2556900 參考價:面議
Free Chlorine Reagent Set (includes DPD Indicator, and Free Chlorine Indicator a...5444301 參考價:面議
Maintenance Kit (for instruments sold after March 2000). Contains pre-assembled ...5444300 參考價:面議
Maintenance Kit (for instruments sold after March 2000). Contains reagent tubing...5440004 參考價:面議
Industry standard, CL17 Total Chlorine Analyzer with AquaTrend Network. Included...5440003 參考價:面議
Industry standard, CL17 Free Chlorine Analyzer with AquaTrend Network. Included ...5440002 參考價:面議
Industry standard, CL17 Total Chlorine Analyzer. Included with the CL17 analyzer...5440001 參考價:面議
Industry standard, CL17 Free Chlorine Analyzer. Included with the CL17 analyzer ...4668000 參考價:面議
When installed, the bubble trap and head regulator for the 1720 family of turbid...2978600 參考價:面議
The Surface Scatter 7 sc High Range Turbidimeter with sc200 controller offers su...2978500 參考價:面議
The Surface Scatter 7 sc High Range Turbidimeter with sc200 controller offers su...2977300 參考價:面議
The Surface Scatter 7 sc High Range Turbidimeter with sc200 controller offers su...2977200 參考價:面議
The Surface Scatter 7 sc High Range Turbidimeter with sc200 controller offers su...5734400 參考價:面議
This kit includes mounting hardware for an NO3D Nitrate sensor and a stainless s...2983700 參考價:面議
Accurate, Color-independent MeasurementPrimary and active sludge with different ...LXV423.99.02100#sthash.yMip4uIW.dpuf 參考價:面議
The SOLITAX sc Suspended Solids and Turbidity Analyzer includes a sc200 controll...2983500 參考價:面議
The SOLITAX sc Suspended Solids and Turbidity Analyzer includes a sc200 controll...2983400 參考價:面議
The SOLITAX sc Turbidity Analyzer includes a sc200 Controller and PVC t-line sc ...5236400 參考價:面議
Calibration Kit for FilterTrak 660. Includes: FilterTrak 660 Calibration Body, S...2977000 參考價:面議
FilterTrak Laser Nephelometer offers the best resolution in the market. Detects ...5225000 參考價:面議
Verify calibration in less than 60 seconds. Available in 1 and 20 NTU modules. C...4415600 參考價:面議
Formazin Calibration Kit for 1720C and 1720D/E Turbidimeter. Includes calibratio...5796000 參考價:面議
Digital extension cable is used only with digital sensors or gateways when conne...6010101 參考價:面議
AccuracyContinuously flowing sample flows through the patented* bubble removal s...CA610在線氟化物分析儀 0.1~10mg/L 參考價:面議