閱讀:1081 發(fā)布時間:2012-6-2MOOG穆格公司成立于五十多年前,zui初從事飛機與導(dǎo)彈部件的設(shè)計及供應(yīng),。如今,,本公司的運動控制技術(shù)廣泛應(yīng)用于民用機座艙、發(fā)電風(fēng)機,、一級方程式賽車,、醫(yī)用輸液系統(tǒng)等眾多的市場和應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域,有效提高相關(guān)產(chǎn)品的性能,。該公司歷史起源于公司創(chuàng)建者威廉 C 穆格,,他是一位發(fā)明家、企業(yè)家,,也是一位遠見卓識者,。1951年,比爾穆格研制成功電液伺服閥,,這種裝置可把微弱的電脈沖轉(zhuǎn)換為而有力的運動,。1951年7月,比爾穆格,、阿特兄弟倆和盧蓋耶在紐約州東奧羅拉租借了已廢棄的 Proner 機場的一角,,成立了穆格制閥公司(MOOG Valve Company),。
*份訂單是來自 Bendix Aviation 公司的制造四個閥門的訂單,。隨后是來自波音公司和 Convair 公司的較大訂單。伺服閥給航天航空業(yè)帶來了一場變革,,并促成了穆格公司(Moog Inc.)的建立,。到了1954年,穆格公司的閥門已成為美國半數(shù)以上殲擊機和超過70% 導(dǎo)彈上使用的標準設(shè)備,。
公司還成功推出了工業(yè)閥門,,到了1960 年,總銷售額已增長至一千多萬美元,。在本公司zui自豪的航天航空領(lǐng)域,,我們的工程師設(shè)計并制造了土星C-5火箭的作動器,正是該型火箭于1969年7月將尼爾•阿姆斯特朗送上了太空,,在月球上邁出了歷史性的*步。
20世紀 70 年代至 90 年代:持續(xù)增長
20 世紀 70 年代,,本公司進入了成長中的注塑與吹塑成形工藝控制技術(shù)市場,。由于公司較多地參與了美國的太空計劃,因此贏得了航天飛機硬件供貨合同,。航天飛機于1981年首飛,,應(yīng)用了本公司開創(chuàng)性的電傳控制技術(shù)。
1988年,,本公司飛機部門總裁 Robert T. Brady 被任命為執(zhí)行官,。1989 年的銷售額達到了2.82 億美元。本公司于上世紀 90 年代中期在印度建立了業(yè)務(wù),。我們的大規(guī)模收購是從 Allied Signal 公司購買了后者位于加利福尼亞州托蘭斯的飛機業(yè)務(wù),。到 1999 年底,,公司收入超過了6.30 億美元。
2001年,,本公司獲得了一份五千萬美元的航天飛機翻新合同,,并且公司股票從美國證交所轉(zhuǎn)到了紐約證交所。我們是洛克希德公司生產(chǎn)的 F-35 型戰(zhàn)機的飛行控制系統(tǒng)設(shè)計商及供應(yīng)商,,并且是波音公司787“夢想飛機“計劃主要飛行控制部件的提供商,。
2004年,公司收入突破9億美元大關(guān),,完成了又一次大規(guī)模并購,,收購了Litton Poly-Scientific 公司,并將其命名為穆格部件集團(Moog Components Group),。公司財年銷售額突破10億美元,。
比爾穆格 的創(chuàng)新感遠不限于產(chǎn)品設(shè)計。他從一開始就堅信工作場所應(yīng)該是一個很特殊的地方,。他相信:人們在一個得到信任,、尊重和回報的工作環(huán)境中,會更有創(chuàng)造力,、更專注,、更有工作效率。這一套思想就是日后人們熟知的“穆格理念”,。這套原則即便在今天也在著本公司前進,。“在一個彼此信任、彼此有信心的氛圍中,,工作對于所有人都會是一種回報更多,、更令人滿足的體驗。”
Bob Brady 在公司的《2006年報》中寫道:“本公司zui重要的屬性就是公司文化,,它將我們的人員團結(jié)起來,,并為他們提供了動力。這種文化基于正直,、誠信和互信,。它重視工作能力、非凡的努力,、個人責(zé)任,、協(xié)作關(guān)系和開放式溝通。正是它把zui的人才吸引并留在本公司,。在這種環(huán)境中,,他們可以做出的工作成績。了解本公司人員的客戶都知道:他們將竭盡全力履行本公司的承諾,。倘若穆格公司的一位員工做出了一項許諾,,那么公司將信守許諾,。”
1997年秋季,,比爾穆格與世長辭,。本公司董事長兼執(zhí)行官 Bob Brady 在 比爾去世后不久所致的追悼辭中,對本公司做了如下描述:
with integrated Electronics
D791 and D792 Series
Q [l/min] = max. flow
Δp [bar] = valve pressure drop
with Q
AK [cm2] = spool drive area
pX [bar] = pilot pressure
The pilot pressure pX has to be at
least 15 bar above the return
pressure of the pilot stage.
D791 and D792 Series
Three stage servovalves
Principle of operation
An electrical command signal (set
point, input signal) is applied to
the integrated control amplifier
which drives a current through
the pilot valve coils. The pilot valve
produces differential pressure in
its control ports. This pressure
difference results in a pilot flow
which causes main spool displacement.
The position transducer which is
excited via an oscillator measures
the position of the main spool
(actual value, position voltage).
This signal then is demodulated
and fed back to the control
amplifier where it is compared
with the command signal. The
control amplifier drives the pilot
valve until the error between
command signal and feedback
signal is zero. Thus, the position of
the main spool is proportional to
the electrical command signal.
p N
= Δ
Δ p 2,5 10
X p
≥ ⋅ ⋅ Δ
The actual flow depends on the
electrical command signal and
the valve pressure drop, and may
be calculated using the square
root function for a sharp-edged
The flow value Q calculated in
this way should not exceed an
average flow velocity of 30 m/s in
ports P, A, B and T.
Q [l/min] = calculated flow
QN [l/min] = rated flow
Δp [bar] = actual valve pressure
ΔpN [bar] = rated valve pressure
Operational features
? Electrical position feedback with pressure isolated position
transducer (LVDT), no wear
? Integrated SMD electronics with false polarity protection
? Optional external pilot supply and return connections via fifth
and sixth port in valve body
? Low threshold and hysteresis, excellent null stability
? Preadjusted at factory
If large flow rates with high valve
pressure drops are required, an
appropriate higher pilot pressure
has to be chosen to overcome the
flow forces. An approximate value
can be calculated as follows:
The valves D791 and D792 Series
described in this catalogue have
successfully passed EMC tests
required by EC Directive. Please
take notice of the respective
references in the electronics
Our quality management system
is certified in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 9001.
This catalogue is for users with
technical knowledge. To ensure
that all necessary characteristics
for function and safety of the
system are given, the user has to
check the suitability of the
products described here.
In case of doubt please contact
The flow control servovalves D791
and D792 Series are throttle valves
for 3-way and preferably 4-way
applications. These three stage
servovalves have been especially
developed for such demanding
applications where high flow rates
and at the same time extreme
dynamic performance requirements
must be met. The design of
these valves is based on the well
known D079 Series. The integrated
electronics has been
replaced by a new design applying
SMD technology. The valves are
offered with pilot valves of D761
or D765 Series, optional standard
response or high response versions
are available. Series D791 can deliver
rated flow up to 250 l/min,
Series D792 is available with rated
flow up to 1000 l/min.
These valves are suitable for pressure
or force control, position and
velocity control systems with high
dynamic response requirements.
D791 and D792 Series
General technical data
Operating pressure range
Main stage
Ports P, A and B
with X internal up to 315 bar
with X external up to 350 bar
Port T with Y internal up to 210 bar
Port T with Y external up to 350 bar
Pilot valve
Ports P, A and B
D761, D765 Series up to 315 bar
Port T up to 210 bar
Temperature range
Ambient -20 to +60 °C
Fluid -20 to +80 °C
Seal material FPM, others on request
Operating fluid Mineral oil based hydraulic fluid
(to DIN 51524), others on request
Viscosity recommended 15 to 100 mm²/s
Class of cleanliness The cleanliness of the hydraulic
fluid greatly effects the performance
(spool positioning, high
resolution) and wear (metering
edges, pressure gain, leakage) of
the valve.
3 stage Servovalve D792
with Pilot valve D765 Series
Recommended cleanliness class
for normal operation: ISO 4406 < 17/14/11
for longer life: ISO 4406 < 16/13/10
System filtration
Pilot valve: High pressure filter (without bypass,
but with dirt alarm) mounted
in the mainflow and if possible,
directly upstream of the servovalve.
Main stage: Main stage: high pressure filter as
for the pilot stage. In combination
with a fast regulating VD-pump a
bypass filter is possible.
Filter rating recommended
for normal operation: ß10 ≥ 75 (10 μm absolute)
for longer life: ß5 ≥ 75 ( 5 μm absolute)
Installation options any position, fixed or movable
Vibration 30 g, 3 axes
Degree of protection EN 60529: IP 65 (with mating connector
Shipping plate Delivered with an oil sealed shipping
Model . . . .Type D791 . . . . S . . .
Mounting pattern ISO, but X and Y do not corres- ISO 10372-06-05-0-92
pond to ISO
Valve body version 4-way
3-stage with bushing spool assembly
Pilot valve 2-stage, optional D761 or D765 Series
Pilot connection optional, internal or external X and Y
Mass [kg] 13
Rated flow (± 10%) at ΔpN = 35 bar
per land [l/min] 100 160 250
Response time* for 0 to 100% stroke (dependent
on pilot valve) [ms] 3 to 10
Threshold* [%] < 0,2
Hysteresis* [%] < 0,5
Null shift with ΔT = 55 K [%] < 2
Null leakage flow* total, max. [l/min] 5 7 10
Pilot leakage flow* max., for 100% step input (dependent
on pilot valve) [l/min] 4 to 11
Main spool stroke [mm] 1,4 1,2 2,0
Main spool drive area [cm²] 2,85
* measured at 210 bar pilot or operating pressure, fluid viscosity of 32 mm²/s and fluid temperature of 40 °C
Valve flow diagram
Typical characteristic curves measured at 210 bar pilot or operating pressure, fluid viscosity of 32 mm²/s and fluid temperature of 40 °C
Valve flow for maximum valve opening (100% command
signal) as a function of the valve pressure drop
Frequency response
for valves with different rated flows and different pilot valves
D791 Series
Technical data
Rated flow 100/160 l/min
Pilot valve D761 Std 10 l/min
Rated flow 100/160 l/min
Pilot valve D765 HR10 l/min
Rated flow 250 l/min
Pilot valve D761 Std10 l/min
Rated flow 250 l/min
Pilot valve D761 HR 20 l/min
Model . . . .Type D792 . . . . S . . .
Mounting pattern Moog Standard
Valve body version 4-way
3-stage with bushing spool assembly
Pilot valve 2-stage, optional D761 or D765 Series
Pilot connection optional, internal or external X and Y
Mass [kg] 17
Rated flow (± 10%) at ΔpN = 35 bar
per land [l/min] 400 630 800 1000
Response time* for 0 to 100% stroke (dependent
on pilot valve) [ms] 4 to 12
Threshold* [%] < 0,2
Hysteresis* [%] < 0,5
Null shift with Δ T = 55 K [%] < 2
Null leakage flow* total, max. [l/min] 10 14 14 14
Pilot leakage flow* max., for 100% step input (dependent
on pilot valve) [l/min] 6 to 16
Main spool stroke [mm] 1,8 1,9 2,6 4,0
Main spool drive area [cm²] 3,8 7,14 7,14 7,14
* measured at 210 bar pilot or operating pressure, fluid viscosity of 32 mm²/s and fluid temperature of 40 °C
Valve flow diagram
Typical characteristic curves measured at 210 bar pilot or operating pressure, fluid viscosity of 32 mm²/s and fluid temperature of 40 °C
Frequency response
for valves with different rated flows and different pilot valves
D792 Series
Technical data
Rated flow 800 l/min
Pilot valve D765 HR 20 l/min
Rated flow 800 l/min
Pilot valve D761 HR 20 l/min
Rated flow 400 l/min
Pilot valve D761 HR 20 l/min
Rated flow 630 l/min
Pilot valve D765 HR 20 l/min
Valve flow for maximum valve opening (100% command
signal) as a function of the valve pressure drop
D791 Series
Installation drawing with
Pilot valve D761 Series
Conversion instruction
The mounting manifold must
conform to ISO 10372-06-05-0-92.
Note: The X port to ISO Standard
must not be machined.
The X and Y ports of Moog
valve body do not correspond
to ISO Standard.
Mounting surface needs to be
flat within 0,02 mm. Average
surface finish value, Ra, better
than 1μm.
P A B T G X Y F1 F2 F3 F4
Ø16 Ø16 Ø16 Ø16 Ø8 Ø6 Ø6 M10 M10 M10 M10
x 36,5 11,1 61,9 36,5 11,1 36,5 36,5 0 73 73 0
y 17,4 42,8 42,8 68,2 23,7 -2,6 88,2 0 0 85,6 85,6
Spare parts and accessories for D791 Series
O-rings (included in delivery) FPM 85 Shore
for P, T, A, B 4 pieces ID 20,3 x 1,78 as service seal set
for X, Y 2 pieces ID 7,65 x 1,78 B97215-V791-22
Mating connector, waterproof IP 65 (not included in delivery) for cable dia
6+PE-pole DIN 43563 min. Ø 10 mm, max. Ø 12 mm B97007 061
Flushing plate (internal supply) 55118 001
(external supply) A26133
Mounting bolts (not included in delivery)
M 10 x 50 DIN 912-10.9 4 pieces required torque 65 Nm A03665 100 050
Replaceable filter for pilot valve 65 μm nominal A67999 065
O-rings for filter replacement and pilot valve FPM 85 Shore
Service seal set 1 piece B97215-V761F76
D791 Series
Installation drawing with
Pilot valve D765 Series
Spare parts, Accessories
Note: The X and Y tubes have to
be connected to the Moog valve
body by fittings.
Mounting surface needs to be flat
within 0,02 mm. Average surface
finish value, Ra, better than 1μm.
D792 Series
Installation drawing with
Pilot valve D761 Series
Conversion instruction
P A B T G F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
Ø28 Ø28 Ø28 Ø28 Ø8 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16
x 55,4 15,8 95,0 55,4 55,4 0 110,8 110,8 0 31,5 79,3 79,3 31,5
y 30,1 58,7 58,7 87,3 0 0 0 117,4 117,4 0 0 117,4 117,4
D792 Series
Installation drawing with
Pilot valve D765 Series
Spare parts, Accessories
Spare parts and accessories for D792 Series
O-rings (included in delivery) FPM 85 Shore
for P, T, A, B 4 pieces ID 36 x 3,5 as service seal set B97215-V792-22
Mating connector, waterproof IP 65 (not included in delivery) for cable dia
6+PE-pole DIN 43563 min. Ø 10 mm, max. Ø 12 mm B97007 061
Flushing plate 76216 001
Mounting bolts (not included in delivery) required
M 16 x 60 DIN 912-10.9 8 pieces required torque 290 Nm A03665 160 060
Replaceable filter for pilot valve 65 μm nominale A67999 065
O-rings for filter replacement and pilot valve FPM 85 Shore
Service seal set 1 piece B97215-V761F76
General requirements
D791 and D792 Series
Valve electronics with
supply voltage ± 15 Volt
Command signal 0 to ±10 V
Valves with voltage command
The spool stroke of the valve is
proportional to (UD – UE). 100%
valve opening P A and B T is
achieved at (UD – UE) = +10 V. At
0 V command the spool is in a
centred position.
The input stage is a differential
amplifier. If only one command
signal is available, pin D or E is
connected to signal ground ⊥
(pin C) according to the required
operating direction (to be done at
the mating connector).
Command signal 0 to ±10 mA
Valves with current command
The spool stroke of the valve is
proportional to (ID – IE). 100%
valve opening P A and B T is
achieved at (ID – IE) = +10 mA. At
0 mA command the spool is in a
centred position.
Either pin D or E is used according
to the required operating direction.
The unused pin is left open
(not connected at the mating connector).
The input pins D and E are
Actual value 0 to ±10 V
Valves with voltage command
The actual spool position value
can be measured at pin F. This
signal can be used for monitoring
and fault detection purposes.
The spool stroke range corresponds
to ±10 V. 100% valve opening
P A and B T corresponds
to +10 V.
Actual value 0 to ±10 mA or
4 to 20 mA
Valves with current command
The actual spool position value
can be measured at pin F. This
signal can be used for monitoring
and fault detection purposes.
The spool stroke range corresponds
to ±10 mA (4 to 20 mA).
100% valve opening P A and
B T corresponds to +10 mA
(20 mA).
Supply ± 15 VDC ± 3%. Ripple <50 mVpp. Current consumption
max. ± 250 mA
All signal lines, also those of external transducers, shielded
Shielding connected radially to ⊥ (0V), power supply side, and
connected to the mating connector housing (EMC)
EMC: Meets the requirements of EN 55011/03.91 class B,
EN 50081-1/01.92, and EN 50082-2/03.95, performance criterion
class A
Protective grounding lead ≥ 0,75mm2
Note: When making electrical connections to the valve (shield,
protective grounding) appropriate measures must be taken to
ensure that locally different earth potentials do not result in excessive
ground currents. See also Moog Application Note AM 353 E.
Wiring for valves with 6+PE pole connector to DIN 43563 and mating connector (metal shell) with leading protective grounding
connection ( ).
Input rated command 0 to ± 10 mA 0 to ± 10 V
Valve flow Load resistance (diff.) 1 kΩ Input resistance 10 kΩ
Input rated command
Valve flow
Output actual value 0 to ± 10 mA 0 to ± 10 V
Main spool position Load resistance max. 500 Ω Output resistance 50 Ω
Function Current command Voltage command
Supply + 15 VDC ± 3
Supply – 15 VDC ± 3
Supply / signal ground ⊥ (0V)
Input command ID = –IE: 0 to ±10 mA
Input command (inverted) IE = –ID: 0 to ±10 mA
UD–E = 0 to ±10 V
(Re = 10 kΩ) (Re = 200 Ω)
Input voltage for UD–B and UE–B for both signal types is limited to min. –15 V and max. +32 V
Protective grounding
D791 and D792 Series
Valve electronics with
supply voltage 24 Volt
Actual value 4 to 20 mA
The actual spool position value
can be measured at pin F (see
diagram below). This signal can
be used for monitoring and fault
detection purposes.
The spool stroke range corresponds
to 4 to 20 mA.
The centred position is at 12 mA.
20 mA corresponds to 100 %
valve opening P A and B T.
The position signal output 4 to
20 mA allows to detect a cable
break when IF = 0 mA.
For failure detection purposes it
is advised to connect pin F of
the mating connector and route
this signal to the control
Command signal 0 to ±10 V,
Valves with
voltage command input
The spool stroke of the valve is
proportional to (UD – UE).
100 % valve opening P A and
B T is achieved at (UD – UE) = +10 V.
At 0 V command the spool is in
centred position.
The input stage is a differential
amplifier. If only one command
signal is available, pin D or E is
connected to signal ground at
cabinet side, according to the
required operating direction.
Command signal 0 to ±10 mA
Valves with
current command input
The spool stroke of the valve is
proportional to ID = –IE.
100 % valve opening P A and
B T is achieved at ID = +10 mA.
At 0 mA command the spool is
in centred position.
The input pins D and E are inverting.
Either pin D or E is used
according to the required operating
direction. The other pin is
connected to signal ground at
cabinet side.
General requirements
Supply 24 VDC, min. 18 VDC, max. 32 VDC
Current consumption max. 300 mA
All signal lines, also those of external transducers, shielded.
Shielding connected radially to ⊥ (0 V), power supply side, and
connected to the mating connector housing (EMC).
EMC: Meets the requirements of EN 55011:1998, class B,
EN 50082-2:1995, performance criterion class A.
Minimum cross-section of all leads ≥ 0,75 mm2.
Consider voltage losses between cabinet and valve.
Note: When making electric connections to the valve (shield, protective
earth) appropriate measures must be taken to ensure that locally
different earth potentials do not result in excessive ground currents.
See also Moog Application Note AM 353 E.
Circuit diagram for measurement
of actual value IF
(position of main spool)
Wiring for valves with 6+PE pole connector
to EN 175201 Part 804 2), and mating connector (type R and S , metal shell) with leading protective earth connection ( ). See also wiring
instructions AM 426 E.
Note: Enable input
With enable signal off, the main
spool will move to a safe position.
a) Centred position
(unbiased pilot valve)
function code A1)
b) End position
(biased pilot valve)
function code B1)
1) see type designation
Supply 24 VDC (min. 18 VDC, max. 32 VDC). Imax = 300 mA
Supply / Signal ground ⊥ (0 V)
Enabled UC–B > +8,5 VDC
Not enabled UC–B < +6,5 VDC
Protective earth
Output actual value
spool position
Input rated command
Ie = 2,0 mA at 24 VDC (see note above)
IF–B= 4 to 20 mA. At 12 mA spool is in centred position. RL = 100 to 500 Ω
Signal code D (see page 7): UF–B = 2 to 10 V. At 6 V spool is in centred position. Ra = 500 Ω
Input command ID = –IE: 0 to ±10 mA
Input command (inverted) IE = –ID: 0 to ±10 mA
UD–E = 0 to ±10 V
(Re = 10 kΩ) (Re = 200 Ω)
Input voltage for UD–B and UE–B for both signal types is limited to min. –15 V and max. +32 V
Function Current command Voltage command
2) formerly DIN 43563
Specification status
- Series specification
E Preseries specification
Z Special specification
D791 und D792 Series
Ordering information
Model designation
assigned at the factory
Valve version
S Servovalve 3-stage
Rated flow
QN [l/min] at ΔpN = 35 bar per land Series
10 100 D791
16 160 D791
25 250 D791
40 400 D792
63 630 D792
80 800 D792
99 1 000 D792
Main spool type
O 4-way: axis cut, linear characteristic
Pilot valve
P D761 Standard
Q D761 High response
R D765 High response 1) 1) only together with ± 15 V
S D765 Standard 1) (see supply voltage)
Factory identification
assigned at the factory
Maximum operating pressure pP
J 315 bar. At pX ≤ 315 bar (X and Y external) operating pressure
in ports P, A, B and T up to 350 bar possible
K 350 bar
Spool position of main stage without electrical supply
Position Pilot pressure [bar]
O undefined ≥15
A P B, A T ≥15
B P A, B T ≥15
others on request
Preferred configurations are highlighted.
All combinations may not be available.
Options may increase price.
Technical changes are reserved.
Supply voltage
0 ± 15 VDC ± 3%, Ripple < 50 mVpp
2 24 VDC (18 to 32 VDC)
D791, D792 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Valve connector
S 6 + PE-pole DIN 43563
Model-Number Type designation
! ! ! !
Pilot connections and pressure
Supply X Return Y
4 internal internal
5 external internal
6 external external
7 internal external
Seal material
U FPM (Viton), PUR (Ultrathan) only for bushing
V FPM (Viton)
Function code
O 24 V Without enable input
P 15 V Without enable input
A 24 V Without enable signal applied
the spool moves to adjustable
centered position (see page 13).
B 24 V Without enable signal applied the
spool moves into defined end position
A T bzw. B T (see page 13).
Parameters of the control electronics are
adapted to the pilot pressure. See operating
pressure on the nameplate and in this
ordering information.
Signals for 100% spool stroke
Input Output
A ±10 V ±10 V
X ±10 mA, floating ±10 mA
KRH/WA/50 Printed in Germany
Moog GmbH
Hanns-Klemm-Straße 28
D - 71034 Böblingen
Postfach 1670
D - 71006 Böblingen
efon (07031) 622-0
e (07031) 622-191
Australia Melbourne
Austria Vienna
Brazil São Paulo
Denmark Birkerød
England Tewkesbury
Finland Espoo
France Rungis
Germany Böblingen
Hong Kong Kwai Chung
India Bangalore
Ireland Ringaskiddy
Italy Malnate
Japan Hiratsuka
Korea Kwangju
Philippines Baguio
Russia Pavlovo
South Africa Midrand City
Singapore Singapore
Spain Orio
Sweden Gotenborg
USA East Aurora (NY)
D791/2 - EN / 01.04