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Current sensors
Voltage sensors
Technical catalogue
ShangHai XiangRun INDUSTRY CO.,LTD
+86-21-58371911 58371993
Http://www.plcsh.cnCurrent sensors
Voltage sensors
Current measuring technology ................................................................................................. 4
Voltage measuring technology ..................................................................................................  8
Voltage detection technology  .................................................................................................. 10
Glossary ................................................................................................................................ 12
Industry current sensors
Panorama of industry current sensors ................................................................................... 14
NCS type current sensors ....................................................................................................... 18
HBO type current sensors.......................................................................................................  38
ES type current sensors .......................................................................................................... 44
ESM type current sensors ....................................................................................................... 50
MP/EL type current sensors ................................................................................................... 54
Substation and traction current sensors
Panorama of substation and traction current sensors ........................................................... 56
NCS type current sensors ....................................................................................................... 58
CS type current sensors ......................................................................................................... 72
Traction voltage sensors
Panorama of voltage sensors ................................................................................................. 80
VS type voltage sensors ......................................................................................................... 82
EM type voltage sensors  ......................................................................................................... 88
Traction voltage detectors
VD type voltage detectors....................................................................................................... 92
Other products ........................................................................................................................ 96
Common information for industry and traction sensors
Instructions for mounting and wiring ...................................................................................... 98
Questionnaire product selection guide ................................................................................. 108
Calculation guide for closed loop Hall effect current sensors .............................................. 114
Calculation guide for electronic technology current sensors ............................................... 117
Calculation guide for closed loop Hall effect voltage sensors ............................................. 118
Calculation guide for electronic technology voltage sensors ............................................... 121
Our distributors ..................................................................................................................... 126
ShangHai XiangRun INDUSTRY CO.,LTD
+86-21-58371911 58371993
Http://www.plcsh.cnBecause you
search for
we make the
In the industrial and railway sectors,
where the tendency for all players is towards higher
performance, ABB current and voltage sensors provide
competitive and adapted solutions. To meet your requirements,
they draw on all their qualities to give you the advantage.
Resulting from a totally electronic technology, they integrate
the latest innovations. More compact, they allow for the optimum 
reduction in equipment dimensions. Made from high technology material, 
ABB sensors offer exceptional thermal performance, a stronger
mechanical robustness and generally excellent resistance to harsh 
external conditions. These products conform to ecological, 
security and strict quality standards.
3  Three technologies for me
The secondary output current IS is therefore
exactly proportional to the primary current at  
any moment. It is an exact replica of the
primary current multiplied by the number of
turns NP/NS. This secondary current IS can be
passed through a measuring resistance RM.
The measuring voltage VM at the terminals of
this measuring resistance RM is therefore also
exactly proportional to the primary current IP.
ABB current sensors based on closed loop Hall effect technology are electronic
transformers. They allow for the measurement of direct, alternating and impulse
currents, with galvanic insulation between the primary and secondary circuits.
The primary current IP flowing across the sensor creates a primary magnetic flux.
The magnetic circuit channels this magnetic flux. The Hall probe placed in the  
air gap of the magnetic circuit provides a voltage proportional to this flux.  
The electronic circuit amplifies this voltage and converts it into a secondary current
IS. This secondary current multiplied by the number of turns NS of secondary
winding cancels out the primary magnetic flux that created it (contra reaction). The  
formula NP x IP = NS x IS is true at any time. The current sensor measures
instantaneous values.
Advantages Applications
Industry Traction
Closed loop 
Hall effect technology
Power supply Sensor
The main advantages of this closed loop
Hall effect technology are as follows:
L     Galvanic insulation between the
primary and secondary circuits.
L Measurement of all waveforms is
possible: direct current, alternating
current, impulse, etc.
L  High accuracy over a large frequency
range (from direct to more than 100kHz).
L  High dynamic performance.
L  High overload capacities.
L  High reliability.
Variable speed drives, Uninterruptible
Power Suppliers (UPS), active harmonic
filters, battery chargers, wind generators,
robotics, conveyers, lifts, cranes, solar
inverter, elevator, etc.
Main converters, auxiliary converters
(lighting, air conditioning), battery chargers,
choppers, substations, mining, etc.
4asuring current
The secondary output voltage VS is therefore
directly proportional to the primary current.
It is an exact replica of the primary current,
generally with a value of 4V for a nominal
current IPN.
ABB current sensors based on open loop Hall effect technology are also electronic
transformers. They allow for the measurement of direct, alternating and impulse
currents, with galvanic insulation between the primary and secondary circuits.
The primary current IP flowing across the sensor creates a primary magnetic flux.
The magnetic circuit channels this magnetic flux. The Hall probe placed in the air
gap of the magnetic circuit provides a voltage VH proportional to this flux, which is
itself proportional to the current IP to be measured.
The electronic circuit amplifies this Hall voltage (VH) allowing it to be directly
exploited by the operator as a secondary output voltage VS.
The current sensor measures instantaneous values.
Open loop 
Hall effect technology
Power supply Sensor
Advantages Applications
The main advantages of this open loop
Hall effect technology are as follows:
L     Galvanic insulation between the primary
and secondary circuits.
L     Measurement of all waveforms is
possible: direct current, alternating
current, impulse, etc.
L Good accuracy over a medium frequency
range (from direct to several tens  
of kHz).
L     High reliability.
L  Low power consumption.
L  Reduced weight and volume.
L  Excellent Performance/Cost ratio.
Variable speed drives, backups (“UPS”),
active harmonic filters, battery chargers,
conveyers, lifts, cranes, solar inverter,
ABB current sensors are based on entirely electronic technology. In contrast to closed
or open loop Hall effect technology, no magnetic circuit is used in the sensor.
They allow for the measurement of direct, alternating and impulse currents with
galvanic insulation between the primary and secondary circuits.
The primary current IP flowing across the sensor creates a primary magnetic flux.
The different Hall probes included in the sensor measure this magnetic flux. The
electronic circuit conditions and treats these signals (summation and amplification)
to provide two output currents IS1 and IS2 and/or two output voltages VS1 and VS2.
All the outputs are exactly proportional to the measured primary current.
The current sensor measures instantaneous values.
Advantages Applications
Industry Substation
Power supply Sensor
The main advantages of this electronic
technology are as follows:
L  Galvanic insulation between the
primary and secondary circuits.
L Measurement of all waveforms is
possible: direct current, alternating
current, impulse, etc.
L  Choice of output type (current or
voltage, IPN or IPMAX).
L  Very large current measuring range (up to
40kA) without overheating the sensor.
L  High dynamic performance.
L  Low power consumption.
L  Reduced weight and volume.
L  Simplified mechanical fixing.
Electrolysis, rectifiers, welding, etc. Substations in continuous voltage.
Three technologies for
measuring current
62000 A 100 A
40 kA 4 kA
Product ranges
for current measurement
Industry applications
Range Accuracy  Frequency Consumption
Range Accuracy Frequency Consumption
Range Accuracy Frequency Consumption
Railway applications
Range Accuracy Frequency Consumption
Range Accuracy Frequency Consumption
Closed loop
Hall effect technology
Open loop
Hall effect technology
2000 A 500 A
100 A 5 A
600 A 100 A
40 kA 4 kA
2000 A 300 A
Closed loop
Hall effect technology
Substation applications
Fixed application
onlyTwo technologies for meas
ABB voltage sensors based on closed loop Hall effect technology are also electronic
transformers. They allow for the measurement of direct, alternating and impulse
voltages with galvanic insulation between the primary and secondary circuits.
The primary voltage UP to be measured is applied directly to the sensor terminals:
HT+ (positive high voltage) and HT– (negative high voltage). An input resistance
RE must necessarily be placed in series with the resistance RP of the primary
winding to limit the current IP and therefore the heat dissipated from the sensor.
This resistance RE may be either integrated during the manufacturing of the product
(calibrated sensor) or added externally by the user to determine the voltage rating
(not calibrated sensor).
The primary current IP flowing across the primary winding via this resistance RE
generates a primary magnetic flux. The magnetic circuit channels this magnetic flux.
The Hall probe placed in the air gap of the magnetic circuit provides a voltage VH
proportional to this flux.
The electronic circuit amplifies this voltage and converts it into a secondary  
current IS. This secondary current multiplied by the number of turns NS of secondary
winding cancels out the primary magnetic flux that created it (contra reaction).  
The formula NP x IP = NS x IS is true at any time.
The voltage sensor measures instantaneous values.
The secondary output current IS is therefore exactly proportional to the primary
voltage at any moment. It is an exact replica of the primary voltage. This secondary
current IS is passed through a measuring resistance RM. The measuring voltage VM
at the terminals of this measuring resistance RM is therefore also exactly proportional
to the primary voltage UP
Advantages Applications
Closed loop
Hall effect technology
The main advantages of this closed loop
Hall effect technology are as follows:
L     Galvanic insulation between the primary
and secondary circuits.
L     Measurement of all waveforms is
possible: direct voltage, alternating
voltage, impulse, etc.
L     High accuracy.
L     High reliability.
Main converters, auxiliary converters
(lighting, air conditioning), battery
chargers, choppers, substations, mining,
In the same way as for current sensors, this
secondary current IS can be then passed
through a measuring resistance RM. The
measuring voltage VM at the terminals of this
measuring resistance RM is therefore also
exactly proportional to the primary voltage UP.
The electrical supply to the sensor is also
insulated from the primary voltage.
ABB voltage sensors based on electronic technology only use electronic components.
In contrast to closed or open loop Hall effect technology, no magnetic circuits or
Hall effect probes are used in the sensor.
This allows for the measurement of direct or alternating voltages with electrical
insulation between the primary and secondary circuits.
The primary voltage to be measured is applied directly to the sensor terminals:  
HT+ (positive high voltage) and HT– (negative high voltage or earth). This voltage  
is passed through an insulating amplifier and is then converted to a secondary
output current IS. This secondary current IS is electrically insulated from the primary  
voltage to which it is exactly proportional.
The voltage sensor measures instantaneous values.
Applications Advantages
The main advantages of this fully
electronic technology are as follows:
L     Electrical insulation between the  
primary and secondary circuits.
L       Measurement of all waveforms is
possible: direct voltage, alternating
voltage, impulse, etc.
L     Excellent immunity to electromagnetic
L     Excellent accuracy.
L     High dynamic performance.
L     Excellent reliability.
Main converters, auxiliary converters
(lighting, air conditioning), battery chargers,
choppers, substations, mining, etc.
The voltage detector indicates the presence
of a voltage higher than a limit  (maximum
50V in compliance with standards) by the
illumination of a LED. Inversely, the LED is
extinguished when the voltage is below this limit.
ABB voltage detector is based on entirely electronic technology. It allows
the detection of the presence of direct or alternating voltage. For safety
reasons this main function is duplicated within the detector to increase the  
product lifetime.
The voltage detector converts the primary voltage UP applied to its terminals to visual
information for the user. This function permits the user to carryout maintenance
operations with the assurance that dangerous voltage is not present.
The primary voltage UP to be measured is applied directly to the detector terminals:
HT1+ and HT2+ (positive high voltage) and HT1– and HT2- (negative high voltage
or 0V electric). The electronic circuit (PCB) converts the primary voltage UP to an
electrical signal supplied to a light emitting diode (LED).
The information is supplied to the user visually through two flashing LEDs.
The detector does not need an external power supply in order to work.
Voltage detection 
The main advantages of this electronic
technology are as follows:
L  Detection of direct and alternating
L  Very good visual indication.
L  High overload capacities.
L  Excellent reliability (functional redundancy
in a single product).
L  Excellent immunity to magnetic fields.
L  Compact product.
Main converters, auxiliary converters
(lighting, air conditioning), electronic power
devices integrating capacitors banks,
battery chargers, choppers, substations,
105000 V 600 V
Railway applications
Product ranges
for voltage measurement
Product ranges
for voltage detection
Range Accuracy Frequency Standards
Range Accuracy Frequency Standards
Closed loop
Hall effect technology
Range Safety Reliability
Railway applications
4200 V 50 V
1500 V 50 V
Description of the main current and voltage
sensor’s characteristics
Nominal primary current (IPN) and nominal primary voltage (UPN)
This is the maximum current or voltage that the sensor can continuously withstand (i.e. without time limit).
The sensor is thermally sized to continuously withstand this value.
For alternating currents, this is the r.m.s. value of the sinusoidal current.
The value given in the catalogue or in the technical data sheet is a nominal rating value. This figure can be higher if certain conditions  
(temperature, supply voltage…) are less restricting.
- Supply voltage:
The measuring range increases with the supply voltage.
- Measuring resistance:
The measuring range increases when the measuring
resistance is reduced.
Not measurable overload
This is the maximum instantaneous current or voltage that the sensor can
withstand without being destroyed or damaged.
However the sensor is not able to measure this overload value.
This value must be limited in amplitude and duration in order to avoid magnetising
the magnetic circuit, overheating or straining the electronic components.
A sensor can withstand a lower value overload for longer.
IPmax or UPmax
IPmax or UPmax
Not measurable overload
Measuring range (IPMAX and UPMAX)
This is the maximum current or voltage that the sensor can measure with the Hall effect. In general, mainly for thermal reasons, the sensor  
cannot continuously measure this value for direct currents and voltages.
This measuring range is given for specific operating conditions. This can vary depending mainly on the parameters below (see calculation
examples p.114 and onwards):
Operating range (IPN, UPN) and temperature (°C)
The sensor has been designed for a certain operating temperature. If this
temperature is reduced, then it is possible to use the sensor with a higher
thermal current or voltage.
Description of the main current and voltage
sensor’s characteristics
Secondary current ISN at IPN or at UPN
This is the sensor’s output current IS when the input is equal to the nominal primary current IPN or to the nominal primary voltage UPN.
Measuring resistance RM
This is the resistance connected in the secondary measuring circuit between terminal M of the current or voltage sensor and the 0 V of the supply.
The measuring voltage VM at the terminals of this resistance RM is proportional to the sensor’s secondary current IS.
It is therefore the image of the sensor’s primary current IP or primary voltage UP
For thermal reasons, a minimum value is sometimes required in certain operating conditions in order to limit overheating of the sensor.
The maximum value for this resistance is determined by the measuring range.
(see calculation examples p.114 and onwards and the curve IPMAX or UPMAX = f(RM) opposite).
This is the maximum error for the sensor output ISN for the nominal input value (current or voltage).
This takes into account the residual current, linearity and thermal drift.
a.c. accuracy 
This is the maximum error for the sensor’s output ISN for an alternating sinusoidal primary current with a frequency of 50 Hz.
The residual current is not taken into account. The linearity and thermal drift are always included.
No-load consumption current
This is the sensor’s current consumption when the primary current (or primary voltage) is zero.
The total current consumption of the sensor is therefore the no-load consumption current plus the secondary current.
All given performance and data included in this catalogue could change.
Dedicated data sheets are the only recognized reference documents 
for the given performances and data.
To have the data-sheets, please contact your local distributor (see page 126-127).
13   Nominal   Opening for Secondary  Secondary Supply   
 Type  primary current  the primary current IS1 voltage VS1 voltage Secondary connection Order code
   (A peak)  conductor (mm)  at ±IPN (mA peak)  at ±IPN (V peak)  (V d.c.)    
 NCS125-4 4000 125 ±20 ±10 ±15 … ±24
Straight connector
8 pin
 NCS125-4AF 4000 125 ±20 - ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS125-4VF 4000 125 - ±10 ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS165-4 4000 165 ±20 ±10 ±15 … ±24
Straight connector
8 pin
 NCS165-4AF 4000 165 ±20 - ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS165-4VF 4000 165 - ±10 ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS125-6 6000 125 ±20 ±10 ±15 … ±24
Straight connector
8 pin
 NCS125-6AF 6000 125 ±20 - ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS125-6VF 6000 125 - ±10 ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS165-6 6000 165 ±20 ±10 ±15 … ±24
Straight connector
8 pin
 NCS165-6AF 6000 165 ±20 - ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS165-6VF 6000 165 - ±10 ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS125-10 10000 125 ±20 ±10 ±15 … ±24
Straight connector
8 pin
 NCS125-10AF 10000 125 ±20 - ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS125-10VF 10000 125 - ±10 ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS165-10 10000 165 ±20 ±10 ±15 … ±24
Straight connector
8 pin
 NCS165-10AF 10000 165 ±20 - ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS165-10VF 10000 165 - ±10 ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS165-20 20000 165 ±20 ±10 ±15 … ±24
Straight connector
8 pin
 NCS165-20AF 20000 165 ±20 - ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
 NCS165-20VF 20000 165 - ±10 ±15 … ±24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
These sensors are designed to be fixed by the case.
They may be either vertically or horizontally mounted.
The secondary connection is made with a connector or cable.
For NCS sensors the primary conductor may be a cable, one or several bars.
Frame mounting
Panorama of industry current sensors
1SBC 146008 F0014
NCS125-4 to NCS125-10
NCS165-4 to NCS165-20
1SBC 146009 F0014
NCS125-4AF to NCS125-10AF
NCS125-4VF to NCS125-10VF
1SBC 146017 F0014
NCS165-4AF to NCS165-20AF
NCS165-4VF to NCS165-20VF
1SBC 146018 F0014
14HBO100 to HBO600
1SBC7 9129 3F0302
These sensors are designed to be fixed by the case.
They may be either vertically or horizontally mounted.
The secondary connection is made with a connector.
For HBO sensors the primary conductor may be a cable or a bar.
Frame mounting
Panorama of industry current sensors
   Nominal   Secondary  Supply  
 Type  primary current  voltage voltage Secondary connection Order code
   (A r.m.s.) at IPN (V)  (V d.c.)  
  HBO100 100 ±4 ±12 … ±15 Molex 4 pin 1SBT210100R0001
 HBO200 200 ±4 ±12 … ±15 Molex 4 pin 1SBT210200R0001
 HBO300 300 ±4 ±12 … ±15 Molex 4 pin 1SBT210300R0001
 HBO400 400 ±4 ±12 … ±15 Molex 4 pin 1SBT210400R0001
 HBO500 500 ±4 ±12 … ±15 Molex 4 pin 1SBT210500R0001
 HBO600 600 ±4 ±12 … ±15 Molex 4 pin 1SBT210600R0001
NCS305-6 to NCS305-20
NCS305-6AF to NCS305-20AF
NCS305-6VF to NCS305-20VF
Industry sensors
primary current
(A peak)
Opening for
the primary
conductor (mm)
current Is1 at ±IPN
(mA peak)
voltage Vs1 at ±IPN
(V peak)
(V d.c)
Order code
NCS305-6 6 302 ±20 ±10
+15 … +24
Straight connector
8 pin
NCS305-6AF 6 302 ±20 -
+15 … +24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
NCS305-6VF 6 302 - ±10
+15 … +24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
NCS305-10 10 302 ±20 ±10
+15 … +24
Straight connector
8 pin
NCS305-10AF 10 302 ±20 -
+15 … +24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
NCS305-10VF 10 302 - ±10
+15 … +24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
NCS305-20 20 302 ±20 ±10
+15 … +24
Straight connector
8 pin
NCS305-20AF 20 302 ±20 -
+15 … +24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
NCS305-20VF 20 302 - ±10
+15 … +24
Shielded cable
6 wires (2m)
15These sensors are designed to be fixed by the case.
They may be either horizontally or vertically mounted.
The secondary connection is made with a connector or cable.
For ES and ESM sensors the primary conductor may be a cable or a bar.
Frame mounting
1SBC7 8979 4F0302
1SBC7 8982 4F0302
1SBC7 8983 4F0302
1SBC7 8980 4F0302
1SBC7 8981 4F0302
1SBC7 898 44F0302
Panorama of industry current sensors
   Nominal     Secondary  Supply   
 Type primary current current voltage Secondary connection Order code
   (A r.m.s) at IPN (mA)  (V d.c.)  
  ES100C 100 100 ±12 … ±24 Molex 3 pins HE 14 ES100C
 ES100F 100 100 ±12 … ±24 3 wires 200 mm ES100F
 ES300C 300 150 ±12 … ±24 Molex 3 pins HE 14 ES300C
 ES300S 300 150 ±12 … ±24 JST 3 pins ES300S
 ES300F 300 150 ±12 … ±24 3 wires 200 mm ES300F
 ES500C 500 100 ±12 … ±24 Molex 3 pins HE 14 ES500C
 ES500S 500 100 ±12 … ±24 JST 3 pins ES500S
 ES500F 500 100 ±12 … ±24 3 wires 200 mm ES500F
 ES500-9672 500 125 ±12 … ±24 Molex 3 pins HE 14 ES500-9672
 ES500-9673 500 125 ±12 … ±24 JST 3 pins ES500-9673
 ES500-9674 500 125 ±12 … ±24 3 wires 200 mm ES500-9674
 ES1000C 1000 200 ±12 … ±24 Molex 3 pins HE 14 ES1000C
 ES1000S 1000 200 ±12 … ±24 JST 3 pins ES1000S
 ES1000F 1000 200 ±12 … ±24 3 wires 200 mm ES1000F
 ES1000-9678 1000 250 ±12 … ±24 Molex 3 pins HE 14 ES1000-9678
 ES1000-9679 1000 250 ±12 … ±24 JST 3 pins ES1000-9679
 ES1000-9680 1000 250 ±12 … ±24 3 wires 200 mm ES1000-9680
 ESM1000C 1000 200 ±15 … ±24 Molex 3 pins HE 14 1SBT191000R0003
 ESM1000S 1000 200 ±15 … ±24 JST 3 pins 1SBT191000R0002
 ESM1000F 1000 200 ±15 … ±24 3 wires 200 mm 1SBT191000R0001
 ESM1000-9888 1000 250 ±15 … ±24 Molex 3 pins HE 14 1SBT191000R9888
 ESM1000-9887 1000 250 ±15 … ±24 JST 3 pins 1SBT191000R9887
 ESM1000-9886 1000 250 ±15 … ±24 3 wires 200 mm 1SBT191000R9886
 ES2000C 2000 400 ±15 … ±24 Molex 3 pins HE 14 1SBT152000R0003
 ES2000S 2000 400 ±15 … ±24 JST 3 pins 1SBT152000R0002
 ES2000F 2000 400 ±15 … ±24 3 wires 200 mm 1SBT152000R0001
EL25P1BB to 100P2BB
1SBC 146019 F0014 1SBC7 7174 3F0301
EL25P1 to 100P2
1SBC 146013 F0014
These sensors are designed for PCB mounting.
The sensor is mechanically fixed by soldering the secondary circuit pins to the PCB.
The primary connection can also be integrated in the sensor (pins for MP sensors,
integrated primary bar for EL…BB sensors).
The primary conductor for EL sensors can also be a cable or a bar.
For MP sensors the primary pin combination determines the sensor’s nominal rating
(see table p.55).
PCB mounting
Panorama of industry current sensors
* see table p. 55 “MP25P1: arrangement of primary terminals and related characteristics”.
   Nominal   Secondary   Supply 
Primary  Secondary
 Type primary current current  voltage
connection connection
Order code
   (A r.m.s.) at IPN (mA)  (V d.c.)
 MP25P1  5 to 25*  24 or 25* ±12 … ±15 Pins 3 pins 1SBT312500R0001
   Nominal   Secondary  Supply 
Primary  Secondary
 Type primary current current voltage
connection connection
Order code
   (A r.m.s.) at IPN (mA)  (V d.c.)
  EL25P1 25 25 ±12 … ±15  3 pins 1SBT132500R0001
 EL25P1BB 25 25 ±12 … ±15 Bar 3 pins 1SBT132500R0002
 EL50P1 50 50 ±12 … ±15  3 pins 1SBT135100R0001
 EL50P1BB 50 50 ±12 … ±15 Bar 3 pins 1SBT135100R0003
  EL55P2 50 25 ±12 … ±15  3 pins 1SBT135100R0002
 EL55P2BB 50 25 ±12 … ±15 Bar 3 pins 1SBT135100R0004
 EL100P2 100 50 ±12 … ±15  3 pins 1SBT130100R0001
 EL100P2BB 100 50 ±12 … ±15 Bar 3 pins 1SBT130100R0002
Ø 7.5 mm
Ø 10 mm
Ø 10 mm
Ø 10 mm
Industry sensors
17Designed to be integrated into
every situation
The NCS125/165 sensor is entirely symmetrical. Its square shape and
strategically positioned oblong holes make it easy to fasten in a choice of
2 positions.
As an accessory it comes with a side plate that can be fastened on either
side of the sensor giving complete fitting flexibility. It meets the standard
design of ABB current sensors. It can be fitted both horizontally and
Industry Current Sensors
NCS Range
This flexibility means that NCS125/165 sensor simplifies the work of
integrators. Additionally the pair of side plate allows the NCS125/165
sensor to be fitted to one or several bars at the same time.
The NCS305 sensor has been designed to reduce installation costs for
new and retrofit systems. Using our innovative and robust opening, the
clip-on system allows the NCS305 to be easily adapted to existing bus
Thanks to its core free, patented technology, the NCS is more cost
effective and faster to install than traditional Hall Effect sensor.
The NCS is a “flyweight” with only 5.5 kg (for the NCS305), this sensor
offer the best calibre/weight ratio.
The chief selling-point of NCS sensors is their quality.
Compliance of their high-tech electronic design with
standard EN 50178 is proof of their ability to comply with the most detailed
constraint as well as major demands. The fact that each individual sensor
is subjected to rigorous testing is proof of the importance ABB attribute 
to quality.
ABB have long been concerned with the
protection of the environment, as proved by the
ISO 14001 certification they received in 1998. This environmental
approach is particularly noticeable in the production of the NCS
range in the reduction of the number of components, in the use of
a low-energy manufacturing procedure and the use of recyclable
packing. The products in use are also characterized by their reduced
energy consumption.
Quality that goes beyond
ABB have been ISO 9001 certified since 1993 and our standard NCS
sensors bear the CE label in Europe.
This ongoing striving after quality has always been the hallmark of a
company where excellence and safety are part of the culture, from 
design right through to production.
This culture is the result of continuous research to make technical
progress and meet our customers’ demands.
energy savings
NCS sensors offer considerable savings in energy. Indeed only a few
watts are required to power the NCS sensor in contrast to traditional
sensors that require several hundred watts.
This reduction in wasted energy means there is no rise in temperature
around the sensor.
100% electronic
The main advantage of the NCS range of sensors is that they are
designed using a brand-new solution: 100% electronic technology.
Unlike other currently available solutions such as shunts and CTs,
this approach means that these sensors are very compact. Several
patents were necessary to achieve this improvement.
Industry sensors
19NCS industry current sensors
General data
L Plastic case and insulating resin are self-extinguishing.
L   Two fixing modes:
L   Horizontal or vertical with fixing holes in the case moulding.
L   By bar using the intermediate side plate kit (Refer to
accessories and options on the following page).
L   Max tightening torque for M6 screws (side plate mounting): 2 N.m
L   Direction of the current:
L   Output current (IS1 and IS2): A primary current flowing in the
direction of the arrow results in a positive secondary output
current on terminals IS1 and IS2
L   Output voltage (VS1 and VS2): A primary current flowing in the
direction of the arrow results in a positive secondary output  
voltage on terminals VS1 and VS2
L   Burn-in test in accordance with FPTC 404304 cycle.
Primary connection
Hole for primary conductor.
The temperature of the primary conductor in contact with the
case must not exceed 100°C.
Secondary connection
L Male straight 8 pin connector (integrated in the sensor)  
A female straight 8 pin connector is provided as standard with
each product.
L Shielded cable 6 x 2000 mm (cross section 0.5 mm2).
Sensors to measure d.c., a.c. or pulsating currents with a
galvanic insulation between primary and secondary circuits.
NCS125 4000 A
Technical data
1Maximum current IPN generated: 5000A r.m.s.
ABB 8 pin connector NCS125-4 - -
Output current shielded cable - NCS125-4AF -
Output voltage shielded cable - - NCS125-4VF
Nominal primary current A peak 4000 4000 4000
Measuring range A peak 20000 20000 20000
Not measured overload 1s/h A peak 80000 80000 80000
Secondary current IS1 at IPN mA peak ±20 ±20 -
Secondary current IS2 at IPMAX mA peak ±20 ±20 -
Residuel current IS10 @ +25°C μA ≤±250 ≤±250 -
Residuel current IS20 @ +25°C μA ≤±180 ≤±180 -
Thermal drift coef?cent (outputs IS1, IS2) μA/°C ≤±4 ≤±4 -
Measuring resistance  (outputs IS1, IS2) Ω 0 ... 350 0 ... 350 -
Secondary voltage VS1 at IPN V peak ±10 - ±10
Secondary voltage VS2 at IPMAX V peak ±10 - ±10
Residuel voltage VS10 @ +25°C mV ≤±100 - ≤±100


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