Tools for microRNA Research
microRNA detection by in situ hybridization (control probes)
microRNA detection by Northern blot (control probes)
microRNA knockdown (control probes)
microRNA quantitation by real-time PCR
microRNA array
Gene expression analysis Real-Time PCR
Universal ProbeLibrary
Custom LNA™ DNA detection probes
LNA™ FISH probes
mRNA in situ hybridization
Custom LNA™ mRNA detection probes (control probes)
mRNA sample preparation
LNA™ mRNA sample prep probes
LNA™ and alpha-L-LNA™ amidites
A2-quencher amidites
AQ-Link™ reagents
Custom LNA™ Oligonucleotides
Exiqon combines leading-edge scientific expertise in gene expression with our proprietary LNA™ technology. Our products, services and scientific staff enable life science researchers to make groundbreaking discoveries. Moreover, we are addressing the unmet need for a new approach to the diagnosis of cancer.
We will push the frontiers of gene expression science with technologies that enable novel discoveries and drive development of targeted cancer diagnostic tools.