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世界*實驗材料供應商 Dianova 正式授權上海起發(fā)為其中國代理,, Dianova 在一直是行業(yè)的*,一直為廣大科研客戶提供zui為的產(chǎn)品和服務,上海起發(fā)一直秉承為中國科研客戶帶來的產(chǎn)品,的服務,,簽約 Dianova 就是為了給廣大科研客戶帶來更加完善的產(chǎn)品和服務,您的滿意將是我們zui大的收獲
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克隆號為H09的IDH1(isocitrate dehydrogenase 1, 異檸檬酸鹽脫氫酶1)鼠單克隆抗體為Dianova公司近期推出的產(chǎn)品之一,,此抗體可特異性的檢測腦組織腫瘤中IDH1基因的R132H點突變。IDH1基因的第132密碼子的雜合突變是II 和III級神經(jīng)膠質(zhì)瘤(根據(jù)WHO的腫瘤學分類)的頻發(fā)事件,。在大約70%的星形膠質(zhì)細胞瘤和少突神經(jīng)膠質(zhì)細胞瘤可發(fā)現(xiàn)IDH1基因的R132H點突變,。
Art.-Nr. DIA-W09
Spezifität IDH1
Spezies-Reaktivität Human
Wirtsspezies Ratte
Isotyp IgG2a
Klon W09
Klonalität (Mono-/Polyklonal) monoklonal
Anwendung Western Blot
Immunhistochemie (IHC)
Immunhistochemie (Paraffingewebe)
Konjugation unkonjugiert
Format ProteinA/G-gereinigt (aus Kulturüberstand)
Produktlinie / Thema Neurobiologie
Zweckbestimmung nur für Forschungszwecke
Suchcode DIA W09
Hersler / Marke dianova
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) is an important enzyme in the citric acid cycle and catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to alpha-ketoglutarate and CO2 while converting NAD+ to NADH. Heterozygous point mutations of IDH1 codon 132 are frequent in World Health Organization (WHO) grade II and III gliomas. IDH1 R132H mutations occur in approximay 70% of astrocytomas and oligodendroglial tumors. Mouse antibody clone H09 (product number #DIA-H09)reacts specifically with the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) R132H point mutation in tissue sections from formalin-fixed brain tumor specimens. Therefore this antibody is highly useful for tumor classification. Rat antibody clone W09 detects both wild type (wt) and point mutated IDH1 in glioblastoma (anti-pan-IDH1) and serves as control for the IDH1 point mutation specific mouse antibody clone H09. Moreover, Tan et al. (Mol Cell Proteomics, 2011) have identified IDH1 as a potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for Non-small-cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). These findings suggest that anti-IDH1wt antibody could be used as a histochemical biomarker for prognosis prediction of NSCLC.
Immunohistochemistry of human IDH1 R132H and human IDH1 wild-type in formalin-fixed paraffinembedded glioblastoma.
A: No reaction of IDH1 R132H mutation specific antibody clone H09 with glioblastoma (200x)
B: Strong reaction of anti-pan-IDH1 specific antibody clone W09 with the same glioblastoma (200x)
C: No reaction of IDH1 R132H mutation specific antibody clone H09 with glioblastoma (400x)
D: Strong reaction of anti-pan-IDH1 specific antibody clone W09 with the same glioblastoma (400x)
(pictures courtesy of Prof. Dr. med. Andreas von Deimling, Department of Neuropathology, University Heidelberg / Clinical Cooperation Unit Neuropathology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany)
Related References
Cat. Number | Description | Qty. | Unit |
DIA-100 | Anti-Fibroblasten (CD90) (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: AS02) | 200 | µg |
DIA-100-M | Anti-Fibroblasten (CD90) (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: AS02) | 20 | µg |
DIA-120 | Anti-Fibroblasten (CD90) (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: AS02) -FITC | 100 | Test |
DIA-300-P05 | Anti-CD30 (Ki-1) (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: Ber-H2) | 0.5 | ml |
DIA-326-P05 | Anti-EpCAM (CD326) (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: Ber-EP4) | 0.5 | ml |
DIA-333-M | Anti-TRAF1 (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: Ber-TRAF1) | 0.1 | ml |
DIA-333-P05 | Anti-TRAF1 (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: Ber-TRAF1) | 0.5 | ml |
DIA-45 | Anti-p53 (Hu) from Rat (Clone: 10/82/36) | 1 | ml |
DIA-530-M | Anti-p53 (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: CC53) | 0.1 | ml |
DIA-530-P05 | Anti-p53 (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: CC53) | 0.5 | ml |
DIA-530-P1 | Anti-p53 (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: CC53) | 1 | ml |
DIA-670-M | Anti-Ki-67/MIB1 (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: Ki-67P) CE-IVD | 0.1 | ml |
DIA-670-P05 | Anti-Ki-67/MIB1 (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: Ki-67P) CE-IVD | 0.5 | ml |
DIA-670-P1 | Anti-Ki-67/MIB1 (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: Ki-67P) CE-IVD | 1 | ml |
DIA-700 | Anti-GFAP (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: IF3) CE-IVD | 0.5 | ml |
DIA-700-M | Anti-GFAP (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: IF3) CE-IVD | 0.1 | ml |
DIA-CAL-100 | Anti-CALRETICULIN mutation (Hu) from Mouse (Clone CAL2) | 0.1 | ml |
DIA-CAL-250 | Anti-CALRETICULIN mutation (Hu) from Mouse (Clone CAL2) | 0.25 | ml |
DIA-H09 | Anti-IDH1 R132H (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: H09) CE-IVD | 0.5 | ml |
DIA-H09-L | Anti-IDH1 R132H (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: H09), prediluted, ready-to-use | 8 | ml |
DIA-PD1-P01 | Anti-PD-1 (Hu) from Mouse (Clone: NAT105) | 0.1 | ml |
DIA-W09 | Anti-IDH1 (Hu) from Rat (Clone: W09) | 0.5 | ml |
5:良好的信譽,,大部分客戶我們提供貨到付款服務,,客戶包括清華,北大 交大 復旦,,中山等100多所大學,,ROCHE,,阿斯利康,,國藥 ,fisher等500多家公司
6:我們還是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc, Dianova,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. Dako,Inc, GePromegaridege,Dianova Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,Dianova , Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,FULLERLABS,INC,sterlitech,;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc,;worthington-biochem,zyagen等幾十家國外公司授權代理。
7:我們還是invitrogen,qiagen,Midland BioProducts Corporationam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等知名*批發(fā),,歡迎合作,。