: nickqian8888
:錢 Features:
- Compact and rugged case
- Single, dual, tri and quad λ models available
- Events table and auto test function
- Up to 42dB Dynamic Range
- Weight less than 1.6 lbs
- Four performance classes to choose from
- Bellcore .sor format compatible
- USB jump drive compatible for extra storage
- 9 hours of operation, fast charging Li-Ion battery
- High contrast full color display
- User friendly and easy too operate
- Optional features: Power Meter and Light Source
Introducing the new DR-500 series handheld full color display Optical
Time Domain Reflectometer from Advanced Fiber Solutions.
The unit is one of the most compact OTDR’s on the market today, ideal
for handheld use and pocket transportation. The unit is light weight
weighing less than 1.6 Lbs. It is extremely rugged with a thick protective
rubber boot surrounding the outer case. It also offers a long battery life
enabling the technician to continuing test up to eight hours.
It is a full featured OTDR offering four different performance classes to
choose from, with a dynamic range starting at 23dB going up to 43dB.
Class A is optimized for private and premise networks. Class B is
optimized for FTTx and CATV networks. Class C is optimized for close
event detection and large attenuation measurements like PONS networks.
Class D is optimized for long haul applications.
Along with a wide dynamic range to choose from, the unit offers a number
of wavelength options for both single mode and multimode applications
with single, dual, tri and quad models available. Wavelength options
include 850nm, 1300nm, 1310nm, 1550nm and 1625nm.
The unit is simple to operate and is the perfect installation, maintenance
and link trouble shooting tool. It is the ideal OTDR for either the
inexperienced or the experienced technician. The unit supports both a
manual mode for the expert user which enables parameter setup and an
automatic mode for the less experienced user which allows one touch auto
run testing. The unit utilizes active sync for seamless USB connectivity
with desktop software for advanced data analysis and storage capabilities.
It is fully compliant and compatible with the .sor file format outlined in the belcore GR-196 OTDR data standardization document.
Other optional features offered by this industry leading OTDR include a built in power meter, light source and Visual Fault Locator.
Each unit comes with a DR-500 series product manual, USB data transfer cable, the DR-500 series PC software, report certificate and
a soft carrying case.
Product Highlights and K