術指標: 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz
The Agilent 8340A, Synthesized Sweep Generator, that delivers the combined high-performance of a synthesizer and a broadband sweep oscillator in one instrument that is complete controllable via the HP Interface Bus (HP-IB).
This efficient combination of performance and versatility is ideal for manual or automatic test systems and in many cases enables the unit to replace a sweep oscillator, a frequency counter, an RF synthesizer, and a microwave synthesizer.
Delivers the combined performance of a synthesizer and broadband sweep generator in one
Instrument that is controlled by HP-IB bus
Ideal for both manual and automatic test systems
Frequency range of 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz
Resolutions: 1-4 Hz depending on frequency
Low Spurious and phase noise
100 ns pulse width capability
Provides pulse and AM modulation
Sweep capabilities from 100 Hz to full frequency range
Calibrated output of +10 dBm to -110 dBm
Ideal for use with network analyzer systems