stik/ 6 m/mu
084N1178 Sensor EKS 111 PTC1000 1,5 m
084N1179 Sensor EKS 111 PTC1000 3.5 m multipack
084N1180 Sensor EKS 111 PTC1000 6 m multipack
084N1181 Sensor EKS 111 PTC1000/ AMP-plug/ 1,5 m
084N1182 Sensor EKS 111 PTC1000/ AMP-plug/ 3,5 m
084N1220 Sensor EKS 211, TC 5001,5m w. crimp
084N2003 Sensor AKS 21 M
084N2007 Sensor AKS 21 A
084N2008 Sensor AKS 21A Surface Sensor
084N2016 Sensor AKS 21 W
084N2017 Sensor AKS 21 W
084N2024 Sensor AKS 21 A
084N2026 Sensor AKS 21 W
084N2027 Sensor AKS 21 W
084N2031 Sensor AKS 21 W
084N2032 Sensor AKS 21 W
084N2035 Sensor AKS 21 D
084N2037 Sensor AKS 21 D
084N2040 Sensor AKS 120, Thermowell, protection t
084N2043 Sensor for AKS 21W
084N2045 Sensor AKS 120, Thermowell, protection
084N2060 Sensor AKS 25W4-0100-080-220
084N2117 Accessory bag
084N3210 Sensor EKS 221 NT10K 3,5m cable, M-pack
084X1040 Sensor MBT 5310-00-570-000
084X1053 Sensor MBT5310-570-620 Sven
084X1054 Sensor MBT5310-100-620 Sven
084X1055 Sensor MBT5310-180-620 Sven
084X1166 MBT 3270-00001-025-20017-300
084X1167 MBT 3270-00001-035-20017-300
084X1168 Sensor MBT 5310-00-060-930 9=B-hoved m t
084X1169 Sensor MBT 5310-00-152-930 9=B-hoved m t
084X1197 Adjustable connection G1/2A
084X1199 Sensor MBT 5250-0300-050-820
084Z0157 Sensor MBT 5252-0000-0133-0200-0000
084Z2010 Sensor MBT 3270-04001-024-30300-000
084Z2012 Sensor MBT 3270-02001-028-00300-000
084Z2014 Sensor MBT 3270-00001-024-30300-000
084Z2015 Sensor MBT 3270-00001-024-30C00-000
084Z2018 Sensor MBT 3270-20002-040-30300-000
084Z2019 Sensor MBT 3270-20002-040-30C00-000
084Z2021 Sensor MBT 3270-20002-040-30001-200
084Z2024 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0400-GA12
084Z2028 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-G515
084Z2035 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0150-0740-G415
084Z2042 Sensor MBT 5260 -1000-050-420 M12 plug 4
084Z2043 Sensor MBT 5310-00-060-800
084Z2044 Sensor MBT 5310-00-100-800
084Z2046 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-800-220
084Z2047 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-650-220
084Z2051 Sensor MBT 5252--0000
084Z2057 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-100-C20 PT100 100m
084Z2058 Sensor MBT 5310-00-128-800 Bearing tempr
084Z2060 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-050-C20 PT100, 50
084Z2064 Sensor MBT 5310-00-128-B00 M12, 4-pin
084Z2065 Sensor MBT 5260 -1000-100-420 M12 plug 4
084Z2066 Sensor MBT 5310-00-100-B00 with M12, 4
084Z2069 Sensor MBT 5310-00-060-B00 M12, 4-pin
084Z2079 Sensor MBT 5252-0300-0080-1F32-0000 B-mi
084Z2089 MBT 5250-0300-120-420 tempr. sensor
084Z2116 Sensor MBT
084Z3005 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0150-0200-G440
084Z3006 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-GB15
084Z3008 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-250-140
084Z3012 Sensor MBT
084Z3015 Sensor MBT 5252-0041-0300-0200-0000
084Z3016 Sensor MBT 5252-0041-1000-0200-0000
084Z3019 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0250-0200-G215
084Z3020 Sensor MBT 5310-00-115-533
084Z3027 Sensor MBT5252-0000-0050-0231-0000
084Z3029 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0700-G415(50mm
084Z3033 Sensor MBT 120-630-050-8
084Z3038 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-GB15
084Z3039 Sensor MBT 5250-0300-050-450 (CARGO)
084Z3045 Sensor MBT 5310-00-450-130
084Z3047 Sensor MBT3270-0A459-070-21901-040
084Z3055 Sensor MBT
084Z3058 Sensor MBT 5250-0200-050-420 (CARGO)
084Z3059 Sensor MBT5310-10-100-620
084Z3060 Sensor MBT5310-10-180-620
084Z3061 Sensor MBT5310-10-570-620
084Z3072 Sensor MBT5252-0000-0100-0201-G420
084Z3074 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0200-0200-G120
084Z3078 Sensor MBT 3270-10000-024-00001-113
084Z3081 Sensor MBT 5250-0200-150-420
084Z3082 Sensor MBT 5252-0001-0100-0230-L420
084Z3085 Sensor MBT 5250-0300-050-420 (CARGO)
084Z3087 Sensor MBT 5252--0000
084Z3091 Sensor MBT 5252-0300-0100-1F32-0000 B-mi
084Z3092 Sensor MBT 3270-04100-032-10300-000
084Z3098 Sensor MBT 3270-02000-028-C0300-000
084Z3100 Sensor MBT 5252-0000-0100-1K30-0000 B-MI
084Z3101 Sensor MBT5252-0004-0500-0J00-0000 Spec.
084Z3102 Sensor MBT5252-0104-0500-0J00-0000 Spec
084Z3103 Sensor MBT 5252-0041-1000-0200-G105
084Z3104 Sensor MBT 5252-0041-1000-0200-G110
084Z3105 Sensor MBT 5252-0041-1000-0200-G115
084Z3106 Sensor MBT 5252-0041-1500-0200-G115
084Z3107 Sensor MBT 5250-0100-100-250
084Z3108 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-G410
084Z3116 Sensor MBT 5252-0300-0100-1K32-0000 B-mi
084Z3117 Sensor MBT 5116-C001-200-4204-300
084Z3118 Sensor MBT 5116-C001-200-4204-450
084Z3121 Sensor MBT 5252-0010-0093-1200-0000 B-MI
084Z3125 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-L110
084Z3128 Sensor MBT 5310-00-096-000
084Z3129 Sensor MBT 5310-00-144-000
084Z3130 Sensor MBT 3270-02000-028-B0300-000
084Z3136 Sensor MBT 5252-0100-0050-1F02-0000 B-MI
084Z3137 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0080-0600-0000
084Z3138 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0150-0600-0000
084Z3139 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0200-0600-0000
084Z3140 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-100-30-0000
084Z3141 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-150-30-0000
084Z3143 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0080-0200-I115
084Z3147 Sensor MBT 5310-00-072-000
084Z3148 Sensor MBT 5252--0000 B-MI
084Z3149 Sensor MBT 5252--0000 B-MI
084Z3187 Sensor MBT 5113-B002-150-00-H160
084Z3188 Sensor MBT 5310-00-435-000
084Z3189 Sensor MBT 5310-00-320-000
084Z3193 Sensor MBT 3270-00001-025-00017-300
084Z3194 Sensor MBT 3270-00001-035-00017-300
084Z3198 Sensor MBT 5310-00-450-000
084Z3199 Sensor MBT 5310-00-570-000
084Z3224 Sensor MBT 5252-0300-0050-1F32-0000 B-mi
084Z3232 Sensor MBT 5310-00-227-100
084Z3236 Sensor MBT 5722-003-080-0102-000-0000
084Z3237 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-GA12
084Z3250 Sensor MBT 5252--K110
084Z3251 Sensor MBT 5252--K110
084Z3269 Sensor MBT 5310-00-057-930 9=B-hoved m t
084Z3273 Sensor MBT 5250-0100-040-4C0 (CARGO)
084Z3274 Sensor MBT 3270-06162-030-50F00-000
084Z3296 Sensor MBT 5310-00-257-000
084Z3298 Sensor MBT5310-12-396-0401-0270
084Z4020 Sensor MBT 5560-0000-0050-10-110
084Z4021 Sensor MBT 5560-0000-0100-10-110
084Z4022 Sensor MBT 5560-0000-0150-10-110
084Z4023 Sensor MBT 5560-0000-0200-10-110
084Z4024 Sensor MBT 5560-0000-0250-10-110
084Z4025 Sensor MBT 5560-0001-0050-10-120 (PT1000
084Z4026 Sensor MBT 5560-0001-0100-10-120 (PT1000
084Z4027 Sensor MBT 5560-0001-0150-10-120
084Z4028 Sensor MBT 5560-0001-0200-10-120
084Z4029 Sensor MBT 5560-0001-0250-10-120
084Z4030 Sensor MBT 3560-0000-0050-10-110
084Z4031 Sensor MBT 3560-084Z4031
084Z4032 Sensor MBT 3560-0000-0150-10-110
084Z4033 Sensor MBT 3560-0000-0200-10-110
084Z4034 Sensor MBT 3560-0000-0250-10-110
084Z4035 Sensor MBT 3560-0001-0050-10-120
084Z4036 Sensor MBT 3560-0001-0100-10-120
084Z4037 Sensor MBT 3560-0001-0150-10-120
084Z4038 Sensor MBT 3560-0001-0200-10-120
084Z4039 Sensor MBT 3560-0001-0250-10-120
084Z4041 Sensor MBT 3560-0000-0040-12-120
084Z4045 Sensor MBT 3560-0000-0050-10-115
084Z4046 Sensor MBT 3560-0000-0100-10-115
084Z4050 Sensor MBT 3560-0200-0070-B2-815
084Z4051 Sensor MBT 5560-0001-0050-10-115
084Z4053 Sensor MBT 5560-0000-0050-00-120 Spec.
084Z4056 Sensor MBT 5560-0000-0050-10-115
084Z4059 Sensor MBT3560-0000-0050-10-420
084Z4069 Sensor MBT 3560-0000-0070-62-815
084Z4075 Sensor MBT5560-0000-0080-16-115
084Z4076 Sensor MBT5560-0000-0100-16-115
084Z4081 Sensor MBT 5560-0001-0100-10-110
084Z4082 Sensor MBT 5560-0001-0100-10-115
084Z4084 Sensor MBT 5560-0001-0150-10-110
084Z4085 Sensor MBT 5560-0001-0250-10-105 (0-50?C
084Z4086 Sensor MBT 5560-0001-0250-10-110
084Z4087 Sensor MBT 5560-0001-0250-10-115
084Z4094 Sensor MBT 5560-0000-0080-30-115
084Z4098 Sensor MBT 3560-0001-0050-10-415
084Z4100 Sensor MBT 3560-0001-0050-60-415
084Z4101 Sensor MBT 3560-0001-0100-10-415
084Z4102 Sensor MBT 3560-0000-0050-60-110
084Z4127 Sensor MBT 3560-0000-0050-12-415
084Z4140 Sensor MBT 3560-0001-0150-12-415
084Z4302 Sensor MBT 152-001-0050-00-0000
084Z4303 Sensor MBT 152-001-0080-00-0000
084Z4304 Sensor MBT 152-001-0100-00-0000
084Z4305 Sensor MBT 152-001-0150-00-0000
084Z4306 Sensor MBT 152-001-0200-00-0000
084Z4307 Sensor MBT 152-001-0250-00-0000
084Z4308 Sensor MBT 152-001-0050-00-G110
084Z4312 Sensor MBT 152-001-0200-00-G110
084Z4315 Sensor MBT 150-000-180-0
084Z4316 Accessories PG11 Plug+Gasket+Screw I-pac
084Z4317 Sensor MBT 156-B01-200-0-0000
084Z4320 Sensor MBT 156-S01-080-0-0000
084Z4321 Sensor MBT 156-S01-100-0-0000
084Z4322 Sensor MBT 156-S01-110-0-0000
084Z4323 Sensor MBT 156-S01-120-0-0000
084Z4324 Sensor MBT 156-S01-150-0-0000
084Z4325 Sensor MBT 156-S01-170-0-0000
084Z4326 Sensor MBT 156-S01-200-0-0000
084Z4327 Sensor MBT 156-S01-250-0-0000
084Z4328 Sensor MBT 156-S01-300-0-0000
084Z4330 Sensor MBT 156-B01-100-0-0000
084Z4332 Sensor MBT 156-B01-150-0-0000
084Z4335 Sensor MBT 156-B01-250-0-0000
084Z4336 Sensor MBT 156-B01-300-0-0000
084Z4339 Sensor MBT 156-B02-300-0-0000
084Z4364 Accessories Pg9 plug+Gasket+Screw I-pack
084Z4374 Accessories Armoured hose 500 m.
084Z4378 Accessories Adapter G1/2A PG11
084Z4379 Accessories Adapter G1/4A PG11
084Z4380 Accessories Distance piece I -pack
084Z4381 Accessories Washer, scr.retainer, gland
084Z4382 Accessories Tension nut I -pack PG11
084Z4383 Accessories Counternut & adapter I-pack
084Z4384 Accessories Connector I-pack
084Z4388 Sensor MBT 113-
084Z4400 Sensor MBT 150-000-110-0
084Z4421 Sensor MBT 120-010-080-3
084Z4427 Swagging Pliers f Panser Tube Bushing
084Z4440 Accessories Gasket
084Z4444 Accessories 4-led.teflon cable 30m
084Z4445 Accessories Armoured hose 50 m.
084Z4460 Sliding union G1/2A
084Z4463 Compression fitting G3/8A
084Z5001 Sensor MBT 5722-003-070-0102-000-0000
084Z5024 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-150-10-0000
084Z5025 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-200-10-0000
084Z5026 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-300-10-0000
084Z5032 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0200-G112
084Z5033 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-110-10-0000
084Z5034 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-250-10-0000
084Z5048 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-120-10-0000
084Z5052 Sensor MBT 5113-B001-100-10-0000 NiCr-Ni
084Z5057 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0300-0210-0000
084Z5060 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0740-G202(100m
084Z5062 Sensor MBT 5252--0000
084Z5063 Sensor MBT 5410-000-060-000-G405
084Z5064 Sensor MBT 5410-000-060-000-G205, 4-20mA
084Z5065 Sensor MBT 5410-000-060-020-0000
084Z5066 Sensor MBT 5410-000-060-000-G110
084Z5069 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0301-0000
084Z5070 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0250-0301-0000
084Z5080 Sensor MBT 5250-0030-350-220
084Z5095 Sensor MBT 5410-020-060-000-0000
084Z5096 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0200-0200-G405
084Z5102 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-250-30-0000
084Z5108 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-G405
084Z5109 Sensor MBT 5722-003-050-0102-000-0000
084Z5114 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-G115 0-120?C
084Z5153 Sensor MBT 5252--0000
084Z5156 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-080-00-0000
084Z5157 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-100-00-0000
084Z5159 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-150-00-0000
084Z5160 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-100-10-0000
084Z5169 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0700-G120
084Z5176 Sensor MBT 5250-0030-300-220
084Z5177 Sensor MBT 5250-0030-400-220
084Z5178 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0060-0300-0000
084Z5181 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0100-0200-G125
084Z5190 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-G110
084Z5193 Sensor MBT 5252--0000
084Z5211 Sensor MBT 5310-00-060-000 BEARING TEMP.
084Z5217 Sensor MBT 5116-B001-450-10-0000
084Z5235 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0300-0200-G130
084Z5236 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0500-0200-G130
084Z5239 Sensor MBT
084Z5248 Sensor MBT 5113-B001-200-10-0000
084Z5256 Sensor MBT 5113-B001-250-11-0000
084Z5257 Sensor MBT 5113-B002-150-10-H160 (4-20m
084Z5261 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0150-0200-G115
084Z5268 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0300-B115
084Z5269 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0120-0300-B115
084Z5274 Sensor MBT 5113-B001-150-10-0000 NiCr-Ni
084Z5275 Sensor MBT 5113-B001-250-10-0000
084Z5276 Sensor MBT 5113-B002-100-10-H160 (4-20mA
084Z5277 Sensor MBT 5113-B002-200-10-H160
084Z5278 Sensor MBT 5113-B002-250-10-H160
084Z5281 Sensor MBT 5310-00-180-000 BEARING TEMP.
084Z5285 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0200-0301-0000
084Z5286 Sensor MBT 5252-0012-0200-0200-G120
084Z5287 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-050-1B0
084Z5289 Sensor MBT
084Z5291 Sensor MBT 5250-0030-500-220
084Z5294 Sensor MBT
084Z5295 Sensor MBT (Pressure test)
084Z5296 Sensor MBT (Pressure test)
084Z5297 Sensor MBT (Pressure test)
084Z6002 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-G420
084Z6011 Sensor MBT 150-000-120-0
084Z6012 Sensor MBT 150-010-050-0
084Z6017 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-300-220
084Z6020 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0200-G405
084Z6022 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-G112 (0-
084Z6030 Sensor MBT
084Z6031 Sensor MBT
084Z6032 Sensor MBT
084Z6033 Sensor MBT
084Z6034 Sensor MBT
084Z6035 Sensor MBT
084Z6036 Sensor MBT
084Z6037 Sensor MBT
084Z6038 Sensor MBT
084Z6039 Sensor MBT
084Z6040 Sensor MBT
084Z6041 Sensor MBT
084Z6042 Sensor MBT
084Z6044 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0080-0301-0000
084Z6045 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0150-0301-0000
084Z6046 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0200-0301-0000
084Z6048 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0300-0301-0000
084Z6050 Sensor MBT 120-210-050-3
084Z6051 Sensor MBT 120-210-100-3
084Z6052 Sensor MBT 120-210-150-3
084Z6053 Sensor MBT 120-210-200-3
084Z6054 Sensor MBT 120-210-250-3
084Z6055 Sensor MBT 3260-0000-050-120
084Z6056 Sensor MBT 3260-0100-050-120
084Z6057 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0150-0201-0000
084Z6058 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0250-0201-0000
084Z6061 Sensor MBT 120-210-100-8
084Z6064 Sensor MBT 120-210-250-4
084Z6067 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0200-G115 (0-1
084Z6083 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0200-G215
084Z6084 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-050-250
084Z6105 Sensor MBT 5260-0000-100-110
084Z6115 Sensor MBT 5722-001-080-0102-000-0000
084Z6116 Sensor MBT 5722-001-070-0102-000-0000
084Z6117 Sensor MBT 5722-001-050-0102-000-0000
084Z6135 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-D160
084Z6139 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0250-0200-0000
084Z6140 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0080-0200-0000
084Z6141 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0250-0300-0000
084Z6142 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0080-0200-G110
084Z6143 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0250-0200-G110
084Z6144 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0080-0300-G110
084Z6145 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0250-0300-G110
084Z6149 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0080-0300-0000
084Z6150 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0100-0300-0000
084Z6151 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0150-0300-0000
084Z6152 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0200-0300-0000
084Z6153 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0250-0300-0000
084Z6164 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0080-0300-0000
084Z6171 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0700-G110(50mm
084Z6172 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0080-0700-G110
084Z6175 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0200-0700-G110
084Z6176 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0250-0700-G110
084Z6177 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0100-0300-G140
084Z6178 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0150-0300-G140
084Z6180 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0250-0300-G140
084Z6191 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0200-G105
084Z6197 Sensor MBT 5252-0011- (4 w
084Z6200 Sensor MBT
084Z6202 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-G112
084Z6203 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-080-240
084Z6207 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-A160
084Z6208 Sensor MBT 9110-005A-H160
084Z6213 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0201-0000
084Z6215 Sensor MBT
084Z6216 Sensor MBT Pt100 4wire x
084Z6228 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0300-0000
084Z6261 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0120-0300-0000
084Z6263 Sensor MBT 5252--0000
084Z6265 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-G115
084Z6266 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0200-G120
084Z6272 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0050-0200-0000
084Z6273 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0100-0200-0000
084Z6274 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0150-0200-0000
084Z6275 Sensor MBT 5252-1021-0200-0200-0000
084Z6285 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-G120
084Z6294 Sensor MBT 5116-B002-250-50-0000
084Z6296 Sensor MBT 5252--0000
084Z7007 Sensor MBT 5250-0100-120-220
084Z7009 Sensor MBT 5113-B001-100-00-0000
084Z7014 Sensor MBT 5113-B001-300-10-0000
084Z7015 Sensor MBT
084Z7032 Sensor MBT 5113-B002-110-10-B180 0-800
084Z7048 Sensor MBT 3270-04100-032-00101-018
084Z7049 Sensor MBT 5252--0000
084Z7052 Sensor MBT 3270-04101-024-30201-010
084Z7053 Sensor MBT
084Z7055 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0150-0200-G405
084Z7074 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-310-220
084Z7078 Sensor MBT 5310-00-100-000
084Z7084 Sensor MBT 5252-0100-0100-1F02-0000 B-MI
084Z7087 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0300-0300-0000
084Z7092 Sensor MBT 5116-C000-070-2013-500
084Z7095 Sensor MBT 3270-04101-024-30300-000
084Z7097 Sensor MBT 5252-0010-0050-1200-0000 B-MI
084Z7099 Sensor MBT 5252-0100-0150-1F02-0000 B-MI
084Z7100 Sensor MBT 5252-0100-0250-1F02-0000 B-MI
084Z7103 Sensor MBT 3270-30001-030-00730-000
084Z7107 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0200-G204
084Z7109 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-150-123
084Z7116 Sensor MBT 5252-0100-0200-1F02-0000 B-MI
084Z7119 Sensor MBT 3270-12001-035-50001-200
084Z7138 Sensor MBT 3270-10000-022-00201-013
084Z7142 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-L120
084Z7160 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0201-0000
084Z7164 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-L210
084Z7167 Sensor MBT 3270-07420-053-70400-000
084Z7169 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0150-0300-G115
084Z7177 Sensor MBT 3270-08233-070-21501-270
084Z7195 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-040-6C0 spec. finge
084Z7200 Sensor MBT5252-0012-0150-0200-G120
084Z7203 Sensor MBT 5252-0000-0100-1F30-0000 B-MI
084Z7211 Sensor MBT 5252--0000
084Z7219 Sensor MBT 5310-00-118-333
084Z7235 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0200-0200-G610
084Z7237 Sensor MBT 3270-00002-012-A0007-013
084Z7243 Sensor MBT 3270-0C500-053-20600-000
084Z7244 Sensor MBT3270-0D500-053-20600-000
084Z7245 Sensor MBT3270-0E500-053-20600-000
084Z7246 Sensor MBT 3270-0F500-030-B0101-008
084Z7247 Sensor MBT 3270-0F500-053-20101-008
084Z7248 Sensor MBT 3270-0G500-040-80101-008
084Z7250 Sensor MBT3270-0B500-053-20600-000
084Z7251 Sensor MBT 3270-0F500-053-20600-000
084Z7254 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0300-G115
084Z7258 SENSOR POCKET 1/2"RG,37,5MM (MBT5560)
084Z7259 SENSOR POCKET 1/2"RG, 100MM (MBT 5560)
084Z7260 Sensor MBT 120-630-150-3
084Z7261 Sensor MBT 120-630-200-3
084Z7262 Sensor MBT 120-630-250-3
084Z7268 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-G205
084Z7271 Sensor MBT 5722-101-070-0232-010-0000
084Z7276 Sensor MBT 5310-00-128-000
084Z7278 Sensor MBT 5111-010-150-111-0600
084Z7279 Sensor MBT 5252--0000
084Z7280 Sensor MBT5310-00-048-000
084Z7283 Sensor MBT 5260-0030-150-700
084Z7284 Sensor MBT 3270-00001-020-20017-300
084Z7295 Sensor MBT 5430-1002-150-0
084Z8002 Sensor MBT 5260-0090-999-100
084Z8006 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-100-240
084Z8007 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-080-220
084Z8008 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-150-220
084Z8010 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-150-120
084Z8011 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-050-120
084Z8012 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-100-120
084Z8013 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-100-340
084Z8014 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-150-340
084Z8015 Sensor MBT 150-000-100-0
084Z8016 Sensor MBT 150-000-150-0
084Z8017 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-060-220
084Z8019 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-080-230
084Z8021 Sensor MBT 5260-0000-100-120
084Z8022 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-200-120
084Z8025 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-150-360
084Z8027 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-080-120
084Z8033 Sensor MBT 5260-0000-050-120
084Z8034 Sensor MBT 5260-0000-150-120
084Z8036 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-050-220 PT100 50mm
084Z8037 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-050-240
084Z8039 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-100-220 PT100 100m
084Z8041 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-150-240
084Z8042 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-200-140
084Z8043 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-200-220
084Z8044 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-200-240
084Z8047 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-150-320
084Z8049 Sensor MBT 150-000-050-0
084Z8050 Sensor MBT 150-000-250-0
084Z8051 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-100-210
084Z8054 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-100-360
084Z8056 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-080-340
084Z8058 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-050-340
084Z8065 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-150-230
084Z8066 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-050-230
084Z8067 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-100-230
084Z8072 Sensor MBT 150-000-080-0
084Z8073 Sensor MBT 150-000-200-0
084Z8075 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-250-240
084Z8080 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-200-360
084Z8083 Sensor MBT 5250-0100-050-220 (PT1000)
084Z8090 Sensor MBT 5250-0010-080-320
084Z8096 Sensor MBT 5260-0000-150-220
084Z8101 Sensor MBT 9110-005A-H180
084Z8102 Accessories DIN-Rail fitting for MBT 911
084Z8115 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-D405
084Z8117 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-D110
084Z8118 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-D215
084Z8119 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-D125
084Z8121 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-D115
084Z8129 Sensor MBT 9110-005A-E160
084Z8130 Sensor MBT 9110-005A-E180
084Z8132 Sensor MBT 5260-0000-100-220
084Z8134 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-100-320
084Z8136 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-150-350
084Z8139 Sensor MBT 5250-0100-100-220 (PT1000)
084Z8144 Sensor MBT 5250-0001-250-320
084Z8146 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-060-340
084Z8147 Sensor MBT 150-000-060-0
084Z8149 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-100-370
084Z8150 Sensor MBT 5116-S001-100-10-0000
084Z8151 Sensor MBT 5116-S001-120-10-0000
084Z8152 Sensor MBT 5116-S001-150-10-0000
084Z8153 Sensor MBT 5116-S001-170-10-0000
084Z8154 Sensor MBT 5116-S001-200-10-0000
084Z8155 Sensor MBT 5116-S001-250-10-0000
084Z8156 Sensor MBT 5116-S001-300-10-0000
084Z8157 Sensor MBT 5116-S001-080-00-0000
084Z8158 Sensor MBT 5116-S001-100-00-0000
084Z8159 Sensor MBT 5116-S001-120-00-0000
084Z8164 Sensor MBT 5116-S001-200-20-0000
084Z8177 Sensor MBT 5250-0100-050-120
084Z8178 Sensor MBT 5250-0100-080-120
084Z8180 Sensor MBT 3260-0100-100-120
084Z8181 Sensor MBT 3260-0000-100-120
084Z8182 Sensor MBT 3260-0100-250-120
084Z8183 Sensor MBT 3260-0000-250-120
084Z8186 Sensor MBT 5116-S001-150-00-0000
084Z8197 Accessories Bracket for MBT 9110 enclosu
084Z8210 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-0000
084Z8211 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0200-0000
084Z8212 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0150-0200-0000
084Z8213 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0200-0200-0000
084Z8214 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0200-G110 4-20
084Z8215 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0200-G110 4-20
084Z8216 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0150-0200-G110
084Z8217 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0200-0200-G110
084Z8218 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-200-340
084Z8220 Sensor MBT 5250-0009-060-340, 9=100 mm
084Z8221 Sensor MBT 5250-0001-250-340
084Z8222 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-1400-0300-0000
084Z8226 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-060-320
084Z8228 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0500-0000
084Z8229 Sensor MBT 5260-0000-050-220
084Z8230 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0300-0000
084Z8231 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0300-0000
084Z8232 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0150-0300-0000
084Z8233 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0200-0300-0000
084Z8234 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0050-0300-G110
084Z8235 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0100-0300-G110
084Z8236 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0150-0300-G110
084Z8237 Sensor MBT 5252-0011-0200-0300-G110
084Z8240 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-250-220
084Z8243 Sensor MBT9110-000B-H120 Certificat
084Z8244 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-080-250
084Z8245 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-100-250
084Z8250 Sensor MBT 5116-B002-100-10-0000
084Z8252 Sensor MBT 5116-B002-150-10-0000
084Z8254 Sensor MBT 5116-B002-200-10-0000
084Z8255 Sensor MBT 5116-B002-250-10-0000
084Z8256 Sensor MBT 5116-B002-300-10-0000
084Z8257 Sensor MBT 5116-B002-100-00-0000
084Z8260 Sensor MBT 110 B-head with connector
084Z8280 Sensor MBT 5410-000-060-000-0000
084Z8283 Sensor MBT 5253-502-0130-C3001-050-23-00
084Z8292 Sensor MBT 5250-0000-120-220
084Z8293 Sensor MBT 5250-0010-100-340
084Z8295 Sensor MBT 9110-000B-G160
087U4001 Sensor MBT 5111-1101-0175-111-1-0440-001
087U4033 Sensor MBT 5111-0101-0135-111-1-0440-001
087U4041 Sensor MBT 5111-0101-0175-000-1-0200-002
087U4042 Sensor MBT 5111-0101-0175-000-1-0400-002
087U4043 Sensor MBT 5111-0101-0175-000-1-0600-002
087U4044 Sensor MBT 5111-0101-0100-111-1-0700-002
087U4051 Sensor MBT5111-0101-0225-111-1-0350-001
087U8013 Compression adaptors G1/2A
1091758SP Air Mover Type AM10-SN
1091769SP Air Mover Type AM20-SN
1091770SP Air Mover Type AM40-SN
148F3029 Dismounting kit for DSV1
148G3584 Spare part insert, HFI 070 Valve Body
148G3661 Spare part insert, HFI 040 Valve Body
148G3662 Spare part insert, HFI 050 Valve Body
148G3663 Spare part insert, HFI 060 Valve Body
1513985SP Plug EN 175301 A002FA-H3-Pg11 N
1514326SP Gasket 22x24x1-AU
1520816SP Spare part O-Ring FKM 70 18,77x1,78
1598696SP SPARE PART Filter ass.
1612489SP Plug EN 175301 A002F-H3-Pg11 N 4D+V
1628462SP O-Ring FKM 80 18,00x1,50
1629663SP Cable Plug AF2 N A4400
1629666SP Spare part Cable Plug IF2 N A4400
1629667SP Cable Plug IF2 N A6000
1653970SP Gasket ass. DN20-PA
192H3012 FLANGE SET PM/PML 80 Stainless
192H3013 FLANGE SET PM/PML 100 Stainless
192H3014 WELD FLANGES 1 in
192H3015 Flange set 6" DN150 PN40 Stainless steel
192H3016 WELD FLANGES 1 1/2"
192H3254 Flange Set 3/4 in. Welding connection
192H3743 Spare part : External pilotcon. PM 5-65
192H3744 Spare part : Manometer con. PM 5-125
192H3850 Solder and welding connection - PMLX
192H3851 Svejsestuts
192H3852 Spare part : Ext. pilotcon. PM 80-125
192H3857 Spare part : Welding con. BSV - SFV 15
2508594SP Coil CB230C T5 3,0 W6961 ATEX
3290561SP Armature D 2 NC Ball7
3500651SP Spare part Nipple GE1/8-8 CuZn
3500771SP Plug EV946A D19,1 AL Blind ZUL
3601831SP Spare parts diaphragm (IP10)
3701881SP Spare part Spring CC 14,60x 1,10x 5x 0,8
3702001SP Spare part Spring 14.7x1x5x0.563
3990211SP Spare part Piston ass. EV246 35 B-F
4101673SP Spare part Cover kpl. EV946 AL d1,5
4501091SP SPARE PART Buchse EV246 35x39x14,5X7
4501111SP Spare part Bush
5300061SP Plug EN 175301 A002FA-H3-Pg11 N ZD
5300081SP Spare part Cable Plug AF2-Pg9 N L+S 24AD
5300101SP Spare part Plug E.1513985SP
5300141SP Spare Part Cable Plug
5790101SP SPARE PART Valve disc ass. EV946C
5890531SP Spare part Armature Tube A DC FL EV246
5990081SP Spare part Armature Syst. C F M12
640B0308SP Spare part O-Ring EPDM 70 17,30x 2,40
6800841SP Manometer G1/8 D40 0-10bar
681X0456SP Spare part Nut 14-G1/8-1.0718-A4A (I-40)
684X010699 Spring Washer 11x15x0,2-1.4310
8300802SP SPARE PART Zugstange 2 x M10 136mm Lang
8800421SP Spare parts O-Ring FKM 80 40,00x1.50
8800431SP SPARE PART O-Ring FKM 80 5,50x1,50
8800441SP SPARE PART O-Ring FKM 80 36,00x1,50
8800741SP Spare part O-Ring CR 70 6,07x1,78
8810111SP SPARE PART O-Ring FKM 75 4,47x1,78