Determination of Ultra-trace Pt and Rh in wine after UV digestion by Voltammetric polarography
Huan Sun*, Tao Li, Ling Tao
Cclab of Metrohm Chian, Beijing, 10085
These heavy metallic elements such as Pt and Rh mainly come from the soil and the auto exhaust during planting , the metal in containers, wine pump, and pipes during wine manufacturing. Pt and Rh can influence the stability and taste of wine. After UV digestion, Ultra-trace Pt and Rh were determined with adsorptive stripping voltammetry (AdSV) at HMDE. The minimum detectable quantity of Pt and Rh reach 5 ng/L both via standard addition method. We find a new electrochemical approach to determine Ultra-trace Pt and Rh in food analysis field.
Key words:Pt , Rh, wine, VA, UV digestion