Agilent HP 3335A 200Hz-81MHz 合成電平發(fā)生器
Description: The HP Agilent 3335A is a reconditioned 81 MHz Synthesizer/Level Generator.
Product Specs:
Amplitude range is +13.01 dBm to -86.98 dBm (50 ½); +11.25 dBm to -88.74 dBm (75 ½).
Other Info:
The Agilent HP 3335A covers a frequency range of 200Hz to 81MHz.
The 3335A Synthesizer/Level Generator has performance characteristics that make it ideally suited for the ecommunications industry, as well as for traditional synthesizer applications and ATE systems.
The HP Agilent 3335A features precision level control, milli-hertz resolution, high spectral purity, internal frequency sweep, HP-IB programmability, and numerous user conveniences.
This is an excellent generator, utilizes HP-IB for true ATE applications