The OSICS multifunction modular platform offers the highest flexibility and largest choice of pluggable modules required in fiber-optic component and system testing, particularly for DWDM system evaluations.
Up to eight pluggable modules can be mixed and matched in a single OSICS mainframe, thus fulfilling all needs for applications requiring, for example, multi-wavelength sources.
OSICS features a complete line of modules including:
Compact Tunable Lasers: OSICS-ECL: Standard tunable external cavity laser (step mode)
OSICS-T100: Ultra-low SSE tunable external cavity lasers (step mode)
Compact Transmission Lasers: OSICS-TLS-50: Fast wavelength switching lasers on the 50 GHz ITU grid
OSICS-TLS-AG: Narrow linewidth tunable lasers for coherent transmission
OSICS-DFB: Distributed feedback laser diodes for DWDM transmission
Broadband Light Sources: OSICS-SLD: Superluminescent light emitting diodes
Passive Optical Functions: OSICS-SWT: Optical shutters and switches
OSICS-ATN: High power optical attenuators
OSICS-BKR: Variable back reflectors
Yenista also offers Test Systems based on the OSICS platform:
OSICS-FBL: Full band tunable laser from 1260 to 1680 nm (step mode)
OSICS-WDM: WDM comb of 8 transmission lasers (DFB, TLS-50 or TLS-AG) with a Mux/Demux