Villanueva Osteochrome Bone Stain
Useful for staining fresh, fixed, unembedded or plastic-embedded sections of bone. Villanueva Osteochrome Bone Stain gives uniform and reproducible results. Useful in studying biopsy or postmortem tissue.
Micrograph: Human degenerative joint disease, stained with , 20X.
Photo: Human degenerative joint disease, stained with , 20X.
References: Stain Technol., 49, 1 (1974); J. Histotechnol., 1, 19 (1977); 2, 23 (1979)
Hazards: Flammable liquid, Irritant
Handling: Glove, chemical goggles & fume hood
Storage: Store at room temperature
Code: CH6g - (hazard/handling/storage codes)