隨著在該系統(tǒng)中溫度的上升,不銹鋼鋼管或外管長度上增加去直接移動溫度調節(jié)器的組合波紋管,從而*時間關閉在1球的位置(黃色到大氣壓)和開啟在2球的位置(紫色到黃色),這將導致輸出壓力(黃色)增加,反之,則開啟1球位置(黃色到大氣壓)和關閉2球位置(紫色到黃色),這將導致輸出壓力為0,這需要保持一個安全閥打開,。ACTION:Direct action; Pilot Output Pressure (Yellow) increases with temperature rise. As long as the temperature is above the set
point, the output will remain at supply pressure. If the pilot flamegoes out, the pressure decreases and drops to zero.
Used as a Pilot safety shutdown or as a high stack temperature shutdown.
-30°F minimum to 2100°F maximum
-34°C minimum to 1149°C maximum
5 psig minimum to 30 psig maximum.
OPERATION:This Thermostat consists of a STAINLESS TUBE for monitoring the pilot flame, which is connected by a Low Expansion Alloy Rod to a BELLOWS ASSEMBLY. The changes in the length of the STAINLESS TUBE operate a PILOT PLUG seat. The PILOT PLUG consists of two stainless balls rigidly connected together. The seat at BALL 1 is the Output Pressure vent (Yellow to Atmosphere). The seat at BALL 2 is the Supply Pressure inlet (Violet to Yellow).
Assume the set point on the HT 12PG is above the temperature of the system. The vent at BALL 1 is open and the inlet at
BALL 2 is closed. Output Pressure (Yellow) is at 0 psig or vented.
As the temperature rises in the system, the STAINLESS TUBE or outer tube increases in length to move the Thermostat Bellows Assembly in a direction to first close the seat at BALL 1 (Yellow to Atmosphere) and open the seat at Ball 2 (Violet to Yellow). Output Pressure (Yellow) increases, opening a safety valve which was blocking gas supply for the burner and pilot light system.
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