點擊次數:4585 發(fā)布時間:2010-5-18
HAWE HYDRAULIK. 哈威液壓有限公司成立于1949年,,50多年來一直致力于高壓液壓元件及系統(tǒng)的開發(fā)與生產,。公司現有員工1800余名,,在德國國內設有多個銷售代表處,,并在有30多家銷售,,13家全資子公司,。HAWE產品的特點在于閥體全鋼結構,耐高壓,;結構緊湊,體積小巧,;無泄漏,,使用壽命長,,廣泛應用于工程機械,、機床、船舶,、冶金,、液壓工具等行業(yè)。
HAWE 公司的企業(yè)原則
創(chuàng)新性就是企業(yè)及其員工的支柱,。 創(chuàng)新性對我們來說就意味著不斷的改進,但是即使在變化中也要保持一致性,。 創(chuàng)新性不僅包括我們對產品及其制造過程,,還包括企業(yè)結構和流程的各個領域。
HAWE 公司是液壓設備生產廠家中的企業(yè),。 在產品性能方面,,我們的產品屬于是市場上的。 我們提供“給解決問題者的解決問題方案”,,而且有意識地與那些沒有產品差別的常規(guī)性液壓設備區(qū)分開來,。 咨詢、設計以及服務都屬于我們的配套業(yè)務范疇,。
對我們來說,,技術優(yōu)勢就在于性能價格比的*化以及顧客使用的*化。 產品設計和生產工藝,,都與我公司員工的專業(yè)技能結合在一起,,屬于我們的核心能力。
我公司產品在安全相關領域的廣泛應用,,就要求我們在質量上要做到*化,。 無論是在員工們的頭腦里,還是在實際工作中,,質量都是至關重要的,。 質量在 HAWE 公司屬于日常必需。
作為一家化的液壓生產企業(yè),我們在所有重要的工業(yè)化國家都設有,。 我們也非常關注日漸崛起的快速增長市場,。 德國本土市場是我們進一步發(fā)展的成功依托。
注重業(yè)績,、團結緊密以及忠實性都是我們員工的標志性特征,。 共同的目標、開放性,、專業(yè)性以及公正的沖突解決方式,,對合作起著決定性作用。 本公司有義務給員工提供合適的環(huán)境,,使他們全面地獲得信息,,促進個人發(fā)展機會。 每一位管理者都起著榜樣的作用,。 只有帶來業(yè)績的人才能期待業(yè)績,。
我們的客戶向我們需要什么,我們就向我們的供貨商需要什么,。我們與供貨商之間在研發(fā),、物流以及服務領域內的密切配合,構成了長期友好合作的堅實基礎,。 我們根據明確定義的標準對供貨商加以選擇,。
唯有依靠長久的利潤才能確保企業(yè)的未來。 因此,,利潤*化乃是企業(yè)行動和決策的根本支柱,。 憑借良好的自有資本后盾,我們具有并完善著作為自主經營的中型的巴伐利亞家族型企業(yè)的特征,。
慕尼黑,,1949:工程師 Karl Heilmeier 和商人 Wilhelm Weinlein 共同建立了" Heilmeier 與 Weinlein,液壓有限合資公司",。 - 思路:為每一種應用,、每一個問題提供一種量身定制的液壓技術解決方案。- 材料:鋼,。憑借著*意識,、創(chuàng)新的思想,以及zui重要的穩(wěn)定的產品質量,,這家年輕的企業(yè)迅速打開了市場,,并擁有了忠實的顧客群體,。
從那時起已經過去了五十多年。 在這期間,,從一家小型的工廠已經發(fā)展成為*生產液壓設備的主導型廠家之一,,更為人所熟知的名字是“ 當前在范圍內,公司擁有超過2,000名雇員,,分布在德國以及其它銷售區(qū)域,。由于化趨勢的發(fā)展,像 HAWE 公司這種傳統(tǒng)型企業(yè)也同時面臨著機遇與挑戰(zhàn),。
通過分布廣泛的銷售網絡,,我們可以很靈活地針對瞬息萬變的市場需求做出反應。 目前,,我們的網絡由位于德國的5個銷售處和位于歐洲、美洲以及亞太地區(qū)的各個分公司組成,。 我們在海外取得了極大進步——尤其是在亞太地區(qū)——取得了令人矚目的成功,。 而今,我們與30多個獨立營銷伙伴攜手共進,。
毫不動搖的質量意識要求在生產過程中,除了具備恒久的創(chuàng)新觀念和的技術水準以外還有其他要求,。 老員工們的經驗以及在產品和市場方面的專業(yè)知識,,使我們成為液壓系統(tǒng)領域內的裁縫師 – 還可以創(chuàng)造出非同尋常的設計方案。 由于我們的質量意識原則至少和我們的 CAD,、CAQ 以及 PPS 系統(tǒng)一樣重要:所以質量在 HAWE 公司屬于必需要求,。
因此,我們是*一家*用鋼材作為產品承壓部件的廠家,。 而且我們采用可組合的結構方式,。所以針對復雜的問題,我們也有能力設計*的液壓解決方案,。同時,,HAWE 的產品已經囊括了超過70多個領域 – 無論是機床、升降技術,、物流技術,、建筑施工機械、活動吊車,、造船業(yè),、還是海上作業(yè)。 分布于德國,、歐洲,、美洲以及亞太地區(qū),。
即使是產品銷售之后,我們的服務也不會中止,。 作為伙伴,,我們可以隨時解答任何問題。 由于客戶在日常使用中能夠積累許多經驗,,所以可以幫助我們更好地改善產品,。
還沒有什么材料可以替代我們所使用的鋼材,。 我們的承壓部件不使用壓鑄件或者鋁材件,。 我們的產品緊湊、可靠,,還具有體積zui小化的優(yōu)勢,。我們堅持無泄漏的產品設計。 在高壓條件下,,沒有哪種設備比我們的產品運行的更快,。 我們的“組合部件 – 哲學”涵蓋了一切不同的產品領域。 從液壓設備和油缸,,到各種類型的閥門和泵機,,直到電子節(jié)能開關和附件。
隨著時間的流逝,,HAWE 公司也發(fā)生了許多變化。 保持不變的就是創(chuàng)業(yè)時期的精神,。 我們依然是一家自主經營的家族型企業(yè),,現在已經是第三代了。 盡管已經擁有一切技術工具,,可是我們的員工仍然起著決定性作用,。 因為只有他們才能開發(fā)我們的產品,將他們的寶貴經驗傳授給年輕一代的員工們,。 他們對每個零件制造出來之后還要再次進行察看 – 比任何一臺機器還要認真,。
概覽我們企業(yè)的各項指數 其他資料您可以從我們的 企業(yè)形象手冊中獲取, 我們很愿意寄給您,。因此請使用我們的聯(lián)絡表
Karl Haeusgen
董事,,董事會發(fā)言人 (CEO)
HAWE Hydraulik SE
Karl Haeusgen (44) 是 HAWE Hydraulik SE (München) 公司董事會發(fā)言人。他負責銷售和質量管理部門,。從1996年起他作為HAWE Hydraulik GmbH & Co. KG公司的總即負責上述部門,。該公司在2008年9月轉為歐洲股份公司形式(SE)。
Karl Haeusgen在德國紡織機械制造商Barmag AG于香港的子公司Barmag Far East Ltd., Hong Kong 積累了其zui初的亞洲工作經驗,。1993到1994年期間他負責該公司亞太地區(qū)銷售的監(jiān)控工作。之前在MAHO AG, Pfronten 公司任職材料管理的董事助理,。
在瑞士的St. Gallen大學他研讀了企業(yè)管理專業(yè),。其間從1990到1991年他任職企業(yè)管理學院Thomas Dyllick教授的助理,主攻生態(tài)企業(yè)管理,。
Karl Haeusgen是家族企業(yè)HAWE Hydraulik SE的主要控股人,,也是企業(yè)創(chuàng)始人之一Karl Heilmeier的外孫。
在 VDMA (德國機械設備制造業(yè)聯(lián)合會) Karl Haeusgen 屬于重要董事,,并是流體專業(yè)的董事,,同時他也是VDMA巴伐利亞的董事會主席。
Karl Haeusgen已婚,,并有3個子女。
Martin Heusser
設計研發(fā)部 (CTO)
HAWE Hydraulik SE
Martin Heusser (54) 是HAWE Hydraulik SE公司設計研發(fā)部的董事,。在企業(yè)于2008年9月轉為歐洲股份公司之前,,Heusser 從2002年起即是HAWE Hydraulik GmbH & Co. KG公司的總,負責設計研發(fā)部門,。
1996年他接手液壓和電子元件設計研發(fā)的領導工作,,是企業(yè)歷*該部門的第3任領導。Heusser 1982年起在HAWE液壓公司的設計部門工作,。開始時他研發(fā)比例壓力流量閥,,以及浸油式泵的冷卻,其后他主攻傳送設備的閥,,比例截止閥和電磁鐵,。
Martin Heusser 是機械制造工程學士,,畢業(yè)于蘇黎世的ETH。他已婚,,并有5個子女,。
Edin Rahic
HAWE Hydraulik SE
Edin Rahic (36) 2009年8月1日起任HAWE Hydraulik SE董事會成員,,負責財務和人事部門。
此前他于2002年至2009年在Bosch Rexroth任職,。在 Bosch Rexroth B.V., Box, Niederlande 任職期間管理財務和監(jiān)控部門,。其間工作重點是商務部門和業(yè)務流程的重組,以及多個業(yè)務領域在SAP中的技術架構,。在Bosch Rexroth AG, Lohr am Main, 他擔任財務/人事董事助理,。
1998至2002年期間Edin Rahic在Andersen Consulting GmbH (現為 Accenture GmbH), Kronberg im Taunus, 任職。作為財務監(jiān)控領域的業(yè)務流程建模和SAP咨詢師他參與了Smart汽車在法國Hambach 的生產啟動準備工作,,并在Hessen in Wiesbaden 實施了SAP和復式會計,。此前他協(xié)助 Polaroid Corp. 在當時新成立的位于Glasgow, Schottland的業(yè)務中心建立針對德國市場的商務會計體系。
已取得經濟學士學位的他2006年畢業(yè)于St. Gallen 大學的在職EMBA課程,,主題方向為通用管理,。他的職業(yè)生涯起始于Mövenpick Deutschland GmbH, Stuttgart的商務培訓。
Edin Rahic 已婚,,有兩個子女,。
Wolfgang Sochor
生產部 (COO)
HAWE Hydraulik SE
作為HAWE Hydraulik SE, München的董事 Wolfgang Sochor (46) 負責生產部門。他1998年加入公司,,至2001年他任職生產部門負責人,,同時是HAWE Hydraulik GmbH & Co. KG公司的管理層人員。2002年起他進入總層,。從2008年9月公司轉為歐洲股份公司起他任職董事,。此外,1998年起他擔任HAWE Hydraulik的子公司 Schienle Magnettechnik GmbH, Salem/Neufrach, 的總,。
在加入HAWE Hydraulik之前,,Sochor即任職醫(yī)藥和機械制造行業(yè)的領導職位。1994年到1998年他在 Quito, Ecuador的銷售及生產企業(yè)GRÜNENTHAL Ecuatoriana C. LTDA 和TECNANDINA SSA 擔任商務總,。在那里他領導建設南美的生產基地,,并負責兩家公司的監(jiān)控,財務,,IT和物流等領域,。
在 MAHO AG, Pfronten 公司,于1990年,,在任職一年之后即擔任其銷售生產子公司Naugatuck/Connecticut,,USA的商務總職位。在職期間他建造了當地的生產和組裝基地,。實施成本核算系統(tǒng)也是他的任務之一,。1992到1994年期間他是Wertach和 Kempten新工廠的商務總,負責Kempten廠的建設和投產。
這位以優(yōu)異成績畢業(yè)的經濟學工程師在Horten AG, Kempten開始了他的職業(yè)生涯,。
Wolfgang Sochor已婚,,并有2個子女。
Michael Knobloch
HAWE Hydraulik SE
Michael Knobloch (47) 從1995年起擔任HAWE Hydraulik, München公司市場和IT部門的總監(jiān),。他負責建立并持續(xù)拓展公司的聯(lián)絡體系。此外他還負責在世界各地建立HAWE的,,并協(xié)助建立在美國,,中國和日本的子公司。并且他還負責領導實施了各種服務于銷售的軟件,,如選型軟件和CRM系統(tǒng),。 此外他還負責包含了慕尼黑,外地,,生產廠,,國外銷售子公司在內的HAWE集團IT建設。2003年他獲得了全權授權,。
這位機械工程師于1992年開始在HAWE Hydraulik擔任行走液壓的設計工作,, 并同時參與了比例多路閥的設計。Knobloch在TU Chemnitz攻讀了制造工具設計,,1990到1992期間在 TU Chemnitz任職,,講授機床設計課程。
他是VDMA流體協(xié)會科學委員會的主席,,Karlsruhe大學 Mobima(行走機械)學科基金委員會的成員,,漢諾威展覽會MDA展覽主席團的成員。
Michael Knobloch已婚,。
bauma 2010: One product for (almost) all applications
"One for all!" is the caption under which HAWE Hydraulik SE from Munich is presenting itself at the bauma 2010 with the proportional directional spool valve, type PSL, taking center stage. This product has been in use for years and is produced in different nominal sizes serving a wide range of diverse applications. The company's booth will show in detail for which functions the valve is being used.
The highlight will be the latest nominal size of the proportional directional spool valve, with which HAWE Hydraulik rounds off the valve type's deployment in various functions of the upper performance class, such as heavy load carrying machines, earth drilling machines, or in zones at risk from explosions. On top, the proportional directional spool valve will also go on display in versions complete with direct CAN actuation for easy integration in CAN field bus systems.
Hydraulic controls fitted with the proportional directional spool valve are characterized by their "precision, sensitivity and speed", as any guest at the trade fair can convince himself from a visit to the booth of HAWE Hydraulik. Proof is provided by a model that was specifically designed for the bauma and which will not only convey the technology but also manages to entertain.
Further product novelties on show are the hydraulic joystick, type KFB 01, for the pilot actuation of proportional directional spool valves and the programmable logic valve control PLVC 8x2 for the convenient actuation of complex hydraulic systems. The product segment pumps will have the V30E-270 variable displacement axial piston pump as tandem version. This pump is particularly suited for applications requiring sturdiness and a high volume flow.
All three products can be ideally combined to interact with the PSL proportional directional spool valve. This holds true in particular for the V30E-270 tandem pump. It pairs up with the proportional directional spool valve to achieve a perfect combination so that the Fair's caption is equally applicable in the reverse direction: "All for one!"
HAWE Hydraulik optimizes climate-friendly production
At the end of January 2010 the Munich-based HAWE Hydraulik SE joined the "Energy-efficiency network Munich/Upper Bavaria". Through signing up, the company commits itself to substantially reduce the energy consumption and CO2 emissions in its production process over the next three-and-half years and save 10% of its previous energy demands.
This shall be achieved through improved handling of pressurized air, water, electric power, heating, consumption of technical gases as well as the optimized maintenance and repair of the machines. The factory in Freising will serve as pilot site, as it is HAWE Hydraulik's biggest facility comprising a total production area of nearly 13,000 sqm. Even the smallest optimizations will have a beneficial effect on the environment and the climate. Later on the experiences gained from this project will be transferred to the other HAWE sites in Munich, Kirchheim, Dorfen and Sachsenkam.
By joining the energy-efficiency network HAWE Hydraulik is adding another component to its operative environment policy. The company had already set a clear sign for environmental protection in 2008 by having its sites in Dorfen and Kirchheim certified with the environmental protection standard DIN EN ISO 14001:2005 that then received a successful audit in 2009. The next step shall see the factory in Freising receiving the environmental management certificate to be followed by the factory in Sachsenkam the year after.
The energy-efficiency network was borne out of the promotional program "30 pilot networks" and the climate protection initiative of the German Federal Environment Ministry (BMU). The program's target is to increase the energy efficiency of the participating companies and to lower CO2 emission by 10%. If successful the companies involved would be improving their energy efficiency faster than the industry average. The project is based on an intensive exchange of experiences between the companies in the network as well as practical scientific consultation.
The 'Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung (ISI - Institute for system and innovation research) in Karlsruhe is accompanying the promotional program which also receives the backing of the German Trade and Industry Chamber (IHK). In addition, independent engineering offices consult and assist the companies, while the 'Forschungssle für Energiewirtschaft e.V. (FfE - Research agency for the energy industry) from Munich is setting up the networks. Hep Monatzeder, Munich city's third mayor is acting as the patron of the "Energy-efficiency network Munich/Upper Bavaria".
HAWE Hydraulik mourns Rudolf Brunner
Rudolf Brunner died on February 3, 2010 aged 82.
He was an outstanding engineer and construction designer. Rudolf Brunner joined the company in 1953 when it still was Heilmeier & Weinlein, Fabrik für Oelhydraulik GmbH & Co. KG, today's HAWE Hydraulik SE. He was with the company for over 40 years, sharing in its small beginning in the neighborhood of Berg am Laim and, as head of construction and "technical brain", assisted and shaped its development into the leading technological manufacturer of components and systems for high pressure hydraulics.
Rudolf Brunner developed products that still hold their unique selling position decades after their inception. These include the leakage-proof unloaded seated valves, which at the time were an absolute novelty in constructive thinking. Radial piston pumps were developed under his helmsmanship which were the first to reach into the high pressure range of 700 bar. Also the success of drop rate braking valves and line rupture safety valves are due to the work of Rudolf Brunner.
Without him HAWE Hydraulik SE would not be the company it is today. Rudolf Brunner was always straightforward, honest and had his feet firmly on the ground. He was an upright and courageous technician, who stood by his ideas and was ahead of his times. Anyone who had the pleasure of working with and for him will not forget this time.
The owners’ family, Management and Supervisory Board, the Works Council and the company's employees are glad and grateful that Rudolf Brunner worked for HAWE Hydraulik. He will always remain one of the major personalities in the company's history.
bauma 2010: Variable displacement axial-piston pump for demanding applications
New product at bauma 2010
Now the variable displacement axial-piston pump, type V30E-270 from HAWE Hydraulik SE, Munich, is suited to a broader range of demanding applications in hydraulics. The redesigned housing extends the range of applications for this pump, for example concrete pumps, harbor cranes or large hydraulic excavators.
A new feature is the mounting flange SAE E conforming the standard SAE J744. This version now comes as third mounting flange variant on top of the existing versions conforming DIN ISO 3019-2/SAE J744 D and SAE J744 E. The shaft versions were also extended by another spline shaft variant according to SAE J744. This way HAWE Hydraulik can offer its customers a wide variety of combination options for the drive shaft and mounting flange, each finely tuned to the specific application.
If the pump is used as tandem combination, i.e. two pumps of the type V30E-270, the load increases. The end housing for the first pump was therefore newly designed to ensure safe transmission of higher drive performances from the first to the second pump. The user can flexibly select the second pump, irrespective of whether he wants to deploy the combination in or stationary applications. The combination with HAWE Hydraulik's variable displacement axial-piston pumps is ideal. Like all other pumps from the V30E series, the V30E-270 type can also be combined with the manufacturer's radial piston pumps, for example to generate a second high pressure level.
The V30E variable displacement axial-piston pump is designed as swash plate built. It is sturdy and generally suited for open circuits both in as well as industrial hydraulics. The purpose-built followers, swash plate bearing and control plate provide the pump with longevity. The extensive controller program supports its many deployment options. The pump model also excels through its low noise level.
The V30E-270 has been designed for an operating pressure of up to 350 bar, with a peak pressure of 420 bar. The volume flow clocks up a maximum of 400 liters at 1.500 rpm, with a geometric displacement of 270 cm3/rev.
Combined with HAWE Hydraulik's proportional directional spool valves and electronic controls the pump easily extends into a fully-fledged and customized hydraulic system. The new nominal size 7 of the proportional directional spool valve is ideally suited for the tandem combination of two V30E-270 pumps. This new nominal size is also newly presented at bauma 2010.
HAWE Hydraulik at the bauma 2010
Hall A4, booth 214
bauma 2010: Easy to control – variable displacement axial-piston pump V60N
New product at bauma 2010
Easy to control – variable displacement axial-piston pump V60N
The variable displacement axial-piston pump type V60N from HAWE Hydraulik SE, Munich, comes with a newly designed load-sensing controller making the pump even more user-friendly and variable to operate.
Type V60N is ideally suited for open circuits in hydraulics such as the ancillary drive of commercial vehicles. The new controller contains a integrated pressure limitation function so that even unusual requirements can be met with little effort. Regardless of the pump being connected to either soft, vibration-prone or rigid and swiftly reacting systems the controller is always easy to adjust, because HAWE Hydraulik has developed a special set screw that serves as the sole adjusting element for the dampening and on-stroke velocity of the pump. This way malsettings can be as good as excluded.
The adjusting screws for the pressure relief and the stand-by pressure are positioned on the controller in direction of the shaft. Even if the pump is already pre-installed, for example at the transmission of a truck, the user can still easily adjust the settings via the screws. The single-piece screen at the load sensing input is maintenance friendly as it can be cleaned and exchanged without the need for special tools.
The special surface finish ensures the controller's longevity, making it a good combination for the variable displacement axial piston pump, type V60N, which also stands for longevity and sturdiness. The new controller also comes in a more compact build compared with its predecessor model. Attached to the pump it requires less height for its installation space.
Type V60N is designed according to the swashplate principle, capable of operating pressures of up to 350 bar and peak pressure of 420 bar. The geometric displacement is up to 110 cm3/rev, with a maximum flow rate of 240 l/min.
The combination of pump and new controller will be available in September 2010.
HAWE Hydraulik at bauma 2010
Hall A4, booth 214
bauma 2010: ,緊湊,,400 l/min – 哈威液壓的比例多路閥
Bauma 2010上展出的新產品
同該型號的其他系列一樣,比例多路閥用于控制液壓執(zhí)行機構的運動方向,,并可不受負載影響地無級控制運動速度,。可以配置變量或定量泵系統(tǒng)。7系列的一個特性是,,通過一個輸入閥片即可達到1000 l/min的流量,,同時可以并行全速操作多個功能。每個功能可不受負載影響地zui高達到400 l/min的流量,。閥芯有多種流量級,,適合執(zhí)行機構的實際需求,不必降低分辨率,。由于A口和B口zui大流量可獨立選擇,,可使一個單活塞桿油缸的往復動作達到同一速度。
HAWE Hydraulik 在 bauma 2010的展位號:
April 19-25, 2010
Hall A4, booth 214
bauma 2010: 可靠的遙控操作
Bauma 2010上展出的新產品
HAWE Hydraulik 在 bauma 2010的展位號:
April 19-25, 2010
Hall A4, booth 214
1/13/10: NG 6 intermediate plates with pressure control valves and bypass valves
HAWE Hydraulik SE, Munich, has developed additional versions of its intermediate plate, type NZP, with the hole pattern NG 6, thereby pursuing its strategy of offering components with tried and tested HAWE technology and hole patterns that conform with industry standards.
Newly added are versions for pressure control valves of the types CDK and CLK. Both these types are built as directional seated valves, which means that they are leakproof when closed. The CLK pressure control valve has an additional safety valve function so it can be integrated into clamping circuits that are pressurized for an extended period of time and subjected to the unwanted pressure increases due to temperature oscillations. The valve is equally well suited for systems in which processing forces or other external factors can trigger inadmissible high pressure peaks. The combination of the NZP intermediate plate with pressure control valves was devised to withstand operating pressures of up to 500 bar and a volume flow of up to 22 l/min.
Further new versions are realized by combining the intermediate plate with directional seated bypass valves. These arrangements connect the hydro consumer and/or the return at volume flows of up to 20 l/min and operating pressure of up to 400 bar, depending on the dimension of the solenoid. Other versions with energy-saving 8-Watt solenoids are also available.
The combination of intermediate plates and drain valves can be used to relieve consumers that are shut with zero-leakage directional seated valves.
Intermediate plates enable the flexible and straightforward assembly of hydraulic controls. Already existing intermediate plate versions can be combined with throttle valves and restrictor check valves as well as proportional pressure valves.
Proportional valves take a firm grip on concrete
圖片 1
User story published in 'Konstruktion', issue 3/10
HAWE Hydraulik SE, Munich, and Zenith Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Neunkirchen, grew up together. Founded in 1949 and 1953 respectively the cooperation between the two companies started back in the 50s of the last century. HAWE Hydraulik develops and distributes hydraulic components and systems for applications of up to 700 bar. Zenith specializes on the development and production of concrete block and paver machines. The advantages of modern proportional spool valve technology are shown in this application. (User story in German language.)
More energy efficiency for machine tools
圖片 1
User story published in 'Der Konstrukteur', special issue 'ASB', April 2009 (German language)